You've Already Taken Everything Else

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Danny's POV

"Come on in and get comfy." I told her, opening up the door for her.

She walked into the room, and Chris and I followed her in.

I watched as she was instantly drawn to the table that had binders full of paperwork strewn all over it.

"How is she?" I whispered to Chris.

"Cooperative enough for now, but she's on high alert." He told me quietly.

"Alright, first off what do you know about what's happening after this?" Chris asked her.

"I know that there's a new house that everyone was working on that's bigger than this house, but that's it." She shrugged.

"Ok, good. I don't know how to say this next thing nicely, but I'll try, in order to start this whole thing off. You do understand what all of this is leading to, correct?" Chris questioned.

"I'm going to assume that I'll be headed to that house with you." Bella said.

"Bingo." I exclaimed.

"It comes down to this, we realized that we kept doing the same things over and over, and that wasn't getting us anywhere. So, we decided that there needed to be a lot of changes, from both sides, and we wrote up a contract. This is your copy." Chris explained, handing the large packet over to her.

Her eyes bulged.

"Holy shit, how long did this take you to write?" She asked.

"Two months." Chris answered.

"Are you held accountable as well in here?" She questioned us.

"Everyone's held plenty accountable as you'll come to find in there. Everyone will play by the same rules." I told her.

"Good." She said.

"What I, no we need you to do is to read through that entire contract. We are willing to make some changes, whether it be clarifying, adding, or taking things off of there. So feel free to take notes on it and whatnot." Chris instructed her.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Yup. Once you sign it then we'll pack it up and head to our new house." I replied.

Chris and I watched as she heard the words 'our house'.

"That's pretty trusting, don't you think. You believe everything will be so perfect once I sign this that you're willing to just take me to the new house." She stated.

"Woah, hold on right there. We don't think it will be perfect the second you sign it. However, we do know that you'll at least follow the rules which will make thing much easier." Chris told her.

"What makes you so sure that I'll follow them? Just because I sign it?" She asked, obviously starting to push her boundaries per usual.

She always wanted to see just how far out she could get her perimeters to go.

"What makes us so sure is that if you break the contract, then it's invalid. Which means we don't have to follow that contract.....and I'll be blunt, that would not be a very fun time for you." I warned her.

"You've got a point there." She muttered under her breath.

"Ok, now that you know that...go ahead , take your time, and read through that. You can go anywhere in the house, but obviously no more trips outside." Chris said.

Without another word from her, she grabbed the thick contract, stood up, and walked right in between Chris and I. We stayed quiet until we could see that Bella was too far to hear us.

"Alright, that could have gone much worse." I sighed.

"Considering everything, I agree." Chris said.

"Hey, what was up with her this morning?" I asked, in reference to finding out that she had been in the car.

"To be completely honest I'm not one hundred percent sure. She said she was just going through the motions of running away, and she sure as hell didn't seem to have any problems with giving me the keys right away." He told me.

"Hmm, perhaps she was just trying to prove to herself that she did at least try one last time." I mused.

"I hope so, for all of our sake." Chris groaned.

"Until then I guess we just let her be, and see what she has to say when the time comes." I said.

"Agreed." He replied, sitting down in the chair that Bella had just been in.

Once again, we couldn't make our next move until Bella made hers.


9 pm

"Hey, do you think we should go find Bella, or do you want to leave her alone until morning?" I asked Chris, meeting up with him in the kitchen.

"I say we try to find her, and then go from there." He said.

We both jumped up to get going, and all of a sudden Bella entered the kitchen, stopping us in our tracks.

"Hello." I greeted her.

She didn't reply, she just glared at me.

Ouch, if looks could kill.

"Did you read everything?" Chris asked her.

"No, I get to ask the questions now. First off, what the fuck is wrong with all of you? Why do you think you can just claim me like a fucking dog? How the hell do any of you sleep at night?" She blew up.

"Are you done?" Chris asked her, his voice making it very clear that he was not amused with her sudden outburst.

"I'm just getting started." She growled.

He left his spot by the table, and slowly approached her.

She started backing up, until she had nowhere else to go and bumped into the counter.

"Let's hear it, what else do you have?" He egged her on.

"Chris, not sure that's going to help anything." I cautioned him.

"Oh no, if we're going to get everything out there, that should include Bella." He said.

I rolled my eyes, the obvious anger between both of them right now was not going to make this situation good at all.

Before I could even react to what she was doing, she had pulled back her fist and just let it sail into Chris's face.

"Bella!" I screamed.

"Fuck." Chris hissed, taking a step back.

He clutched the left side of his face, as I'm sure it was stinging.

She really put some force into that.

"You'll live." She muttered, stepping around him.

"You'll regret that." Chris growled.

"I won't, trust me. Oh, and as far as your stupid contract goes," Bella said, pausing to pull it out and completely just rip it apart.

