It Just Feels So Good

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"Let's see if she's still sleeping." I whispered to Tyler, popping her door open and silently slipping in the room.

Tyler snuck in just as quietly, shutting the door behind him as we observed that Bella was still in a deep sleep. She was on her side and curled up in the fetal position, a position in which she normally didn't sleep, which made me a little suspicious.

I walked over to her, gently tugged the blanket back, and was delighted to see the wand was pressed tightly against her sex, tightly in between her two thighs.

"Looks like someone had a fun night." Tyler chuckled, leaning down behind her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Why not start the day how you ended it?" I mused, carefully prying her hand off the toy to turn it on once again.

A few seconds went by, and the soft buzzing noise of the wand was missing. Picking it up, and trying to turn it on again, I realized that she must have run the charge out last night.

"Let me sleep, Chris." She grumbled, pulling the blanket back up over her face.

"Oh, you're busted." Tyler whispered, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Come on, there's 50 + guys that are in this house, how in the hell can you just always assume it's me?" I questioned her.

"You're the biggest pain in my ass most days." She giggled, sitting up against her headboard.

"My love, you don't know the definition of pain in the ass." I growled.

"But you want me to." Bella whispered, grinning up at me.

"You stay here, and don't fucking move." I instructed her.

Walking over to the door, I waved out Tyler, and shut the door behind us so that we could quickly talk in private.

"I'm going to assume the plan's changed." Tyler mused.

"It actually depends. You're the proclaimed Bella Whisperer, and I'm wondering with the teasing between last night and this morning if it's time to come full circle with breaking her in." I wondered.

"You mean have sex?" Tyler clarified.

"Yes. I want to make sure I'm not pushing her too far too fast." I stated.

"I don't think she's ready for that. I just think that she's trying to tease us to feel out the boundaries. I'm sure she's also trying to figure out what we like, what we're not too happy about, and what gets a reaction out of us." Tyler admitted.

I sighed after thinking about things over for a minute or two, thinking of what would be the most productive yet fun way to carry this out for the rest of the day.

"Ok, how about this. If she at all plays into what I do, then go and let everyone know the plan for the day is to tease her until she's a soaking wet mess." I said.

"I don't think anyone would have a problem with that." He chuckled.

"Good. Now let's go see how naughty she wants to be." I replied, walking back into the room.

"Good deal." Tyler agreed.

He however stayed standing in the frame of the door, waiting for Bella's reaction.

Speaking of Bella, I was surprised yet very happy to see that Bella hadn't moved from her position on the bed. Little did she know how lucky she was for following that order.

"Hmm...where did we leave off? Oh yes, I believe you were telling me how much of a pain in the ass I was." I told her.

I wrapped my hands around Bella's ankles, giving a quick pull so that not only was she thrown off her game from the surprise, but so that she was much closer to me.

"I meant it in a loving way." She whispered, smiling up at me.

"Mhm, you're not going to talk now until I tell you to, understood?" I cooed.

She nodded her head, and pursed her lips. Good.

I made my way onto the bed, and slipped my right leg over both of her legs so that her body was under mine.

Everything from her heart beat, her breath, and even her ability to look me in the eye were things that I was watching like a hawk. These were the things that were going to let Tyler and I know if she was at all caving to my advances. Based on what I was seeing now, Tyler would be leaving fairly soon to let everyone know the plan.

I kept slowly crawling up the bad, and just before my head was over hers, her leg shot out and gently landed on the front of my jeans. More specifically, right on the crotch.

"Oh Bella, that's a dangerous game" I quietly moaned.

I heard the door slam shut, and I had to try to hide the smile on my face as I knew that meant Tyler knew Bella was going to give in to some of her more pleasure based desires.

"Look at me, Bella." I whispered, noticing her attention was on the door, not on me anymore.

Bella finally locked eyes with me once more, and I saw that she was biting down on her lower lip, and hard. A for sure sign that she was trying to hide her emotions from me.

