My Family

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12 Months Later

Bella's POV ~

"Son of a bitch!" I growled, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

Well, I attempted to wrap my arms around them. My stomach was fucking huge, and the little angel inside was taking up a ton of real estate. That scared me a bit. I wasn't sure just how big he or she would be, and the thought of pushing out a baby any bigger than Bianca had been made me frightened.

I was good with pain, yes. However, childbirth was a whole nother beast.

"Are you alright, Bells?" Kuza asked me, coming down to sit next to the inflatable pool we have in the middle of the living room.

"I'll live, the contractions are just really starting to hit hard. They're still pretty spaced out though." I told him.

"Good to know. Chris and Tyler are super close now." He told me.

"Good. I'll chop their balls off if they don't get her before I go into active labor." I growled, resting my head against the edge of the pool.

"Noted." He laughed, rubbing my shoulders.

In this relaxing moment where he was taking my mind off of the stress of knowing I would be delivering this baby relatively soon, I had a few moments of peace and quiet to reflect on the past year.

The first three months were absolutely nuts. It was like we were newlyweds and the honeymoon phase hit hard. We quite frankly fucked like rabbits. Some days we would have the sweetest and most gentle sex, but other days we let all inhibitions go and had the kinkiest sex we craved. Those were the nights that I simply wanted to be reduced to their little slut and nothing more. We quickly figured out that there needed to be a balance between those nights and the sweet nights, but we found our rhythm thankfully pretty quickly. 

Chris had bought a shit ton of pregnancy tests, and at the end of every week, we would excitedly check to find those 2 little pink lines. We knew it was probably a little crazy to try so often, but I was too excited to wait until the end of each month.

I remember being crushed each and every time the tests came back negative, but Chris and Tyler were quick to cheer me up and assure me that it would all come when the time was right. We normally made those feelings of being let down with some amazing make-up sex, and somewhere between our sweet, kinky, and pick me up sex, we were finally successful 12 weeks into our attempts. 

That day that the test came back positive, I remember I spent half of it crying from joy, and the other half I spent celebrating. Chris had gleefully informed the last couple of bands we stayed in contact with of the good news, and 4 months later I had been surprised with a fabulous baby shower.

Everyone was excited for Chris, Tyler, and I because it was apparent as to how excited I was about this. From the second I had discovered I was pregnant, I loved the little precious being growing big and strong inside me more than I had ever loved anyone else. This was my do-over, this was my chance to once again be a mother and do the best that I could.

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