Back To Work

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December 27th
Ghost's POV

"I bet you they fucked." I said, as we finished packing our stuff in the van.

"I don't think so, I'd say they at least slept in the same bed." Kuza replied.

"No way in hell. My bet's that she made him sleep on the couch." Ryan interjected.

"We're about to find out." I whispered, seeing Tyler's black car pulling up to the front of the house.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked, making his way up the driveway.

"Not too shabby, it was a nice few days off. What about you?" Kuza replied.

"It was nice." He said.

"Just nice?" Ryan asked.

"Nice, wonderful, great, all of the above." Tyler shrugged.

"Would you say that there was a happy ending?" Kuza wondered.

"Are you guys trying to get at something?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrows at us.

"Did you two fuck or not?" I said, just getting it out there.

To be honest, we were all kind of dying to know.

"We did not have sex, we slept in the same bed, but I was trying to be respectful so I kept myself in check." Tyler told us.

"Told ya!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Please tell me you weren't betting on that." Tyler groaned.

"Just a little bit." Ryan laughed.

He rolled his eyes at us, and made his way into the house where the rest of our band was finishing packing.

Kuza and I handed 20 dollars each over to Ryan, as he gloated that he was right.

A good half hour later, we all got called back to the house we had stayed in the last 3 days.

"Ok, so the plan is to drive straight to Colorado from here. We have our van and Tyler's car to do that. Is everyone alright if Ricky, Ghost, Tyler, and I take the car, and the rest of you guys are in the van?" Chris asked us.

Yes' were echoed around the room, and that was our cue to head on out. Everyone finished getting everything packed into the back of the van, and then the four of us got into Tyler's car.

Ricky was driving with me in the passenger's seat, Tyler was behind Ricky, and Chris next to him.

It was a 26 hour ride to get there, so we would all be taking six and a half hour shifts driving.

"So what was it like to be back with Bella?" Ricky asked.

"It was great for the most part, we were both pretty happy to see each other. It got trickier after that first night though, she told me she knew where all of this was headed. She's just kicking herself because she knows that we won't be able to take Bianca with her, and she's honest enough with herself to know that Bianca came into this world because she left. Not at all saying that it was all her fault, because I also place most of the blame on Chance." Tyler answered.

"She doesn't know any specific details though, right?" I asked.

"No. She just knows that someone will come and get her eventually." He said.

"I don't know if that will help us or hurt us. I suppose it doesn't really matter though, because I really think that what we got planned for the last 2 months will help us all transition through this easily." Chris mused.

"Anything else of importance that we should know?" I wondered.

"I think we just need to remember that while she can put out this tough, angry exterior, she's actually pretty fragile. She would just be sitting there, and then break out into tears and sit there just sobbing for a whole hour. We need to account for that when we get her back, and not be too rough on her, and figure out sore spots of conversation." Tyler told us.

"Makes sense." Ricky said.

We changed topics onto the list of things that still needed to be done at the new place, and what we should start with.

It was a lot easier to make a list and delegate it with this bunch, than attempt to have everyone go off and do what they think is the top priority.

If that occured we'd have every band in the basement perfecting the playroom, and they'd manage to miss important things, such as getting a fridge, or you know turning on the water or electricity.

"Last question I promise. Do you have any pictures?" Chris asked.

"You can look through them, there's about a million and five." Tyler chuckled, handing the phone over to Chris.

"She's still as stunning as I remember." Chris sighed, handing the phone up to me.

The first one I saw was a stunning picture of Bella sitting down on a couch with Bianca resting on her chest, their heads ever so gently resting on each other's. They both looked completely at peace. It was honestly heart warming.

I swiped through tons more, and got to one where I couldn't get over a large sweatshirt she had on.

I looked closer and realized why.

It was mine.

"How the hell did she manage to get my sweatshirt?" I wondered.

"I asked her the same thing, she told me she took a couple of sweaters because and I quote "They're comfy as fuck and make for great post pregnancy clothes.."" Tyler laughed.

"Gotcha. Put that on your list to grab when you get her." I said.

Our car then fell onto a silent spell as the back half of the car fell asleep.

The first 6 hours flew by and before I knew it I was in the driver's seat.

This was honestly the first drive that I'd ever been on that just went by in the blink of an eye. I'd attribute it to great company. No one talked too much, but they also didn't all just sit in silence. It was the perfect balance.

18 Hours later-

"Rick, wake up! We're here!" Tyler shouted at Ricky.

He just about jumped out of his seat, but at least he was up.

Vinny was currently driving the van, and was just pulling in through the gate in front of us.

"Shit, this place is huge." I exclaimed, seeing the almost castle like building for the first time.

"We figured we all needed a fair amount of personal space, especially when she first arrived. One more way we can hopefully ease tensions." Chris responded.

We all got out of the car, and watched as the rest of the bands we had been with pulled up alongside us.

"Ok people, we've got a shit ton of work ahead of us. This is just a list of things that we need to get started on within this week. We'll split up and do a super quick tour of both of the main houses, and then get to work. Two months may seem like a boat load of time, but when you look at everything that still needs to be done, you'll realize it's going to be a crazy 60 days." Kuza stated, starting to pass out some papers with Craig's help.

To their credit this list was laid out very nicely.

A sample of some of the items on it included finishing getting all boxes out of the moving vans, sort all of them and get them into their proper rooms, shop for and set up kitchen appliances, perfect the security systems, get the water running, and tons more tasks.

We had a very long and tiring two months ahead of us.

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