Testing her, I went to move further up her body, but she stayed strong in keeping me back from keeping her foot right on the crotch of my jeans.

"Hmm, I suppose you haven't had your Master's cock in a long time. If you want it, you just have to tell me. Well, I'd actually prefer you to beg. Is that what you want, Master's cock? Just tell me, Bella." I murmured in her ear, trying to keep my oncoming boner at bay.

Her heart started beating so hard, it sounded like it was about to bust out of her chest.

"Answer me, my love." I whispered.

"No. I'm not ready for that, Sir." She softly admitted.

"That's perfectly okay, but I do know just by your facial expression and body language that you rather enjoyed last night, and aren't exactly put off by my teasing. Correct?" I asked her.

"Yes, Sir." She responded.

"Now, I need you to tell me one more thing, and I need you to be honest with me. What do you or verbal teasing? What makes you more of the horny, needy little girl we know you are?" I wondered.

"Verbal." She whispered.

"So, when I say something like.... I'm going to bring you downstairs, bend you over that bench, spank that pretty ass until you can't take anymore, and then fuck you so hard you forget your name...that turns you on?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Bella let out a little whimper, as she nodded her head with her eyes closed. Whether she was trying to actually picture that scene in her head, or try to avoid eye contact once more, I knew it was because it had turned her on in the best way possible.

"Good girl, now come on, let's get you dressed and ready for the day." I cheered, jumping off the bed.

"Wait, what?" Bella said, sitting up.

"We're going to get you dressed, and go downstairs." I stated, loving seeing how disappointed she was when I got off of her and stopped the dirty talk for now.

"Oh, ok." She muttered sadly.

Looking through her closet, my goal was to find the outfit that would be perfect for the warm weather we were having, but still something that wasn't too revealing. I didn't want this to be easy for her, so everything down to her clothing was going to have to tease her. That included being more covered up than usual.

I also grabbed a pair of vibrating panties to go along with the pair of leggings and medium length sleeved shirt I had laid out for her.

"So what's your plan?" She groaned, as she changed outfits.

"My plan? What exactly are you referencing?" I wondered, already knowing her answer once more.

"You riled me up just to tell me to go and get dressed. That seems counterproductive." Bella mused, following me to the door.

"Oh, that. Well my dear, that is just called karma. You decided last night that once you found our little camera, you were going to leave us rather teased, not going to see you please that gorgeous body of yours. So, this is now just us teasing you. Which would lead us to our little adventure today. My, no, our goal is to rile you up so much that by the ends of the night, you're a dripping wet mess that is just begging us to let you finally cum." I grinned.

"Oh, really?" She tested me.

Pulling out the remote to the panties out of my pocket, I turned in on to the first of its 10 levels.

"Try me." I softly snarled.

"Fuck." She softly moaned, throwing her head back.

I draped my arms around her neck, resting my head on her shoulders.

"That feels so good, doesn't it baby? Those vibrations are sending tingles up your spine, and all through your body, don't they. They're creating sick, dirty little fantasies in that pretty little head of yours." I whispered.

"Yes." Bella squeaked.

"Good, now let's go." I cheered, turning off the remote, and walking down the stairs.

"Hey, that was mean." She called down to me.

"Trust me, you don't yet know the meaning of mean. Think of it in a positive light though, you'll never think of teasing us again, or at least for a very very long time." I replied, as she finally came and met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"That doesn't make it better." She said, giving me a sassy little look.

"Perhaps I know what could make it better, pet. There is one more little surprise I have for you." I admitted.

"What is it?" She asked, rather excited.

Aww, the poor thing thought it was going to be good for her. Such a sweet, naive girl.

"I'm not the only one who has a remote to those little panties you have on. There's 9 others sprawled throughout the house. Maybe there's one per each band...maybe it's just two bands that have it. Maybe it's 3 people from 3 different bands. Who knows?" I informed her.

"Ugh, I hate you." Bella groaned, throwing her head back and starting down the path to the main house.

