Ch. 50 Telling The Truth

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Aphmau's POV

Suddenly I hear someone burst through the door. I see Aaron run over to me. He notices that Y/N isn't moving and says, "What happened?" I start crying and say, "I got angry at him."
Aaron grabs me by the shoulders, looks me in the eyes, and asks, "What exactly did you do?" I explained to him what had happened and that I had gotten angry and that I had kicked Y/N hard in the stomach.
Aaron goes back to Y/N's body, and checks to make sure that I didn't kill him. I ask, "Did I kill him?" Aaron answers me, "No, you didn't kill him. He's just unconscious. He should wake up by tomorrow morning. If he doesn't, come get me immediately. I'll take him upstairs to the bedroom."
Then he picks up Y/N's body, and carries him upstairs. When Aaron comes back, he says to me, "Next time, try to be more careful. You're a werewolf now. Werewolves are a lot stronger than humans, especially when they're angry." I say to him, "Okay. I didn't know."
He says to me, "I know you didn't. That's why I told you. Good night." Then he left.

Your POV

The Next Day

I wake up in bed. I look around and realize that it's my own bed. Relieved, I get up and notice that I'm still dressed. I grab my phone and check the time. It was 3:45 in the afternoon. I recalled what had happened the night before.
I go downstairs and find Aph on the couch. I guess she's asleep.  I thought to myself. I should tell Aaron since Lucinda told me that I should tell someone. I go towards the door. I start to open the door, but stop when I hear someone say, "Where are you going?"
I turn around and see Aphmau staring at me. I say to her, "I'm going to Aaron's house. I have something important to ask him." She stands up and says, "Okay. Oh, by the way, I'm sorry for what I did last night. I was just upset that you weren't where you said you were. I thought you had been cheating on me."
I look at Aphmau and say, "I would never ever cheat on you, or do anything to hurt you on purpose. If I did, I would never be able to forgive myself. I love you." I hug her and she hugs back.
Then I say, "I got to ask Aaron something. I'm going to ask him to be my best man at our wedding." Aphmau says, "Okay. I love you." I open the door and say, "I love you too."
I close the door behind me, and go next door to Aaron's house. I knock on the door and he answers. He says, "Oh, hey Y/N. What's up?" I ask him, "Can I come in? I need to tell you something important." He answers and says, "Sure, come on in."
I go inside and sit on the couch. He sits down in the chair opposite the couch. He looks at me and says, "What do you need to tell me?" "Lucinda's is pregnant," then my ears and tail pop out as I say to him, "and I'm the father."
He looks at me and says, "Lucinda had told me that this could happen. When we found you two, she told me what had happened. Does Aphmau know?" I shake my head and say, "No. I haven't told her. As far as she knows, the father broke up with Lucinda."
Aaron says to me, "You're going to have tell her eventually." I say to him, "I know that. I was going to wait until sometime after the wedding. I thought I might tell her after me and her have kids." Aaron says to me, "That would be smart. I recommend that when the two of you have kids, that your kids become friends with Lucinda's kid." I nod and say, "That would be even easier if Aphmau was pregnant, too. Then our kids and Lucinda's kid could grow up together."
Aaron says to me, "Look, Y/N, I don't care what you and Aphmau do in private, and I know that it's none of my business. But since Lucinda is already pregnant, I think there's only one way for you to get Aphmau pregnant and make it so both Aph and Lucinda end up having kids at roughly the same time." I look at him and ask, "How?"
He says, "Well, you'd have to mate with her. If you two mate, she'd have a better chance getting pregnant instantly." I look at him and say, "I totally forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me." He says to me, "No problem."
Then I headed back home. I went inside and find Aphmau reading in a chair in the living room, with her back turned away from me. I let my ears and tail stay out as I slowly walk over to her.

The next chapter will have a lemon in it. The wedding will be coming up in a few chapters.
Master out.

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