Chapter 1.

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Bzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzz.

My phone seemed to be ringing uncontrollably. I huffed the long, irritating hair out of my face. I slowly sat up to check the clock.

6 A.M.

Flopping back into my soft, warm haven, I shut my eyes, pretending that I was still asleep.

Bzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz.

Grudgingly, I rolled over, grabbed my phone, and sunk back into my pillow as my eyes attempted to determine who exactly it was that could be calling.

Call from: Harlow

Harlow! It was practically routine. She called me every single morning, as she acted like my alarm clock. I mean, she is my best friend, after all. I guess I can give her the right to be a little annoying.

"Wake up you lazy sleepyhead!" She roared.

"For goodness sake, Har! Do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning?!"

"Ummmmm, obviously!" And with that, she quickly hung up on me. Typical, but I loved her.

I hurriedly strode over to my bathroom, where I quickly powered through my morning routine. Natural makeup, basic hair, and the usual: jeans with a somewhat form-fitting concert t-shirt and some beat up sneakers.


I ran downstairs, snatching a granola bar from the kitchen counter before I darted out the door. Mom was at work, so I didn't really get a proper goodbye. Just a note on the kitchen counter reading, 'Have a nice day sweetheart. See you when I get home. Love, mom.' Don't get me wrong, I loved her notes, but sometimes when that's all you get, it kinda sucks.

I ran outside, practically tripping over myself trying to run to get to Harley's car. I know she just got her license, but this girl can be way too eager to drive sometimes.

"Miss Leia!! If I have to honk my horn one more time at you to tell you to get your sorry little butt in my car, I'm gonna be pissed." She playfully glared at me through her tinted windows.

I chuckled.

"You know Har, the last day of school is today. As of tomorrow, you will no longer have me to boss around!" I winked jokingly.

"Ya right!" I climbed in next to her. "What would you ever do without me, Ley?"

I playfully pondered this scenario. "Hmmmmmm. I would probably........not be able to do anything." I smiled warmly.

"Awwww, Ley. See?! You need me!" We both laughed. "Alright now let's get to class before we get expelled on our last day of high school!"

And with that, we headed off. Full of caffeine, belting out hit Daughtry jams, we were happy.

But then it hit me:

Today I was going to have to see Wesley.

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