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One Week Later...

It's been a week since me and Dally ran into each other on the streets.

Even though we've been in the same gang, I never realized how special he was.

The friend-relationship Two-bit and I once had changed, and now it was Dally who was my best friend.

We've been doing everything this week.

Which involves: stealing, movie nights, lots of fights, and rumbles.

Two-bit doesn't understand why I've been suddenly avoiding him.

I don't understand myself why I haven't even talked to him about it.

But today was a new day.

Me and Dally decided to go to the DX to see the guys.

I heard Pony, Two-bit, and Johnny we're going to be there.

Today was my day off and I felt so relieved because it was relaxing.

We walked in the gas station but to my surprise Pony and Johnny weren't inside.

It was Steve, Soda, Evie, Two-bit, and.............Kathy.

They were all laughing at something but stopped once seeing us.

Evie rushed to my side and whispered in my ear, "I tried to stop her but she wanted to see him."

I was confused and a little sad to see they were both together.

By the looks of it, they were just sitting down together in a chair.

He was in the chair and she was sitting on the armrest of it.

I tightened my hand on Dally's arm and he looked down at me confused.

He must not know of the secret or why I was getting a little frustrated.

Kathy rose from the armrest and said, "Well, well if it isn't little Shay."

I said through the hardest part of my heart, "Hey, Kathy."

A moment of silence filled the air, and I think we all felt awkward at this moment.

I then asked, "So, when did you arrive?"

She answered saying, "Yesterday, Two-bit was a really big help offering me a place to stay at his house."

I could feel the tears beginning to sting my eyes as they tried to escape.

I just calmly blinked them back not letting them do anything.

I asked, "Two-bit is letting you stay at his house, is he?"

She smiled walking towards me and said, "Yeah, in his room."

I looked at him and I could tell he moved in his chair uneasy and felt guilty at what he did.

I looked back at her in complete anger and asked upset, "So, you've slept with him, how was it?" She tried to answer but I stopped her, "Well, it's not exactly-"

"Yeah, I bet you've even met his mom. You're probably already apart of the gang. And I bet Two-bit has even said you could tell him anything and that he would be there for you no matter what."

I stopped as I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

I was describing to her what he exactly did for me when he was my friend.

Two-bit was standing up now and said, "Shay, Knock it off."

I looked up at him and he noticed I was beginning to cry.

His face saddened a little but he still didn't comfort me.

And that told me plenty.

"Why, Two-bit? She's obviously been an improvement on your behalf-"

After saying that, Soda, Steve, and Evie were all looking at each other.

I began to take off his ring and held it out to both of them.

I continued, "Don't you think she deserves to wear this now?"

I get it now.

I totally get it.

Two-bit had an affair with Kathy on our vacation. He did nothing.

He didn't even tell me.

And now she's been here since yesterday, and he didn't care to tell me that either.

After Two-bit finally took the ring out of my hand, I think he realized that he had made a huge mistake.

I quickly turned away and walked out of the store with my head hung low.

Dally soon caught up to me and asked, "What just happened back there?"

I was starting to wipe away every tear that had fallen afterwards.

All I could tell him was, "They had an affair, and everyone knew except me."

Evie was trying to catch up with me, but we were walking in a very fast pace.

Through it all, Two-bit never came after me and that said a lot.

Dally said, "I didn't know cause if I did I would've told you."

I can't stay here anymore. It was clear no one except Dally cared for me.

If they did they would have just been honest with me in the first place.

Finally, Evie ran to us.

She said out of breath, "Hey, you guys, slow down will ya?"

I turned around upset at her to, "You knew, didn't you?"

Her eyes widened a little but she tried her best not to show it.

"I knew...knew what? Shaylin, what are you talking about?"

She began to regain her breath as I explained, "That they had an affair."

She looked away shamefully and said, "Look, Shay, it wasn't Two-bit's fault okay? Kathy's the one that kissed him."

I nodded my head and said, "All I need to know is that you knew this whole time and didn't even tell me."

She didn't say anything.

The last thing I muttered before running was, "I thought we were friends."

I then ran really fast, so fast that neither one of them caught up.

I ran to the train station and hopped on one of them.

I didn't care where it was going I just needed to leave as soon as possible.

Maybe there's a future waiting for me somewhere else just not here.

I looked in the distance and from far away I could still see them two looking around wondrously for me.

Truth is they would never even imagine I would run away.

But I had to.

It would just be better for everyone.

They showed me that they didn't care at all about me or they would've been honest with me.

All Two-bit is, is just a coward. He had as much part with Kathy then ever.

It's one thing for her to kiss him, but it's another for him to sleep with her.

I heard the loud sound of the engines starting up and the loud whistle.

They began to come around with flashlights looking in the empty carts.

I hid as far back as I could in the corner and luckily they didn't spot me.

Damn, these security people are terrible at their job.

But who am I to judge?

I was blinded by my best friends, Kathy, and even my boyfriend.
Or my ex-boyfriend...

Thanks for Reading!
Stay Tuned for More!
~Stay Gold

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