The brotherly chat

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Hermione found herself sitting on a sofa, in a house that was unfamiliar to her although very large and welcoming. she glanced around slightly a her surroundings until something caught her eye at which point she stood up to observe it further. it was a picture. a picture of her with a child. the child had platinum blond hair and dark grey orbs as eyes. He looked like a younger replica of-- no don't go there. trying to take her mind of that picture, she turned around to look at the other photos. meanwhile reasoning to herself about that boy in the photo. "Even if it is his, I am his best mates sister, I am probably babysitting." but this thought was struck down by the next pic she saw. this photo was what looked like a family portrait. a portrait of her, the bot from the picture and Draco Malfoy. but that wasn't the odd part, the odd part was; Draco was kissing her on the cheek and holding the little boy's hand. Hermione shook the thoughts out of her head and continued to look around. all the walls were lined with photos and ever photo she could see contained her, Draco or the little boy, all waving or laughing. she realised with a crash that this must be- in fact- her own house. this is when she saw one specific picture. this picture had Hermione in a pure white dress with a red ribbon round her abdomen and a red and green bouquet in her hand. this hand was slung over none other that Draco Malfoy's shoulders and her legs were out in front of her as Draco help them up. he was holding her- in a very handsome suit- bridal style. Hermione backed up slightly, hitting the sofa once more before collapsing on to it. all of a sudden, a voice erupted into her stunned silence.

"Hey baby, Scorp is at Blaise's now so we are free for the night. " as the voice came closer it stopped abruptly upon seeing the stunned woman on the couch. "You ok, Love?" he asked. Hermione then felt the sofa dip next to her. she shook her head free of thoughts and thought 'is this really so bad?' she answered her own question. 'of course it's not, this is a dream not a nightmare, isn't it?' a smile crept onto her lips.

"Yes I'm fine, zoned out a bit there though. so you say we have a free house. anything we want to do we can?" A smirk had replaced the smile upon her lips as she spoke seductively to the blonde next to her.

"That is what I said. what do you have in mind?" his eyebrows lifted in a very seductive manner before he began kissing her passionately. Hermione sunk into her husbands arms and relaxed into the kiss when a sudden force threw him across the room, followed by an all too familiar cackle of laughter.

Hermione shot up to see the same person that makes regular appearances in her mind, the same person who caused her so much pain, the same person who wrote 'mudblood' on her arm. her hand instinctively grabbed for her wand in her left pocked of her jeans but it wasn't in there. that's when she noticed that it was on the dining room table which was a good 10 feet away. her mind was working overtime in order to find a way to get there quickly when a sharp pain went threw her. she knew this sharp pain very well and she knew that she couldn't last long but she wouldn't land on the floor yet. she wouldn't give that bitch the satisfaction. However, another wave of pain hit her, this one stronger than the lost so she crumpled onto the floor and began writhing in pain. when the pain at stopped for a brief moment, realisation came over her. her scar had reopened and was bleeding profusely and her body still ached immensely but she braced knowing another low of the Cruciatus curse was about to come. and it did. she wasn't sure how many more of these hits she could take. she wasn't even sure she could take one more but she didn't find out at that moment because there was no spell. her eyes opened slowly and painfully when she heard shouting, not shouting of spells but shouting in general. that was when she saw Draco and his aunt fighting. she heard a few phrases but couldn't make it all out with her ears ringing loudly. " How dare you touch her again!" things like this went over and over until she heard one dreaded spell, said in too much of a high pitched voice to be Draco.

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