Chapter 51

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Unfortunately, the trip came to an end long before any of us wanted it to. We spent the last few days of the trip playing games and spending time as a family. We all revelled in the fact that we didn't have to hide here. There was no chance of one of us being spotted so we could do dumb things related to our supernatural abilities without worry.

The first stop on the mainland was a forest just outside Rio de Janeiro to hunt. We fell into the familiarity of the routine of hunting, even with being on a completely different continent then we were used to.

"Wanna have a competition?" Emmett asked, eyeing Jasper in hopes of competing against some valuable competitors.

"Always," Jasper replied.

"Be careful," I muttered, kissing his cheek.

"Always am, Sugar," he said, kissing my lips. I headed over to Alice and Esme since the three of us weren't feeling a competition today.

We headed off in the opposite direction of the competing group and started to hunt. Since we were staying together and hunting, we finished and returned to the meet up spot long before the other group.

"Viv, Alice said you decided on a first dance song," Esme said as we sat under a tree in the shadow it cast to avoid the sun.

"'Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You' by Frankie Valli," I said.

"They bet it on a game of chess," Alice sighed.

"That is a beautiful choice," Esme said to me before turning to Alice. "There will be other weddings."

"When's the date?" Esme asked.

"Pretty soon. Probably like within the next few months," I said. I pulled at the grass anxiously. Ever since Jasper got back, being away from him has been even more difficult. I realized just how easily I could've lost him, and I don't ever want to lose him. I can't lose him.

"We could invite the pack and some of our friends from the school," Alice said excitedly.

"As long as Jasper is okay with it," I said. "And Peter and Charlotte."

"And obviously the Denali coven and the Egyptians and probably the Irish nomads," Alice said.

"And Charlie for Bella and Edward's sake," Esme said.

"Yes, of course," I said.

"What're you talking about Darlin'?" Jasper asked as he snuck up behind me, scaring me slightly.

"Our wedding guest list," I said.

"I see. I trust Alice to think of everyone," he said.

"I will compile a list on the flight home," Alice said. We both nodded in agreement.

"Oh, and the invitations you picked out were perfect," she said. We both smiled and thanked her before we headed off to catch our flight home.

When we landed, we all got into the cars and headed home. Edward and Bella we're still at the house in Alaska with Nes and Jake.

"Jasper we need a date for the wedding," I said softly as we laid in our bed that night. We had changed into our pajamas and were just laying together and relaxing in the comfort of our home.

"Well, it's early January," he said. "Your birthday is in February, so maybe April?" He suggested.

"That could be really pretty. We'll have to get with Alice to make sure the weather will cooperate with us though," I said.

"Of course doll, but they used to say that rain on your wedding day is good luck," he said, kissing my forehead.

"We may need to have an indoor wedding then," I said, leaning up to receive a kiss on the lips.

"I love you princess," he said softly.

"I love you too Jazzy," I said.

Vivian Joy Darwin || A Jasper Hale DDLG StoryWhere stories live. Discover now