A Contract May Be Key

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Kuza's POV

"Come one, answer your damn phones." I growled, finally pissed off that 10 of my calls to the house and their personal cell phones have been ignored.

What the hell could be going on that no one could get to a phone?

I guess I was about to find out.

Parking right in front of the garage, I pulled the keys from the ignition and made my way through the small white door on the side of the garage.

Oh great, they must all be drunk.

I made that assumption based off of the passed out Tyler in the car.

"Hey, get up. Stop fucking around." I groaned, opening up the driver's door and shaking his shoulder.

Nothing, he just slouched further into the seat.

"Chris, what is going on?" I asked loudly, making my way into the house.

No response.

That's when I realized that something might be very wrong. Chris didn't drink, he'd been straight edge for as long as I had known him. I also knew that he wouldn't just up and leave.

A sudden scream distracted me from my thoughts, and I ran straight towards it without a second of doubt.

It was coming straight from that basement.

This wasn't a scream I was used to, it was far more masculine.

I knew it wasn't Bella, it was one of the guys.

Throwing open the door I cautiously made my way down the stairs one at a time.

What I saw down there threw me for a complete and total loop.

There were 3 chairs in front of me.

Chris was on the one to the left, completely unconscious.

Danny was in the middle, appearing to be slightly beat up.

And then there was Craig, who to my sight looked to be more in shock than anything. All he had going against him was the restraints holding him tight to the chair.

"What the fuck is going on?" I whispered harshly to Craig as I went over to him and untied him.

"Bella." He spat out.

There was pure anger in his eyes.

It was like a rage straight from hell.

He didn't explain any further. He jumped over to Danny and started to release him from his chair.

That left me with Chris.

An idiot could figure out he was not in a good condition at the moment so I knew I had to be a tad bit gentle.

"Chris....Chris....time to get up buddy." I groaned, as his body collapsed into mine the second I untied him.

I managed to push him back upright in the chair, thankfully.

"Motionless, I need you up." I growled.


"Cerulli!" I yelled, giving it one last try.

"Easy there. He's already probably got a concussion." A second voice whispered from besides me.

Danny was now up.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked in a hushed tone of voice, carefully trying to make sure Chris' pulse was fine.

"I don't remember the whole thing. I know for sure that we ate dinner and woke up tied to these chairs with gags in. Then the next thing we know Bella's down here with a baseball bat. She gave Chris one good hit straight to the head and she gave me quite a few fucking hard whacks." Danny explained to me.

"Oh shit..." I muttered to myself.

"What?" Craig asked.

"I'd bet a million dollars that Tyler wasn't drunk." I stated, worried that he too might be injured.

"You go check on him, and between Danny and I will take care of Chris and also make sure that everyone else is alright." Craig said.

We all agreed to that, and I found myself sprinting back up to the garage to where Tyler was.

Once I got into the car, I managed to sit him up straight and sure enough, there was a large gash in the middle of his forehead.

"Tyler, wake up man." I said, raising my voice a bit.

At first there was no reaction or response, he laid there completely still.

"Bella!" He soundly shrieked, throwing his body forwards and straight into the steering wheel.

"Easy, don't hurt yourself. Shit, it looks like Bella got you and Chris the worst." I stated.

"No, you don't understand! Someone took Bella, and before that they bashed in the window with a baseball bat, and then hit me right in the head." He replied.

Wait...that couldn't be right.

"Tyler, you were hit in the head pretty damn hard. Are you sure it wasn't Bella that had the bat?" I questioned him.

"I'm 100% positive. Bella was in the passenger seat with me, she was curled up and screaming bloody murder. She had no idea what was going on." Tyler explained.

"That doesn't make any sense..... What was the reason for you guys coming into the car?" I asked, trying to get to the bottom of this.

"Bella was looking for Bianca, and she stumbled upon TJ's unconscious body. She was horrified and since I was clueless as to what had occurred I figured it would be safe for us." He said.

This wasn't adding up at all.

How could there be someone bashing in the car and trying to hurt Bella and Tyler and then suddenly Bella's bringing down some pain on Chris, Danny, and Craig.

There was no way that Bella had communication to any one outside of the band members in the last two weeks. We had made damn sure that every second of the day there was one if not two band members near her, watching every move.

She couldn't have planned this and she couldn't have been involved in the planning of this.

What the fuck, Bells?

"Are you feeling good enough to stand?" I asked him.

"I'll deal." He murmured, ignoring my extended arm to help him get up.

Once Tyler was out of the car, the pair of us made our way back into the house to find the others and meet up.

We silently made our way through the hallways and then we finally made it to the large living room where a few couches lined the walls.

Chris, Danny, Craig, TJ, Ghost, Ben, and James were all in the room. Each one looked worse than the other, but Chris took the prize for worse off.

Who knew Bella had the balls and strength to do that much damage, but thankfully at least he was awake now.

"You good, man?" I asked Chris.

"I'm not the one you need to be worried about. I'm going to fucking rip that girl apart." He growled, sounding more demon than human.