"No, you don't." I chuckled, catching up with her.

"I know, and that's why I hate you." She laughed, shaking her head.

Halfway to the main house, I flipped her up and over my shoulder.

"You have a very nice ass." I complimented her, giving it a nice whack.

"No, don't." She whined.

"Are you telling me you don't want me to keep spanking that ass, while I talk about how how much we both used to love how I used that beautiful bottom? Or are you just worried I'm going to say "cock" again?" I chuckled.

"Do you remember when I told you that you were a pain in my ass?" She asked me.

"Yes." I responded.

"Still rings true." She sighed.

Once we finally got into the house, I gave her one last harsh spank that caused her to let out a little yip before finally putting her down.

"See, now that's a pain in your ass." I stated, as she followed me into the kitchen.

"Dick." She muttered.

"You want this dick." I teased her, which just resulted in her rolling her eyes at me.

"Good Morning, Bells." Tyler cheered, pulling her tight to his chest.

"You abandoned me." She playfully growled.

"I made you coffee when I was down here though." He told her, handing her a mug full of coffee.

He got a swift "Thank You" and a kiss showing that he was forgiven.

"We made sure to put some cream in your coffee, we know you like it like that." Danny said, grinning deviously at her.

"Oh didn' wouldn't." She groaned.

With a simple shrug of his shoulders, we all watched her as she quickly spit her coffee out in the sink, and dumped the rest of it.

"Didn't we teach you anything? You're supposed to swallow, not spit." Danny chuckled.

"You're the only normal one." Bella whispered, going back into Tyler's arms.

"Thank you, love." Tyler laughed.

Out of nowhere Bella tensed up, and let out a tiny little moan as she gripped Tyler's arm super tight.

"Just turn it off." Bella groaned, looking at me.

"It isn't me, I promise you. Why don't you go and try to find those other remotes though. It'll keep you out of trouble until you're mine again tonight." I told her.

"You have one, don't you?" She asked, turning to look at Danny.

"Unfortunately not, you would know if I did." Danny chuckled.

"I'll catch up to you later, Bella." Tyler promised her, letting go of her.

I caught her on her way out with one hand around her waist, and bent down so that my lips were right at her ear.

"Imagine this...imagine your Prince Charming over there was alright with us sharing you for a night. If you love the feeling of one cock filling you up, imagine two. Mm mm mmm, the things I can do that little temple of yours." I whispered, giving her one more pretty little picture to imagine and get her worked up.

She pulled herself out of my grip, and just about ran down the hall.

"Do I dare ask what you just told her?" Craig laughed.

"I just got her...creative juices flowing." I responded, not exactly lying.

"Speaking of that, who here besides Chris has one of the remotes?" Danny wondered.

There was only a few of us in the kitchen, it was Danny, Tyler, Craig, Ronnie, Derek, Balz and myself.

We all were pretty shocked though when it was Tyler who pulled the remote out of his pocket.

"No, shit." Ronnie chuckled.

"What, I'm not allowed to play with her a little bit?" Tyler asked.

"No, by all means, it's just a little surprising. I suppose though we're all on the same page when it comes to wanting her to be a horny little thing craving pleasure." Ronnie replied.

"Exactly, and if I had a guess I'd say by dinner she'll be out of her mind." Tyler admitted.

"Good, and by the time I put her to bed she will be far beyond that. The perfect entrance into her pleasure training." I exclaimed.

"Alright, good deal!" Danny cheered, clapping his hands together.

For good measure I turned the remote I had all the way up to the 6th notch, and left it on for a good 30 seconds or so.

Today was going to be a very fun one.

6:30 PM

Looking down at my watch, I saw that Bella was late. She was supposed to be here at 6:30 on the dot, and here we all were, waiting for her. That probably wasn't going to play too well for her.

"Who was the last to see Bella?" I asked, getting rather suspicious.

