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One Week Later...

Work has been really tough on me this week. I've been doing extra shifts to.

It doesn't help at all. The shifts only get me up to 75 cents.

At the end of this week, I've earned two dollars and seventy five cents.

Two-bit wants to get a job to, to start helping out but c'mon really?

If you know Two-bit then you know that he doesn't work at all.

He's a lazy bum everybody knows that...but he's my bum so back off.

I thought it was a really sweet idea, but I told him it would be best if it stayed the way it was.

We were all sitting in the living room. And by we I mean the whole gang.

Steve and Soda were talking about their girlfriends, Ponyboy and Johnny were discussing their latest book, Two-bit was watching Mickey, Dally was smoking inside, and Darry was trying to get Dally to go outside with his cigarette.

I then had the best idea ever.

I jumped to my feet and said, "Guys, I have a great idea!"

Their attention was turned to me.

I then continued, "I think we're all stressed from work this week, so why don't we all go to the lake this weekend."

They all loved the idea.

Two-bit pulled me aside and asked, "Shay, are you really sure? You want to have a get away weekend with the gang?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, it would be fun, and we would have more time to spend together."

He then smiled back and said, "Alright, I'm in."

Soda asked, "Can I bring Sandy?"

Right when I was going to say sure, Steve asked after him, "Ooh and Evie?"

I laughed it off while saying, "Bring whoever you want but let's go tonight."

Darry said to the boys, "You heard the girl, start packing."

All three boys went to their rooms, and I saw Johnny sitting by himself.

I walked over to the couch and sat beside him asking, "Are you okay?"

He nods his head, but I could tell something was wrong.

I just had to ask, "Are you sure? I feel like there's something wrong."

He looked up at me and said quietly, "I can't pack."

I then ask him, "Oh, how come?"

He quietly said with his head slumping, "I don't have anything to pack."

I then pulled him into a hug and said, "Aww, Johnnycake."

The rest of the guys went to their houses and began packing as well.

Two-bit walked with me back to his house and followed me to our room.

I began packing to as I saw him laying down on his bed.

I then looked at him tilting my head and asked, "Okay, what's wrong?"

He gave a big sigh and said, "I don't know I just...I miss you."

I was very confused by his outcome and asked, "What do you mean?"

He answered, "Well, this week was rough for me because I never saw you."

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