Ch. 8 The Drunk Pizza Party

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Your POV

Once Aaron, Katelyn and Lucinda show up, we all started to drink beer and eat pizza. It was a really good time.

2 hours later

We had eaten all but 1 pizza. And each of us had had a few beers, except for Aaron, who only had 2.  Aphmau, Katelyn, and Lucinda had gotten so drunk, that they had striped completely naked, except for Aphmau, who still had her panties on. I was so drunk that I had taken off my jacket. Since it was very late, Aaron, who was the most sober, convinced Aph to crash on his couch for the night. But neither of us could convince Katelyn nor Lucinda to crash anywhere else for the night. So they passed out on my couch. I told Aaron that they'd be fine for the night, even though I knew Lucinda would be all over me later in the night, but I knew that Katelyn would be fine. Aaron picked up the half naked, drunk, and half asleep Aphmau. I helped him collect the rest of her clothes, unaware that she had grabbed my blue jacket when I had taken it off and was hiding it in her balled up shirt. Once Aaron had all of Aph's stuff, they left and went to Aaron's house. I grabbed 2 blankets. I threw one on the naked Katelyn. Then I threw the other on the naked Lucinda, even though I knew Lucinda would take it off and find me upstairs later on. So I headed upstairs, took off my pants, and fell asleep the second my head hit the bed.

Aaron's POV

After Y/N helps me gather all of Aph's things, I thank him and then carry my drunk and half naked girlfriend to my house. As I carry her inside, I realized that she is giggling hysterically about something. I ask her, "What's so funny?" She answers in a drunken way (not 100% clearly said, words are a little slurred) "I don no wha you talkin' 'bout." I tell her, "Nevermind." I just ignore the giggling. She is probably just giggling because of the alcohol. I lay her on my couch, put her clothes on the floor next to the couch, throw a blanket over her. Then I headed upstairs, took off my jacket, lay on my bed and fell asleep.

Aphmau's POV

I can't believe that I managed to steal Y/N's jacket without him or anyone else noticing. If I really did take it, I'll use it as an excuse to talk to him tomorrow.

Michi's POV

I saw that Aphmau stole Y/N's jacket. So when Aphmau fell asleep. I sneak in thru the window, grab Y/N's jacket, and sneak back out the window. Aphmau was so drunk that if realizes that she doesn't have the jacket in the morning, she'll just think that her grabbing the jacket was just her imagination. I'll use this jacket as leverage to force Y/N to have sex with me. Michi out.

Your POV

3 hours later

Just like last time, I wake up at 3am to a makeout session with Lucinda. She says to me, "The spell is still active. So, shall we?" I say in reply, "We shall." She pulls off my boxers and begins to suck my 10 inch cock. I start groaning as I feel a knot start to form. I say, "I-I'm g-g-gonna c-cum!" Then I released in her mouth. Then I stick my cock inside her pussy and begin to thrust. She moans my name and we climax together. Eventually we passed out on my bed, naked with my dick in her pussy.

Hope you all enjoyed the tiny lemon at the end of this chapter. The next chapter will have a lemon in it.
Master out.

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