Ch. 22 Blaze To The Rescue!

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Blaze's POV

I enter the house and find that nobody's home. So I sniff for Y/N's scent. It's a lot stronger. He must be in here somewhere. I find a set of stairs going deep underground. I go down the stairs. I find a room with a reinforced steel door with a ton of locks on one wall and shelves with random junk on them against the other walls. I accidentally trip over something on the floor. I grab the table next to me to help me stand back up and I end up knocking an empty glass bottle to the floor, shattering it.

Your POV
I'm woken up by the sound of a glass bottle breaking. I try to stand up but pain shoots throughout my leg and my ankle. Ivy and Sasha had managed to make me twist my ankle purposely to prevent me from escaping.
So I call out to whoever is outside of the door, knowing that it's most likely not Ivy or Sasha because they would've been more careful. I call out, "Hello? Is somebody there?" I hear a guy with a familiar voice answer, "Yes. I'm here. Who are you?" I respond, "My name is Y/N. I was kidnapped and brought here. I've been here for I'm not sure how long. Can you let me out?" The guy says, "Y/N? Thank Irene, I've found you. My name is Blaze. It's been a couple years since we last saw each other. Everybody has been worried sick about you. You've been missing for about a week. I'm going to break these locks and let you out."
I say to him, "Blaze? I thought your voice sounded familiar. Thank Irene, one of you guys found me. You don't want to know what I've been through since I got to this place." Blaze breaks the last lock on the door and pulls it open. He says to me, "Can you walk?" I shake my head no and say, "I twisted my ankle. I think it might also be sprained." He says, "Okay. Looks like I'll have to carry you. Ready?" I nod and say, "Yes, I'm ready." He picks me up and carries me up the stairs and out of the house.
He calls to Daniel, "Hey Daniel. Call Aaron. Tell him that we found Y/N and that we're on our way back to MyStreet." Daniel responds, "Ok." The Daniel pulls out his phone and calls Aaron.

Aphmau's POV

Lucinda, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan have been taking care of me since Y/N went missing. They could see that him going missing made me sad, worried, and upset. Lucinda even gave me Y/N's jacket to help confort me. I've been wearing his jacket since then.
Suddenly, Lucinda hurries into my room and says, "Aaron just called me. He told me that Blaze and Daniel found him! They found Y/N in a house in the woods. Blaze said he's alive but he's weak and a little bit injured."
I look her straight in eyes and say, "Are you serious? My love is still alive?" She hugs me and says, "Of course, I'm serious. Your love is still alive." I say to her, "I still need to tell him personally about my feelings toward him. And that Aaron and I broke up."

There's still so much of the story to come. Will Y/N tell Aphmau what happened to him or not? That'll be  in the next chapter.
Master out.

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