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Hermione's POV

It's been 2 weeks since we decided to have this ball and I have already had 4 requests to be their date which I have refused. This is getting silly, why doesn't Draco just ask me. I'm really not that scary.

I try to push the fact I'm still dateless to the back of my head so I can have a nice breakfast with Blaise. When I get downstairs however, Blaise had a smirk on his face. "why do you look so... Slytheriny?" He seemed amused by my question.

"I just need to tell you that Draco is coming over in an hour to pick you up to take you somewhere so be ready." How vague thanks Blaise. I have an hour to get ready fo a mystery location. Nothing like short notice.

I thought to myself that it's Draco so it's probably going to be nice so I decided to go for denim and a nice top so that it works for most events. As well as baby pink makeup.

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Just as I finished applying my lip stick, there was a knock at the door

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Just as I finished applying my lip stick, there was a knock at the door.

"Sis, Draco is he- wow, you look great Mi." I blushed and thanked Blaise before heading down to the door.

When I walked down the stairs, Draco was facing the other way so I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned and smiled down at me.

"You look beautiful Mione. But do you always sneak up behind friends?" I stuttered slightly before he continued. "Technically this is a date so I can forgive you." With that he lifted a blushing me up and spun me around then placed me back on the floor and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"So Draco, what are we doing? I didn't know what to wear so I hope this outfit is appropriate because I-"

"Mione. You look gorgeous don't worry!" I blushed as he looked down at me with pure adoration in his eyes. He lead me to this Gazebo in the park. It was decorated with lights and flowers. It looked amazing. Muggles were walking past it like it wasn't even there and that's when I realised that there must be a charm on it so we could have a private picnic. I looked up at Draco and smiled. I wrapped my arm round him and whispered "Thank you so much! This is beautiful."

"Anything for you, Mione" and he led me into the gazebo where this delicious picnic was laid out. We sat and ate and laughed. I had a great time. I was caught up in the moment when a voice popped into my head {Mi, how's your date?}
{Well it was amazing but this annoying guy who I can here the smirk behind his words btw decided to interrupt it}
{Oo, fiesty, im sorry sis}

Sometimes I hate this little voice! "Mione is everything alright?"

"Yh, yh sorry it was Blaise. He was talking to me."

" oh right. What did he say? Anything important?" Draco rushed out almost alarmed.

"not really. Just asked how it was going. Are you alright?"

" yh sorry. I'm fine. I'm just nervous..." I looked at him questioningly when he didn't explain I coaxed him to. "Well, Mione, I have liked you for a while now. Since school to be honest with you and I can't say how sorry I am for how I treated you. It was awful and it broke me to say such awful things to you. But when I found out you were a zabini, my heart sort of dropped because you were my best mates sister. I couldn't do anything but he gave me his blessing from like day 1. And I want to ask you something. Will you be my date to our ball?" I looked at him with tears threatening to fall. No one had ever said something so kind to me. I just stared. I didn't say anything so he began to stutter and worry which I realised was probably my queue to speak.

"Dray, I would love to be your date to the ball and maybe something else?" I prompt, honestly trying my luck. He smiles then smirks and asks me to be his girlfriend which I am so happy about. I internally scream.

{For Merlin sake Hermione! I am assuming he finally asked you but no need to scream!!}
{Sorry bro, but yh he asked me to be his date and his girlfriend} blaise said something else but I wasn't listening because I was staring at Draco's lips as they got closer to mine.

When our lips finally met- as cliche as it sound- I felt fireworks that I had never felt. Not with Krum or Ron or anyone. This was such an amazing feeling. I was happy finally. Blissful. After I don't even know how long we separated and decided we should head back to the manor and go swimming or something because we had become very hot in the sun and the excitement.

On our slow walk back, I braced myself for pansy and Ginny and everyone because there's no way blaise didn't tell them.

A/n~ I am so so so sorry it's been absolutely ages. There's no excuse for it but I feel like I must at least explain. I've been in hospital for the last 3 weeks seriously ill so I didn't have a chance to write but I am feeling better now so hopefully I'll have some new chapters soon.

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