Ch. 19 Kidnapped

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Your POV

10 hours later

When I come to, I noticed that place I'm at is dark, cold, and a little damp. When my eyes adjust to the dimly lit room, I realize that I'm in a basement or cellar of some sort. The cold and damp air around me makes me shiver. I go to zip up my jacket, and I realize it's gone. I must've dropped it when that person knocked me out with the chloroform.
I scan the room for a way to escape. The only way in or out of the room is a metal door. I rush over to it and try to pull it open. But despite my efforts, it doesn't budge. It must be a reinforced steel door with a lot of reinforced locks.
I think of another way to get out. It's a stupid idea, but I get out my phone. But I have no service and my phone's battery is at 10%. The time on my phone reads 10:15 pm. Well I'm definitely going to either make Garroth very angry or very worried. I hope it's the latter of the two.
Just then, I hear 2 different pair of footsteps. The door opens and 2 girls come into the room and shut the door behind them. The one that knocked me out earlier has white hair, purple eyes, and she's wearing a black hoodie with matching black shorts. The other girl has light magenta hair, blue eyes, and she's wearing a dark red outfit. The white haired one says, "Oh good. You're awake. Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Sasha." Then the magenta haired girl says, "And I'm Ivy. We both know who you are, Y/N. But we want you to fuck us whenever we want." Sasha says to me, "To put it simply, you're our new sex slave." Then they both laugh maniacally. I think to myself, I'm never going to see Aphmau ever again. Or anybody else either.

Garroth's POV

9 hours ago (12:15pm or "quarter after noon")

I turn to Dante and Travis and say, "Y/N should have been here 15 minutes ago. He doesn't live that far away. And he said he was on his way." Dante says, "Maybe he forgot something, and went back for it. Like his jacket, we all know that his jacket means a lot to him. Maybe he forgot it and went back for it." Travis says, "Maybe he decided to do it with someone."
I turn to Travis and say, "Sadly, I know that's not it because when I first called him, a girl answered. But I promised not to say who it was."
I finally come up with a decision. I say to Dante and Travis, "You guys can go on ahead and go bowling without me. I'll stay here and wait for Y/N. I'll call you guys if and when he gets here."

5 hours later (4 hours before Y/N wakes up)
I'm pacing back and forth. I've tried calling Y/N's phone 10 times, but each time it goes straight to voicemail. I'm starting to get worried that something bad had happened to him.
Just then, Travis and Dante open the door and come inside. Dante asks me, "Y/N still isn't here yet?" I shake my head no and say, "No. I tried calling his phone 10 times. But each time, it goes straight to voicemail. I have a bad feeling that something happened to him on his way over." Travis says, "We call everyone else to see if they know where Y/N is or what happened to him."

4 hours later

We're all tired. After calling up everyone to search for answers, we come up with nothing. Nobody knows where Y/N is or what may have happened to him. Travis and Dante went to bed about an hour ago because they were exhausted.
All I do know is that nobody has seen him since before noon. I know that Aphmau is a little upset about Y/N missing for some reason. I know that Lucinda casted a spell on him to ensure that anything that he happened to him or that he was forced to do won't cause something to happen that Y/N will regret forever. She specifically said that, for example, if he's forced to have sex with someone, they won't get pregnant. It made sense to me in a way.
I decide to head up to bed and sleep. I say to myself, "I'll go to his house to look for clues in the morning." Then I start to drift off to sleep.
Then out of the blue, my phone rings. It's Lucinda. I answer it, still tired, and say, "Lucinda, this better be important. I'm tired and I was just about to fall asleep." I notice that she sounds really worried and concerned. She says, "You won't believe what I just found laying on the ground all by itself." Now I'm wide awake because of her tone. I ask her over the phone, "What? What did you find? What is it?" She answers, "I found a light blue zip-up hoodie with white drawstrings and red trim on the sleeves." I gasp and say to her, stammering, "P-please t-t-tell you're k-kidding." She says, "I wish I was. Garroth, get some sleep. I'll call you guys in the morning. We'll all meet at my house tomorrow, and tell everyone else what I found."

This was a big twist that I bet that most people weren't expecting.
Master out.

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