"You can shove your copies." She snarled, exiting the room just as quick as she had entered.

I went to follow her, but Chris stopped me.

"Don't. She just needs to go by herself to blow off some fucking steam." Chris said.

I rolled my eyes, but followed his advice.

"Here you go." I said, handing him an ice pack.

Once he removed his hand to put the ice pack on, I could already see that it was turning a nasty shade of purple.

"You know, I'm actually surprised it took her this long to do that." Chris joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"You seem kind of unphased by this whole thing, and why the hell did you egg her on like that? I thought the plan was to de escalate any tempers?" I questioned him.

"Think of it this way, we both know Bella's not a violent person, unless provoked. When she id provoked we both know something snaps inside of her, but then she feels awful afterwards, and Tyler was my backup source to those facts. So since she thinks you weren't a part of this, she'll break down a bit later and hopefully we can actually get somewhere when she's really calmed down." Chris explained.

"You could have at least warned me that there was going to be a punch." I chuckled, now taking a sigh of relief.

"That would have taken away the surprised reaction." Chris laughed along.

"Alright, that's enough action for me tonight, I'll be in my room." I told him.

"Just make sure you leave it open in case Bella comes looking for you." He called, as I made my way out the door.

I gave him a simple thumbs up, and left.

I had no idea if Bella would actually come and talk to me later, Tyler couldn't predict her every move could he?

No, that was impossible.

When I got to my room I threw my clothes off and slipped on a pair of sweatpants.

I waited for an hour or two, but sleep one and I went under my covers and slowly fell asleep.

5 Hours Later -

"Danny? Danny.....Danny."

I groaned, and opened my eyes.

"Bells?" I whispered, seeing her to the side of my bed.

"Yeah, sorry to wake you up." She apologized, taking a seat to the left of me.

"No, no, it's alright." I told her, throwing back my blankets back and sitting up against the headboard.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her.

"I just needed to talk, try and figure things out. I figured it would be better to come to you you know, I didn't punch you." She sighed.

"Yeah, that was pretty crazy." I softly chuckled.

"You're telling me. It wasn't exactly my plan to come in swinging, pun intended. He just kept pushing and pushing and was so cocky, I just snapped." She admitted.

"What did you come in meaning to say?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just know that I wasn't planning on it ending with me telling you to shove it up your ass." She said.

"Come on....tell me something." I cooed, knowing that she was biting her tongue.

"Fine. So, I went ahead and read the whole contract top to bottom, and when I was down reading it, I was complacent. I wasn't deeply bothered, it was like my mind just accepted it. I let that sink in for a few hours, and I realized how messed up that was. I wasn't supposed to be okay with that, but then I realized why I was." She whispered, hanging her head with a bit of shame.

"Why's that?" I asked softly

"You've already taken away just about everything I care about. My mind just kept replaying these awful memories. Chris taking my virginity, my freedom to do and say what I please being taken away, having to be ripped away from my baby, and having a collar put on me as a way to show that I was owned. As far as I'm concerned, there's not much left to fight for, so why should I try to fight that contract? It's not like I have any other options, those are all long gone." She told me, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh goodness, don't cry Bella, don't cry." I attempted to soothe her.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm sorry, it's just a lot." She choked out.

"I know, we knew this was going to be tough. Tell me what you want to do next, what would make you feel most comfortable?" I asked her.

"I just want to be with Tyler, so whatever that takes." She whispered, putting her head down.

"You have to sign the contract then, Bells. The three of us aren't leaving until we have that from you, for obvious reasons." I informed her.

"We can still talk about changing a few things right?" She whispered with a shaking voice.

"Absolutely, we want you to feel like you have some voice as well." I assured her.

That seemed to calm her down as I watched her take deeper, more steady breaths and I couldn't hear her heart banging against her chest wall anymore.

"One last Chris okay?" She wondered.

"He'll be fine, he's just got a nasty bruise." I admitted.

"Shit. I should go and apologize." She said, hopping out of my bed.

"Bella. I think you're forgetting that it's 4 in the morning. Wait until he's up, ok?" I replied.

She thankfully agreed with me, but then jumped off the bed and started heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"To bed." She replied.

"You don't want to just stay here for the night?" There's plenty of room." I told her sincerely, pulling back the other side of the covers.

"No." She whispered, putting her head down.


"You know I won't hurt you." I said.

"I don't know that." She stated, and promptly left my room.

I shook my head, hopefully tomorrow would go excellent and we would be able to accomodate all of her changes that she had in mind. I don't think I could take too much more of having her so openly push me away.

It didn't exactly feel great knowing the person you were trying to so desperately get to love you, could push you away and not even flinch.

Especially when we all saw how close she was to Tyler.

I couldn't keep myself up worrying all night though, I had to get some sleep.

I pulled the covers back up, turned the lamp next to me off and got ready for what I was going to assume to be a taxing day tomorrow.

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