Telling the trio

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A/n- hey guys, sorry that it's been a while. Blaise and Hermione's twin connection will be written like this {mind talk}

When the Zabinis got home, the all split up to their separate rooms apart from Blaise and Hermione who both went to Hermione's room. They were just laughing and chatting git a while until Hermione asked Blaise if he would come to Diagon Alley with her in the afternoon.

"Yes, course. Why?"

"Because I want to send an owl to Harry and Ron to see if they can meet at the three broomsticks tomorrow to tell them about this and I wanted you to come with me." Blaise agreed whole heartedly. There was a sudden tap on the window, they turned round to see the Malfoy owl outside the window. They jet out in and read the letter.

Hermione, Blaise,
We wondered if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, away from the manor, just the 5 of us and George, if you want. We could go to Diagon Alley or something, it doesn't really matter. We had a lot of fun tonight and hope to see you tomorrow.
Love Ginny, Theo and Draco xxx

Ps, that was Ginny by the way. Luv ya Mione xxxxxxx

Hermione knew that it was Ginny by the way it was written and was glad that she wanted to hang out with her still. Blaise, on the other hand, didn't realise who it was but was planning on writing an owl to say no as they already had plans. When he proposed this to Hermione, she didn't agree.

"I think that we should agree then go out with them in the morning then when we meet the other two, they can come in too, but maybe sit on another table at first. I'm not sure how the boys will take it so if it's all well then we can all sit together, if not me and you can go off with them and forget about the idiots." Blaise agreed in the end and sent an owl explaining the plan. They received an affirmative answer from the Malfoy Manor.

The group arranged to meet at George's shop at 11. He lives above the shop now as the Burrow was too stressful however he wasn't working at the shop at the moment because he couldn't stand people mistaking him for Fred. He vowed that he would work again but just not yet. It was now 11:15 and the only people there were Blaise, Hermione and George.

"Where are the Malfoys and Theo?!" We all shrugged just as a voice rang out behind us. "Here George, don't get your knickers in a twist." George immediately recognised the voice if his 'sister'. He turned round and ran up to his sister and began tickling her whilst teasing her playfully.

"Dray, help me." She screamed in between laughs. Draco agrees and shouts "Rictusempra." George throws himself away from Ginny, laughing from the tickling charm that Draco just cast on him. "Now, apologise to my sister." George gave in and apologized then they ask went together to the ice cream parlour for elevenses.

They hung out until 2, when they headed to the Three Broomsticks where Hermione was meeting the rest of the trio. When they got there, there were two tables not that far apart from each other so the group occupied them. The table arrangements are as follows: Hermione, Blaise and Ginny on one table and George, Draco and Theo on another. Just as they all got seated, Harry and Ron walked in. The three boys on the other table sent Hermione a encouraging smile then put the menu up so that they weren't seen.

"Hey, guys." Ginny spoke first as they already knew who she was. Ron's face twisted into a grimace when he saw who spoke.

"What do you want ferret jr?" At the other table Draco tensed at the insult towards his sister.

"Chill." George reprimanded. Draco nodded. Meanwhile, Harry elbowed Ron in the ribs, clearly not agreeing with weasel.

"Hey Gin, sorry but we can't talk, we're meeting Mione. Why are you sitting with Zabini? I know you're a Malfoy but seriously?" Both Blaise and Hermione went to get up but instead Hermione grabbed Blaise's hand indicating for him to stay down.

{What are you doing Mione?} Hermione jumped slightly at the voice in her head before remembering that her mum told her about the twin telepathy thing.

{Just trust me.}

"Ronald. Harry. I think that you should come and take a seat. Hermione is sitting with us."

"Why would she be sitting with traitors and death eaters as you-women- are clearly a Zabini?" Ron spoke and apparently Harry wanted to know the answer enough not to have a go at Ron for this.

{Sorry Mi. I'm not waiting anymore.}

{Mi?} Blaise shot her a look before standing up and saying "Just sit down and listen to what has to be said!"

"Not with you, you filthy death ea-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" George yelled at his brother. He stood up and walked away from his table towards the boys. "Just sit down and leave the insults at the door." Ron was mumbling something about George being bossy however followed him never the less. One they were sitting, Harry asked when Hermione was getting here.

"Actually she is already here. Hang on before I carry on Silencio."

{Good call, Mi. Now they can't interrupt you.} Hermione nodded to Blaise before continuing.

"I'm sorry about the spell but otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this. You were correct I am a Zabini although I used to be Hermione Granger. My name is Hermione Gaia Zabini." Then she continued to tell her best friends the story. During the story, Hermione got closer and closer to Blaise, seeking her twin's comfort. Now she was finished, she took the charm off the two people in front of them.

"You're a Zabini. That's fine. You are still my Mia. And if I can accept Ginny being a Malfoy then I can accept you being a Zabini." Harry said to Hermione then winked at her. She was so happy that her best friend accepted her. One down, one to go.

"So you're a a Zabini. You've gone from a mudbl" he was interrupted by Blaise casting a Silencio charm on him to save Hermione from torture. When he was sure Ron wasn't going to say that. "Not cool Zabini. And you went from what Bellatrix scarred you with to a death eater. Harry, I can't believe you actually accept this death eater. Their leader killed your parents and George they killed your twin, our brother. It may have even been them!" By the end of Ron's speech, Hermione was crying into her brothers arms. Draco and Theo couldn't take it anymore shoo they stormed up to Ron just as Ginny and George open their mouths to speak. Instead, Draco and Theo grabbed one of Ron's arms each and carried him out of the pub. "Get off me, you death eaters!" He screamed.

As soon as Draco put Ron down, he rushed back to Hermione who was still crying at the table. Everyone was around this table, moaning about Ron and trying to comfort Hermione. It wasn't long until Theo ran over to them again. Draco crouched down in front of Hermione. "Mione, it's Draco." She threw herself at Draco, crying hard still. Most people were slightly shocked but after the previous nights events, weren't really surprised. All but Harry who was flabbergasted. At the force of Hermione's weight on him, he stumbled backwards and ended up sitting on the floor with her on his lap. He decided that he didn't want to sit in the floor as there was a draught so he lifted her up and sat on the chair with her on his lap again. She continued to cry for a few minutes then relaxed after Draco's calming words.

"He's not worth your tears Mia."

"Yes Mione, I reacted the same way but Draco helped me too. Just like he just did for you. Ron clearly wasn't who he seemed to be, if a last name changes his opinion on people then he's shallow and unworthy of your friendship."

"Thanks Gin"

{You know you're still sitting on my best friends lap.} Hermione blushed. {Now you're blushing, Mi.} She shot her brother a death glare that was noticed by Theo but chose to ignore it. Hermione realising that she was still on Draco's lap, got up but immediately missed his body warmth. Draco too, missed Hermione's warmth.

"Let's go take your mind off things. Hang out at ours?" Blaise asks everyone. "And po- Harry you are welcome too of course." Everyone agrees and heads to the Zabini manor. When they get there, they check with the parents if it was ok for a sleepover. The answer was yes so everytime went to pack their things then came back for a night of fun.

A/n- hey guys, I hope that was good. Dramione has started!!!!!!!! I am sorry but I'm going to do the cliche truth or dare sleepover but it will be a bit different. Comment if I should wrote 8th year into this story xxxxxxx

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