Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

Why is this so hard? This shouldn't be as hard as it is, getting on a plane leaving all of your best friends that you have made over 2 weeks. 2 weeks. It took 2 weeks to bring us to be a family.

As I sit in an airport waiting for my flight back to New York to be called, I remember all of our fun memories. The smack cams, the jokes, the songs, the fans. That's what I'm gonna miss the most. Being able to meet all the fans with my best friends by my side.

I just was able to see my 2 best friends again, Taylor and Matt. I missed them so much. And then there's Aaron and Carter. And Jack and Jack, their friendship reminds me of mine and Gia's old friendship. Cameron, my big fluffy marshmellow. Nash, the radiating blue eyes constantly wanting to make sure that everyone is happy even if that meant he isn't. And Shawn, the guitar boy, my duet partner, the one who apparently had a crush on me even though he's 2 years older. And finally Hayes. Oh hayes, the cute, adorable, fun loving, gorgeous, impossible to only be 16 year old I call my boyfriend.

"Flight 423 boarding now to New York." The voice over the load speaker called signaling it was time to leave the boys I have grown to love.

"Bye guys. I love you. Group hug!" I said. We all gathered together as I was next to Taylor and Matt on the opposite side of Hayes who has a couple tears here and there but quickly wiping them away. After we all let go I walked up to hayes and gave him and individual hug and just stayed there for a couple seconds before pulling away and snaking my arms around his neck, pulling his head down to make our lips collide.

I pulled away from the kiss and whispered to him "I love you. Don't forget me." I pulled out of the hug and boarded the plane.

I looked out the window of the plane just replaying the last moments with Hayes for awhile. I don't want to leave him, but I'm more than thrilled about this opportunity, I just wish Broadway were in North Carolina, not New York. On the bright side I get to see my old friends again. Who am I kidding? They don't mean half as much as the MagCon boys and Mahogony do to me.


"Welcome actors and actresses. We are pleased to have you in our presence. To be in this room right now means that you are on your way to success. Now, we have a lot to do in the next 6 months and in order to get it all done you all have to corporate. This is not an everyday opportunity that will just come walking up to you on the streets of New York. You were all chosen because in your audition we saw something special in you. I would like to welcome all of you to our Broadway stage and everyone please give a big round of applause to our youngest actress in this musical, Lauren, can you please stand up so everyone can see you? Everyone this is Lauren Jonstone, she is one of the most popular YouTubers and viners around and we are very happy to know you will be playing the roll of Dawn in this show. Everyone thank you and let's get to work." The show directer said before we started learning our parts that were given to us before hand.


Hayes' POV

It has been 1 week since Lauren left MagCon for Broadway. Today we fly out to New Jersey. And the best part is, after New Jersey Cam, Carter, Nash, and I are all going into New York City to explore around. And maybe we can take a stop by Lauren.

This MagCon won't be the same. This MagCon is the last MagCon Cam, Carter, Nash and I ever participate in. Sadly we have things that we would like to do and MagCon would not let us do that so unfortunately we had to quit after this event. We will be doing all the same things just under a different name. For now we are going with out management team name 26 Managment. Also, Shawn is going on tour for the summer.


As we all run onto the stage after hearing our names are called, all the guys start doing what they do every time, they dance, act weird, answer questions, Shawn sings, the jacks sing, but something was different about them. Everyone was acting different around me like they knew something I didn't.

Mahogony started playing 'Amnesia' by 5sos, as Cam took the mic. "Okay. So I'm asking all of you beautiful fans to make a path from those double doors that let you into this room. We have a surprise for you guys. So if your in the middle choose a side and stand on that side so there is a clear path in the middle." Cam said into the microphone. All the fans obeyed what he said and went to a different side of the room. All of the guys looked at me as the double doors began to open. My eyes widened at the thought of what I saw. A girl walked in the doors taking my breath away. This can't be real. No it can't be. Is it...


Sorry it's so short! Don't hate me! Just a filler and I'm really sorry for not updating for a month a lot has been going on and that is no excuse for me being mean and I'm sorry! Anyway I like this chapter for some odd reason and if you do too than vote comment and share with friends bc sharing is caring everyone!!!

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