"We've already called everyone on the road so they can keep an eye out for her and everyone at the new house is going to split up tomorrow and both keep watch for Bella as well as try to figure out what the fuck happened," Craig informed us all.

"No! We are not going to go on a wild goose chase for Bella. That's what we've done countless times before and it never ends up working because we only half ass the first half of the plan. We get so lost when we finally get her back that the back end of the plan falls through and she slips through the cracks again." Chris countered Craig.

"So you're saying you just want us to let it go? Let her run free and just sit back and watch?" TJ scoffed.

"For now, yes. I think we'd be stupid to start trying to find her without a plan as to how to get her and what to do when she gets here. After All, the plan had been to move her into the new house." Chris replied.

"I think Chris has a good point." Ben stated.

"I guess. I mean, when you really think about it we know there's only a few suspects out there as to who she could be with. Waiting for a solid plan won't put either us or Bella in further danger, not to mention Bianca." Danny agreed.

"Ok then, I'll go call everyone and tell them to stop and wait for further instruction." Craig groaned, grabbing his phone and making his way down the hallway.


Chris' POV ~

Everyone else either slowly slipped into small talk or they made their way back to their rooms. I was a part of the latter group, as I needed to go and clean my head up. That bat did some damage.

Once I was in my room I ran a small hand towel under cold water and pressed it tight to the back of my head. I took a seat on my bed and held tight pressure to my skull.

"Son of a bitch." I hissed, pulling the towel back down to me and noticing the white towel was now a tainted pink.

I repeated those steps over and over again until finally the towel stayed the same white it began as.

Just as I went to run the towels down the the laundry room, I ran straight into Tyler when I opened my door.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, I would've knocked but you beat me to it." He said.

"You're good." I groaned, making my way to the edge of my bed while pulling up my desk chair for Tyler to take a seat.

He had a very serious look on his face, and that meant he wanted to talk about something.

"Are you feeling well enough to talk about Bella?" He asked.

"More than well enough." I replied.

"I was thinking about what you said back there, and I think you're point is spot on. We'd be idiots to charge into this without a full laid out plan. However, I think we can all admit to ourselves that the plan will be inevitably fueled by anger and frustration towards Bells. I mean there's a dog cage waiting for her at the new house along with quite a few guys who are itching to whip some punishments into her. Perhaps it's time to approach this in a different way." Tyler suggested.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you want us to go easy on her." I groaned.

"Hey, I want the same thing as you do. I just have a clearer vision as to how to better achieve it." He stated.

"That's fair. The fact that she hit me in the face with a baseball bat probably isn't helping my anger towards her." I softly chuckled.

"Do you remember when a few of us had Bella down in Las Vegas at Farewell, my Love's house? We only took her there because she had been on such a rampage towards all of us. That's where we had her read through all of those dom and sub contracts?" Tyler asked me, refreshing my memory of that instance.

"I remember, and if my memory serves me right....she was far more docile, submissive, and willing to work with us than ever before." I replied.

"Exactly. So why don't we use that example and use that to shape how we get her back and ease her into things so we can all finally take a deep breath and relax. We'll have what we all first sought out, which is a submissive, but she'd actually be happy, not this scared and miserable girl who is willing to bash someone in the head with a baseball bat to get out." Tyler explained.

"Burgess, you're onto something big." I smiled, realizing the genius behind his idea.

"Well it's about fucking time people realize I'm not just Bella's teddy bear." He chuckled.

"Before we get too off track, let me just make sure I understand what you're getting at. You're saying that we should create a solid contract that would outline everything before we bring her back." I said.

"Exactly, and from there we can train her based off of what we agree on to put in the contract. We'll also have to make sure that everyone, and I mean everyone is on the same page. We need to be assured that if she breaks a certain rule then all of us will have response. I think that's something huge that we've been lacking." Tyler stated.

"Ok, I love that plan and all, but here's the other part of it. How and when do we get her back? I truly don't think it will be hard to figure out where she is, but figuring out how to get her here to then implement that contract." I asked.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"I won't allow anyone to take here within the next 6 months. I'm not a monster and I understand that Bella needs to take care of her child. That should give us enough time to write up a few drafts and then a pretty damn good final contract." I told him.

"Let's wait until the last snow. That gives us at least 10 months and some wiggle room after that....and if you think about it, it's pretty fucking symbolic." Tyler said softly.

"How so?" I asked.

Tyler instantly threw his head back and let out a hearty chuckle.

"I may be the Bella whisperer, but even you should know that. I know you love her as much as I do, and that's why I'll let you figure it out by yourself." He replied, getting up out of the chair and making his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, knowing that he too had sustained some head injuries.

"I'm going to go pass out in the closest bed I can find." He told me.

"Don't they say to not go to sleep when you have a head injury?" I questioned him.

"Fuck what they say, until they've dealt with half the shit we've dealt with they can't tell me when to sleep and not sleep." Tyler growled.

"Alrighty then." I chuckled.

Tyler exited the room, and just as I went to get up and change into more comfortable clothes Tyler quickly popped back into the room.

"Last snow, seriously think about it." He stated, and just as quickly disappeared back into the hallway.

"I will, I will." I promised.

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