I'm a what???

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A/n- hey guys, enjoy xxxxxx

After her night at the Weasleys, Hermione returned back to her house to sort through some of her parents things. She had brought back an unexpected visitor though. It was George Weasley. He decided that he wanted to get out the Burrow as everyone was 'stepping on egg shells' around him, being careful they don't mention anything that would remind him of Fred and as much as he appreciated the concern, it was getting annoying. In a way Hermione was glad that George came with her for moral support. After all, her parents may still be alive but they didn't remember she existed so her parents- the Grangers- were dead. She also knew that George wouldn't judge her if she did get upset our comment on it again whereas certain people *cough*Ron*cough* would bring it up again. There was no time to dwell though as Hermione wanted to get all of it done by her 18th birthday- which was in 2 days.

The first place they went was the attic as they thought they would start far away then get closer to the front door. They went through mountains and mountains of boxes, many extremely ordinary. It would've been boring if it wasn't for George. You could see a bit of the old George coming out when he made jokes about certain things that they found. Hermione noticed that it wasn't strained jokes like be occasionally did at the Weasleys to try and show that he was ok but real jokes like he used to do with Fred. This was progress and Hermione was glad. She was also glad that she hadn't broken down in tears yet because everything was going well and she didn't want to ruin that. They continued looking through the boring boxes until George found something of interest. He wasn't sure if it was really good or bad but he did know that it was interesting and important.

"'Mione? I found something that you might want to see." Hermione looked at him quizically but then took the papers that were being held out to her. Once she began reading them, the tension built in the air. Hermione became more and more rigid, the further along she got and George held his breathe ready for her response.

"I'M ADOPTED?!" She screamed suddenly. George didn't say anything, instead embraced her in a tight hug. She relaxed into the hug until the doorbell rang. With a hug, George got up to answer the door. He shouted down that he was coming and Hermione composed herself and followed him down, seeing as it was her house. George opened the door and was surprised to see who was on the other side. It was the Zabinis.

"Mr and Mrs Zabini, Blaise." George greeted.

"Um hello, George Weasley is it?" After an affirmative nod, Mr Zabini carried on. "Does Hermione still live here?" George turned towards Hermione to find out whether she wanted them to know she was there. She nodes slightly, her curiosity getting the better of her. George opened the door wider so that they could see Hermione behind him. When Mrs Zabini saw Herr, she broke down in tears.

"Oh my god, you're so beautiful." She gushed. Hermione blushed although was puzzled as why these almost complete strangers were complimenting her and crying over her beauty. She didn't even think that she was that pretty. Sure, she had grown into her looks but she still wouldn't have said she was beautiful enough to cry over.

"I hate to be rude, but why are you at my door?"

"Before we explain that, can we come in?" She nodded mutely and stood aside for them to enter. She showed them to the dining room.

"Excuse the mess, the death eaters came here looking for me or ones I loved and I have only just returned so I haven't had a chance to tidy up."

"That's fine dear, I hope this isn't overstepping but are you parents going to be here as I am sure she'd want to be here for this." Hermione tensed. George noticed this, grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Blaise noticed this -as they were still standing- and raised his eyebrows whilst trending himself. He had assumed that when the death eaters came, the had killed the Grangers because of Hermione's body language. He had had enough of death and he really didn't want to hear about anymore.

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