Thank You Note and Announcement!!

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Kaisa laga surprise???😎😎


Loved it??

I loved it😎

Well I saw how you guys were not interested in the story anymore and how the number of votes and comments were decreasing day by day as I was stretching it a lot!!

And I had planned the end so I thought I should give you guys a big surprise!!

Hopefully you guys loved it.!!

And now I want to say few words about the journey of ytkk..!!

So I started three years back I had an idea and I know you guys will laugh but actually it was a dream from which I got the idea!🙈🙈🙈🙈

Back at that time I used to read stories on India formus and when I say read it then it means read a lot!! Day and night!!😝😝😝 I used wake up and check that if any of the story is updated or not and used to live in this fantasy world!!!

Then when I got the dream then I only had the idea! No knowledge of writing or confidence to present a single line to any reader. So I thought why not share this idea with a good writer and she'll help me out so I posted on India formus that I want someone to write for me and I'll share the whole plot! Then came a writer! She used to write a story named ‘tu jaane na’ on India formus. Then we had a conversation and she wrote the prologue! Yes that Prologue is not my work but her! Then few things happened. I got busy because of my exams and all and she also had some function going on in her family at that time so unfortunately we lost the contact actually I lost the contact because my mobile number and all changed. Then I don't know how I got the courage to write and slowly slowly I started writing!!! Then I started writing on a group on Facebook and I got courage because of you guys and made a new group on Facebook.!!That's why the story has a lot of mistakes in the start..!! And you might have noticed that my way of writing has also improvised a lot!! And then here I am!! At the end of this journey!!

A story which gave me courage to write!!!

A story which helped to become a writer!!

A story which gave birth to the writer inside me!!


So this was the journey of YTKK.

Now from the bottom of my heart I want to thank!!

Firstly thank to the girl because of whom I here!!

Her name was Anam! I'm sorry Anam I still remember you told me to not to disclose your name but you deserve this! So if you're reading this please do comment! Anam who used to write a MaNan ss: tu jaane na! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving birth to the writer inside me!!❤❤❤❤❤

Now!! Last but not the least.. You guys!!! My readers!!!

If I'll start writing for guys then I know I don't have words to thank you guys enough!!! I seriously want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!! How I started you guys know now but how I continued to write is all because of you!! You guys loved me! Support me!! Waited for me!! Understood my situation!! Never complained me!! Never ever bashed me!! Never ever got annoyed!! I don't know how to thank you guys for giving so much of love to me!! It's because of you guys that my story was on 1st position on Wattpad, not for one day or one week. It was on 1st position till I was giving updates and even when I stopped writing in last few days back.!! You guys voted, commented and even if you were silent then also you were supporting me!! I want to thank each and everyone who read this story!! It's you guys who made this story special and loved it!!

I want to thank you guys again and Anam I want to thank to you too!!

Now that I've ended the story with lots of question and lots of unfold things like Nandini's pregnancy, MaNan married life so I'm here to announce that I'm soon coming back with a sequel of this story!!

So as you guys made this story possible so I want you guys to suggest me a good name gor the sequel similar to YTKK!!!! So I'll use your given name if I like any one of it!!!

So now I take a leave from this journey and will join you again in a journey of monstu and his Nanhi baby!!!

Till then thank you and love you to the moon and back!!!

I've republished this old one!

Manan ff:Yeh Tune Kya Kiyaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें