The Cursed Scar

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A/N- For those who don't know, this is a shared account with my cousin. Anythind she writes will be ended with ~C otherwise it's me. Anyway, go read the first chapter of her friend's new story! It is SO GOOD! ItzRhysJackson

She saw the manor she was astounded. The manor
looked spectacular, it was huge and it was elegant. Hermione's feet subconsciously took her forwards, toward the manor, wanting to see more. Viola, Matteo and Blaise found it quite funny that she was so eager but followed her never the less. Hermione reached out and touched the door when there was a sudden click. She drew her hand back quickly.

"It's ok dear, the door detects your Zabini blood. I added you to the charm yesterday." Hermione nodded then proceeded to walk in. She was greeted with a glamourous Hadley with family portraits lining it. "Blaise do you want to show your sister to her room?"

"Yes, ok mum" Hermione was about to follow Blaise upstairs when he grabbed her and the her over his shoulder. He then levitated the case in front of them and took it to her room.

"Blaise let me down! Blaise!" Hermione was screaming and laughing whilst pounding Blaise's back. Blaise didn't let her down until they got to a room that had HZ on the door. Hermione looked at Blaise then walked into her new room. It was elegant and purple which was Hermione's favourite colour. When she saw it, she gasped.
" Oh my god Blaise. This is beautiful!" He just chuckled.  

She walked around, examining things when Blaise asked a question.

"What's that Mione?" Hermione was confused on he was talking about until he pointed to her left arm. "On your arm?"

"Oh, that doesn't matter, it's nothing. "

"Hermione." She sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to give up.

"It should have been glamoured, when our parents took the glamour off me, it must have been taken off as well." She rambled a bit, mostly to herself. "Blaise, promise me that you won't tell our parents about it?"

"Why, they would stand by you."

"I know, but the Malfoys and Lestranges were close to the Zabinis years ago and I don't want to speak ill of friends of the family."

"If they carved 'mudbl-"

"NO!!" Blaise was kind of taken aback by the sudden scream. "I'm sorry Blaise, I didn't mean to shout at you, it's just..." She wasn't sure if she could continue but Blaise noticed this and led her to her bed where they sat. He have her hand a squeeze and face her a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Mione."

"No, you have a right to know especially now that I have shouted at you. It's just, I have only told this to a few people- George being one of them so its hard to say. I'm sure you know that when me and the boys were in 7th year, we hunted horcruxes but got caught and taken to Malfoy Manor. Yes, well, when we arrived I had put a stinging jinx on Harry so they didn't know who he was and they got Draco to tell them who we were. You could see that he knew it was Harry but he didn't say anything, he wanted to protect us but then Bellatrix saw that we had the sword of Gryffindor. She had a fake one in her vault at Gringotts however she believed it to be real do she thought that we had stolen it from her vault therefore she tortured me to try and find out what we took. The Truth was we never- by that time- had gone in her vault, we did break on afterwards but that wasn't the point. She used a magical blade to carve that into my skin so that I could never forget what filth I was except I found out that it isn't only a scar, marking me, it's a cursed scar. Because if the magical blade she used, we can't heal it also everytime someone says what's written in my skin, it tortures me again; sending a sharp pain up my arm and reopening the scar. That's why I screamed to stop you saying it." Both Hermione and Blaise were crying now. Blaise hugged his sister and whispered in her ear.

"I'm so sorry Mione. That's awful. I should never have asked you to repeat it."

"No it's fine, I'm actually glad that I did, it feels good to get that off my chest. "

"Wait, did you say that Draco was there? Why did he never tell me about this! Everytime he so much as called you a know it all at school, he'd come and tell me about it, feeling terrible so why not tell me about this? And-"

"Blaise, Draco feels guilty about it, he wrote me a letter apologising for not stopping it but I told him it wasn't his fault and that he would've him himself killed of he had tried. He didn't say anything to anyone about what happened because of the guilt he felt and the pain it caused him to even talk about it. He says that he has nightmares and can still hear my screams. I don't blame him for not saying anything as you shouldn't either. I know how bad nightmares are when it comes to that so I feel bad for him."

"Ok. Promise me that you'll talk to me though. Even if you have a nightmare and want to chat or even sit in silence, come find me, my room is next door, ok?"Hermione nodded. "If you hadn't told anyone then who did you talk to before with your nightmares?"

"Harry and Ron, they were there so they knew what happened. No explaining needed." Blaise nodded this time before hugging Hermione tightly. They then wiped their eyes and went downstairs.


When they got down to the living room, they saw their mother getting up from the floor. "Oh hello, my darlings. Two things. One, Hermione, this is s map of the manor as I know that it's quite large. Two, I was just I a floo call with Narcissa Malfoy- I know you've had problems with the Malfoys but Narcissa and Draco aren't like Lucius and they've just been pardoned."

"I know, I testified in favour of them." Both Zabinis looked at her with shock written on their faces. Blaise more do after hearing about her experience at Malfoy Manor.

"Oh ok, well, she has invited us for dinner at 7 as she's excited to meet our lost princess and they have their own news. The dinner is at Malfoy Manor."

"Mum, are you sure we have to go to Malfoy Manor."

"Yes Blaise, they invited us so we go to then we will have them round another time."

"But mum, it's just-"

"It's fine Blaise. I think that it would be a great idea but I was wondering if I could bring a friend as I'm not that close with Draco."

"That's great but I only see one issue, your friends don't have a great history with us and the Malfoys."

"Don't worry, I can bring a mutual friend. I'm sure Draco wouldn't mind having him over."

"In that case, of course. I will let Cissy know to set 5 places. It will be a smart casual affair." Blaise then dragged Hermione out the room.

"Hermione, are you sure you want to go to Malfoy Manor, you don't have to."

"No it's fine, if I am a Zabini then I would have to go sooner or later."

"Ok if your sure. Now who's this 'mutual friend'?" Hermione only answer was her tapping the side of her nose before walking of, leaving Blaise to wonder.

In her room she wrote a letter to her friend.

Hey T,
I've found at that I'm not a Granger, I'm not a muggle born at all. In in fact a Zabini. I have been invited over to Malfoy Manor for a smart casual meal tonight at 7 and I was wondering if you would come. Considering my history with that place and the Malfoys, I'm not really comfortable with it. Yes I've forgiven them but I'm not sure if I'm ready for a dinner party with just then and my New family.

When I asked mum if I could take a friend she said about my friends not having good history with the Zabinis our the Malfoys but then I said that I would bring a mutual friend she agreed. I haven't told them who you are, I want to see their face. Please reply as soon as you can. If you can come, meet us at 7:15 at Malfoy Manor.
Love M xxxxx

She sent it and awaited a reply. She didn't have to wait long before her o came swooping back in.

Hey M,
I would love to come. Their face is going to be so funny. Blaise and Draco won't be expecting this.
Love T xxxx

Hermione smiled to herself, this is going to be good.

A/n- hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this, a bit of a cliffy. Keep reading to find out who the mutual friend is. Xxxxxx

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