Chapter 11.

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As we pulled up further along the beach from the rest of the group, I began to wonder what exactly it was that Wes had in mind for his surprise. He suddenly stopped the truck on the beachfront, overlooking the calming waves and the magnificent sunset.

Wes jumped out of the trunk, opened my door, and popped down the hatchback. I glanced over and noticed a bunch of blankets, pillows and fairy lights piled in the back.

Oh. My. God.

"Wes," He glanced up and smiled. "You really didn't have to go through this much trouble for a-"

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't even start. This is an official date, and there is never too much trouble for you."

I found myself grinning from ear to ear, as I watched him get organized. We sat on the back of his truck, talking, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company. After a while, Wes worked up the courage to say what really was on his mind.

"Ley, I'm curious. Why did it take you so long to trust me again? I mean, of course, I know that I completely ruined our friendship, and that takes time to heal from, but it wasn't just me you were distant from. It seemed like it was with every guy that tried to talk to you. Why is that?"

I took a deep breath, preparing for my response. I sat up a little so that I could really look at him while I spoke.

"Well, basically I have found that I have problems with trusting guys, and it stems from my mom. She runs out, gets a boyfriend who eventually just ends up using her and leaves, and then I'm left to pick up her broken pieces. And it repeats and repeats. I am always the one who has to watch this happen, and I can never seem to do anything to stop it." Tears began to well up in my eyes. "And I guess it just affected me more than I realized." Now the tears began to flow.

Wes tilted my chin up with his finger. "Babe. I'm so sorry."

He grabbed my face in his hands and wiped the tears from my face. He leaned back and pulled me with him, as I adjusted myself onto his lap.

"I would never do anything like that to you." Wes gave me the most reassuring look I've ever seen. And I believed him.

He pulled me into him, and I felt his warm lips press up against mine. Even though he kissed me softly, it didn't lessen the immense electricity that we both felt. I pulled away and smiled.

Wes and I just laid there, wrapped up in each other's arms, not wanting to be anywhere else. I glanced down at my phone, as I was beginning to question the time.

11 P. M.

"Oh crap it's getting pretty late, we should probably head back and see if they've put everything away from the bonfire" I noted.

As we pulled back in, we were quite surprised to find that most people were still there.

"Ley! There you are!" Harlow ran (or should I say stumbled) up to me, clearly tipsy from one too many shots.

"Hey Har!" I caught her before she fell flat on her face.

I looked up to see the boy she had been with all night. He chuckled a little at the sight of her, but then shifted his gaze to me.

"So," he began. "Har wanted to know if you wanted to join us! We were just gonna drive to the 24 hour diner just down the street and probably get some milkshakes or something."

I looked up at Wes, gaining his approval.

"Go, have fun." Wes whispered with a smile.

I turned back to Harlow's friend. "Yeah sure! Just as long as she's not driving!" We both chuckled in unison.

"No of course not! I would be. Well, let's head out then!" I followed the two of them to his car, and Har and I piled in the backseat.

We rolled down the windows, blared the music, and were just happy to be alive.

But that didn't last long.

My eyes darted out the window to see blinding headlights. The tires squealed, and the windshield smashed.

And everything went black.

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