Chapter 2

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The next morning, Alice woke me up at 7:30, as per Jasper's instructions, I'm sure. I didn't mind though. She immediately ushered me into the bathroom to get dressed for the day in an outfit she had picked out. Not too many buttons, and clothes that wouldn't take me five years to change in and out of.

"Alice," I groaned as she walked into the bathroom once I was dressed.

"Come on. We have to find you the perfect clothes for your trip with Jasper," she said.

"Stop," I said. "I don't have to be perfect for Jasper to like me," I said. "He loves me for me. Not for the me you like to make me into."

"She's right," Rosalie said.

"Yes, but you're so naturally pretty that you should go make all the other girls jealous," she said.

"Whatever you say," I said, rolling my eyes at her.

"Time to go," Alice squealed as she finished up with my makeup.

"No, I'm still human," I said.

"Ugh, fine," she said. I headed down to the kitchen and got a bowl of fruit and sat at the breakfast bar.

I finally got the chance to check my phone, and I had three separate texts from Jasper.

Good morning beautiful.

Have a great day with the girls, but be careful.

I love you baby doll.

I smiled before responding and continuing to eat.

"Ready?" Rosalie asked. I placed my bowl in the sink, rinsing it out quickly before nodding and leaving with the other two. We all got into Rosalie's red convertible and she drove us to Port Angeles.

All day the girls pushed me in and out of dressing rooms, forcing me to try on different outfits. They spent close to $1000 on new clothes for me, even though I told them repeatedly that they didn't need to.

"Seriously," I said. "You didn't need to do this."

"Stop complaining because I'm packing for you two as well," Alice said. "Would you like some dinner?"

"Esme promised to make me scalloped potatoes, but I could go for some coffee," I said.

"I got you," Rosalie said as she pulled into a Starbucks. "I'll be right back."

"Thank you love," I said. She smiled at me as she got out of the car. Alice started typing away on her phone furiously. I rolled my eyes and sighed slightly, pulling my phone from my purse as it began ringing.

"Hello," I said, answering it quickly.

"Hey, beautiful," Jasper said softly.

"How can I help you?" I asked as Rosalie came out of the building carrying an iced coffee.

"Just wondering when you'll be home," he said.

"Soon," I said. "We're getting ready to leave right now."

"I'll see you then," he said. Rosalie got into her car and handed me my drink before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Alright. Love you," I said.

"Love you too," he said before we both hung up.

"Thanks, Rosa," I said. She smiled at me in the rearview mirror. I'm the only one allowed to call her Rosa. If anyone else called her Rosa, she'd probably snap their neck.

I drank my coffee slowly and focused on my phone to keep from getting motion sick. If I looked out the window at the trees that were passing by quickly, I'd probably puke my guts out.

"Here we are," Rosalie said after a short time.

I rolled my eyes at her before responding, "Do I even want to know how fast you were driving?"

"Nope," she said, popping the p sound.

"Doesn't matter. Go inside and see that beautiful boy of yours. We've got this," Alice said. I got out of the car and almost instantly, ice cold arms snaked their way around my waist.

"Watch the coffee," I said, holding the plastic cup in my hand a little ways away from body in case it spilled.

"I love you, darlin'," Jasper whispered in my ear, burying his face in my neck.

"I love you too. Especially that accent," I said. He just nuzzled closer to me, purring in content.

He used to make me nervous when he did things like this. Rosalie and Alice had warned me that he was still the most uncontrollable, but I grew to trust him and knew he wouldn't cause any harm to me.

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