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I walked up to the U.A entrance.

"Don't fucking walk infront of me you damn mute." A voice said behind me. God this guy's ego... I ignored him and kept waking normally.

He suddenly pulled my bag harshly and roughly threw me on the ground. My hand scraped the harsh concrete, leaving a few pebbles inside my skin. I looked at my elbows, seeing a little blood bleed through my uniform.

"Fucking mute." He murmured under his breath as he walked away.

I sighed and look for the class with my eyes, and teleported to my seat.

"Hey Hima-chan." Sero greeted me.

"What's up Himaa-chaaann!" Kirishima asked me playfully. I took my hand out and inspected it.

"Woah, what happened..?" Sero asked. Kirishima sat behind me , because Midoriya still wasn't here yet. I simply pointed at Bakugou who was just entering the door. He casually sat down and looked out the window with his usual scowl.

"BAKUGOU WHAT THE HELL BRO!" Kirishima yelled at him.

"STOP SCREAMING AT ME SHIT HAIR!" Bakugou growled angrily. He then noticed bloodied elbows and my palms, making his expression soften for a second, then back to normal.

"Tch thats what she deserves for walking infront of me." He stated.

"For walking IN FRONT of you?" Sero asked angrily, a shadow covering his eyes, like mine.

Kirishima gently grabbed my hands and pulled them close to him. "You ready?" I hesitantly gave a small nod and tensed my hand, waiting for the pain.

"Okay here I go." He quickly pulled out all the pebbles as fast as he could. I clenched my jaw in pain and looked up at the ceiling. Sero quickly pulled out a piece of tape and wrapped it around my palms.

"Alright let me wrap your elbows." Sero ordered. I pulled up my left sleeves, but didn't lift my right one as high because of the scar.

He cleaned it and gently wrapped it. Next came my right arm. I let him clean it, but while I wasn't paying attention, he lifted it up higher to wrap it.

"H-Hima-chan, w-where did you g-get that." He asked cautiously. Bakugou and Kirishima both stopped arguing to look at my arm. Kirishima went pale while Bakugou had an unexplainable expression.




I pushed Sero back and pulled down my sleeve. Then I placed my head down and ignored them.

"Hima-chan, talk to us"

"We're your friends right?" Friends? I promised myself that I wouldn't make friends before U.A started. Should I tell them? No, it's just the second day of school.

Present Mic suddenly opened the door and hushed us. Bakugou gave me one last look before turning around.

Of course during this whole morning, I spent my whole class time staring at the back of his head. I mean what else is their to look with your head down?

Silent🍃 A Bakugou Love Story (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now