The Drive In

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It was finally time for the Drive In.

Two-bit took me back to his place after lunch and we both got ready.

I wore my black crop T-shirt, with blue jeans, a beanie, and black leather boots.

I also took my hair out of the ponytail and let it roam free against the wind.

When we got there, we all walked to where the chairs were and sat down on one long row.

Two-bit and I sat on one end of the row next to each other.

The seating arrangement was Darry, Pony, Johnny, Dally, Soda, Steve,
Two-bit, and me.

Two-bit didn't look that much interested when the movie started.

I never got interested in watching movies either.

We both liked only one show and that was Mickey Mouse.

I asked him, "Ya gonna go look for some girls or Socs to laugh at?"

He shrugs and said, "No, it's alright. I can laugh at them when we leave. I'll just stay here with you."

I smile blushing as I look down.

Luckily, it was really dark out so I'm glad he couldn't see it. I mean he doesn't look at me that close does he?

Two-bit and I of course in the first five minutes of the movie were dying of laughter.

Something about when we're together, life gets that much more funny.

We manage to laugh at everything and that's another reason why I love him.

He always sees the bright side of things when I don't, and he never fails to make me smile.

Halfway through the movie, Two-bit and I have completely forgotten the movie and are busy laughing at a group of Socs a couple rows ahead of us, who surprisingly don't notice us at all.

Steve leans over towards us looking slightly pissed off and says, "Can you two lovebirds continue your jokes outside? I'm trying to watch a movie."

I feel my cheeks burn when Soda looks over at us and winks at me.

Sometimes, I regret telling other people my love life issues.

I then say to him, "Shut up, Steve. You ain't watchin' the movie anyways."

But Two-bit just stands up, "Hey c'mon, Shay, lets go to the back."

I nod my head and follow him out of the isle.

We go to a completely empty row at the back and sit down. We talk and laugh for a little while but things soon go quiet.

Oh god - I think to myself - should I keep talking or is he bored of me?

Things become a little awkward for a minute and I could feel my heart beating so fast.

I was about to get up and go get a coke when Two-bit finally speaks again,
"Uh, Shay."

I look over into his blue eyes to see they were already looking at me.

I then say to him, "Mmhm?"

He then says, "Sorry for uh, being kinda defensive earlier. Ya know, asking you stuff."

I then say casually, even though I'm freakin out inside, "Oh, It's alright. You were only being protective, that's what best friends do, right?"

After saying that, I felt my heart sting at the words 'best friends'.

He surprised me by saying, "It's not's just you're Shay y'know? You're mine."

I go to open my mouth but now words whatsoever came out. Did he just say...what I think he did?

I'm not sure how to react but even Soda's, Dally's, Johnny's, and even Mrs. Mathew's words come to my mind.

I suddenly get a boost of confidence to say, "I'm yours, huh?"

Two-bit's face goes red, and he looks down muttering, "Shit, I didn't mean to say that,'s alright if you don't-"

I then remembered the quote I saw in his room earlier. The one with the picture frame against it.

"Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that is the one that is going to help you grow."

I then say while getting close to him and my voice is almost a whisper, "How about we make it official then?"

I have no idea where all this confidence came from, I'm surprised I just didn't pass out of shock after Two-bit said 'you're mine'.

He then smiled a little while saying, "Alright, I got an idea for that."

Suddenly, his lips gently touch mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as our lips connect for a few seconds, and when we pull away he rests his forehead on mine.

He then asks, "That good enough for ya?"

I scrunch my nose a little and say, "I don't know...convince me."

He smiles before our lips connect again, this time longer and with even more passion.

And for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm not a mistake.

Everything is finally falling into place.

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Stay Tuned for More!
~Stay Gold

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