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By the time we walked to where all the food places were it was already 4:30. So basically were eating dinner.

"Oh my god can we go to chipotle ?" I asked him clinging on the his arm.

"Uhm no" he gave me a dirty look and I pouted.

"I'm just kidding of course we can " he laughed. I kept our arms connected and walked faster to chipotle. "You sure you don't wanna go somewhere nicer ?" He asked

"I don't want nice I want good" I smiled back at him.

"Whatever you say my queen" he said opening the door for me.

"Such a gentlemen" I laughed. Their was hardly anybody in here. We ordered our food and decided to walk to a little park nearby and eat there.

We sat under a tree in the shade and started eating. He put music on from his phone. We didn't really say much while we ate. We just looked at each other and smiled.

He makes me feel so happy. Just looking at him gives me chills. Literally it's not even the fact that he's like sorta famous, like if I wouldn't know that he is or if he wasn't at all famous I would feel the same way about him. He just makes me feel special for some reason. I really like him.

"Would you like to go swing on the swings with me my queen ?" He popped up and bowed to me.

"Yes I would very well like to accompany you on the swing set on this fine afternoon" I said proper back to him and busted in giggles afterwards.

"Your so cute" he laughed and swung his arm over should bringing me close to him.

I sat on one swing and he sat on the other. We hardly swung back and forth.

"So like I hardly know anything about you Like I wanna know more" he smiled.

"There's not really much to me. " I shrugged

"C'mon " he laughed .

"Alright let's see. My parents had me when they were like 15 or 16. I've lived in la and here, obviously. I'm a sophomore currently and I play volleyball. Uhm I don't know" I laughed.

"Are you a good student ?" He asked.

"Uhm yeah sorta . I mean in order to play volleyball and stay on varsity I have to keep my grades up. Like I wanna actually go somewhere and I know like without volleyball I won't go anywhere at all in life . Volleyball is literally the only thing in life that I'm good at. I mean yes I like doing it but I'm really only sticking with it because it's gonna get me somewhere. Cause yeah I suck at everything else in life " I looked at him.

"That's not true. " he gave me a look. I nodded and smiled.

"Well your pretty good at making me smile that's for sure" he winked and smiled.

"So is there any guys that I should watching my back for ?" He said and he started swinging higher.

"Uhm noo. Like honestly im not tryna sound like im the hot girl at school or anything, cause I'm really not, but there's always guys that try to get at me but im not interested. at least anymore" I smiled.

"I bet you are the hot, beautiful girl at school " he said never looking at me.

"Nope not even close" I shook my head.

"Whatever you say" he laughed.

We stood swinging on the swing for literally over an hour. We kept taking and talking. He just kept asking me questions about myself and I answered. By now it's 7 almost fully dark so we started walking back to his hotel. The whole time we held hands, like for real. Fingers interlocked and everything lol, there was times when he'd rub his thumb over my hand and look at me deeply while I was talking about something stupid.

Cant Help Falling ( Matthew Espinosa FanFiction )Where stories live. Discover now