Ch. 68 The Playdate

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Your POV

3 years later

I go into the kids' bedroom and wake them up. Greg looks at me and says, "When do we get to pway wit Haiwey?" I smile and say, "Later today, I'll take you and your sister over to Aunt Lucinda's house." Greg gets excited and cheers.

2 hours later

After we all finish eating, I get the kids in the car and drive them to Lucinda's house. When we get there, Lucinda lets us inside. I put Greg and Emma in the play pen with Hailey.
I turn to Lucinda and say, "Ok, I'll come back for the kids in about 3-4 hours. Or do you need me to pick them up sooner?" Lucinda answered, "No, 3-4 hours is okay. And thanks for letting Greg and Emma play with their half-sister."
I respond, "No problem. I'll text you when I'm on my way to pick them up." I turn to Greg and Emma, and say to them, "Daddy will pick you two up later, okay? I love you." They both say back, "I wove (love) you too, Daddy." I turn back to Lucinda and say, "See you later."
Then I go back home to Aph. I find her sitting on the couch with her ears and tail out. I change into my full wolf form, something that I hadn't done since I was a kid, and walk into the living room in front of her.

Aphmau's POV

I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV, when a brown dog walks in front of me and hops on the couch next to me. It laid its head on my lap. I say to it as I started petting it, "Where did you come from big guy? Y/N must have brought you here. Where is he anyway?" I start to look around for him. I feel the dog move a little.
Then I hear Y/N say, "I'm right here." I turn to look towards the dog and see Y/N laying there instead, with his ears and tail out. I asked him, "Where did the brown dog go?"

Your POV

She asked me, "Where did the brown dog go?" I laugh and say, "The dog didn't go anywhere. That was me." She looks at me confused. I say, "I was in my full wolf form. I'll try to help you do it tomorrow. That way you, me, and the kids can have a family bonding experience together."
We snuggle up on the couch together and watched TV. After awhile, Aphmau falls asleep with her head on my shoulder.

3 and a half hours later

I look at my phone to check the time. I think to myself, I should probably go get the kids. I text Lucinda and tell her that I'll be there to pick up the kids in a few minutes. She replies okay. I start to get up, which wakes up Aphmau. She says, "Where are you going?"
I answer her, "I'm going to go get the kids. I'll be back in a few minutes. I love you, sweetheart." I kiss her on the lips. She says, "I love you too."
I head towards my car. But before I could get in it, someone hits me in the back of the head. Then everything went black.

Bet you guys thought I was done with the kidnapping thing. There might be a lemon in the next chapter.
Master out.

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