I was interrupted by the sight of an extremely flushed Bella walking into the room. She looked like she had experienced a very fun yet exhausting day.

"Well hello there, come and take a seat." Danny cheered.

She looked around the table, and noticed that we had taken away a chair - her chair. She was going to have to sit on one of her laps and I was beyond sure that would only fuel the inner excitement.

To none of our surprise she sat down on Tyler's lap, and as everyone finally started to eat, I noticed that Tyler was busy whispering into Bella's ear. The shade of red in her cheeks deepened, and I saw that Bella started shifting her weight back and forth on his lap. I'm sure that was only riling Tyler up more, but I could see just in Bella's face that she was reaching a point of feeling so much pleasure and excitement from the constant teasing, she wasn't sure of what to do.

"She's had enough, don't you think?" TJ whispered.

I instantly knew TJ was probably right, just due to the fact that TJ was sticking up for her.

"Alright, I'll take her to the basement after dinner. I do want your opinion on something we let her cum or no?" I chuckled.

"Yes, yes, yes. Let the poor thing get some relief. I thought I was pretty tough on her, but damn, everyone else showed me up today." He replied, laughing as well.

Just like that, it was the plan of the night. I gave them about 30 more minutes, and then whisked Bella up into my arms and carried her shaking body down to the basement.

"Please, please, please." She whimpered, getting laid down on the bed.

"Oh my, what does my little love want?" I cooed.

I saw that slight glimmer of embarrassment flash through her, and she hesitated.

"You're not getting anything until you tell me what you want." I stated, resting my hand against her sex that was still covered by her pants and those vibrating panties.

"I want to cum." She cried.

"You do, hmm? What has you so aroused?" I wondered, drawing this out a tiny bit.

"What you said, what Tyler said...what Danny, Ryan, and Craig told me. And the non stop vibrating." She gasped, taking a breath in between every word.

"My naughty little Bella likes hearing about all of the dirty things we're going to do to you, is that right?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good fucking girl. Now you're going to learn that when you're a good girl, you get rewarded." I said, ripping a hole in her pants.

I slid her panties to the side, and finally slipped my index finger into her.

She let out a beautiful moan, like this is what she had been secretly craving for so long. Bella wanted us, and had been so afraid to ask for it for so damn long, she was just losing her mind as I slowly started to pump my finger in and out of her.

"More, please, more." She gasped.

"You're such a good girl." I growled, following her request and slipping my middle finger into her.

Her toes curled up, and her back arched a bit off of the bed, as I fastened the pace, and in the blink of an eye, I felt her walls tightening around my fingers. A feeling I had longed for, for such a long time.

"Do it, Bella. Feel how good this makes you feel, and just let go." I whispered.

She nodded her, as she bit down into her lip, until I actually saw a tiny drop of blood run down her chin. In her euphoric state, I'm sure she didn't even notice how hard she was biting down.

"Master!" She suddenly cried out, falling back down into the bed, as her walls squeezed my fingers even tighter as her gorgeou juices started running down her upper thigh, and over my hand.

Holy shit.

"Oh dear, oh no! Are you ok, Bella?" I asked worried, noticing that tears were now just cascading down her face.

She nodded her head and told me "It just feels so good."

I smiled, and leaned down to kiss her, an action that made my heart light up when she didn't pull away.

"That's all I ever want, my precious girl. I want you to feel good. Physically, emotionally...everything. I'm just fucking nuts for you." I admitted getting a little choked up.

"Bella?" I whispered, not getting a replied.

I thought she had closed her eyes to take a little break and catch her breath, but I realized she was actually passed out. That was what happened when you denied yourself from feeling pleasure for so long, but have craved it an incredible amount.

"I've loved you since the day I first saw you. Nothing has changed." I cooed, crawling onto the bed with her and curling up against her side.

I didn't want her waking up, wondering where I was. Just like Tyler, I was always going to be at her side - through pain, through pleasure, through love and hate - I was going to be there for this beautiful human being I could call my own.

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