- chapter 1 -

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                                                                                     - chapter 1 -

As soon as I got out of the bus I realised that it still wasn't Spring. It was the first day back at school after the February holidays. Although spring was on its way, the weather was still wet, cold and windy. I pulled my coat tighter around my body so that it shielded me from the fresh morning air. The baby blue hat I had on my head protected my ears from the wind, but my long brown locks blew into my face with every gust of wind.

Despite the cold weather, my friends were huddled up together just outside the school gates. My boyfriend of almost a year Daniel spotted me and jogged over to meet me. He kissed me on the lips and pulled me close to him. We hadn't been able to see each other during the holidays as he has been away. He was slightly taller than me and had floppy blond hair which even his expert styling skills couldn't keep under control. He had slightly tanned skin and the most beautifully sad green eyes.

"I missed you." He murmured as he unlocked his lips from mine. "You'll have to tell me all about your holidays at lunch, ok?" He winked. I nodded but a part of me didn't want him to know what I had done during the holidays. Not that anything had happened, but something had been created.

He bent down again and kissed me. It was long but sweet with a hidden layer of desire and lust. I buried my hands under his jacket whilst his hands came up to touch my face. I squealed as his ice colds hands touched my cheeks. He grinned and planted once last kiss on my cheek before grabbing hold of my hand to make the short walk over to our friends.

Once I had greeted everybody I felt his left arm playfully wrap around my waist and pull me tight against his body. His normally fresh and clean smell was tainted by a trace of smoke. He had probably been smoking last time he wore this jacket. Strangely instead of being able to let my body relax completely into his I was stiff and tense.

As everyone chit chatted, I let my eyes drift away from the group and over to the car park entrance. Every few seconds or so I would glance over because any minute now, he would be here.

And then he was. Louis Spencer's black Audi pulled up in the car park, and after only a few moments he emerged from the warmth of the heated car. As I had done, he tightened his jacket around him and started to walk towards the building, his curly locks bouncing with every step. I smiled when my eyes met his, and he smiled back, but it was a small smile and then he looked away. I frowned and looked up at Daniel to see if he had noticed Louis' arrival. He had. We shared a concerned look and Daniel shrugged, but a frown still stayed fixed on his face. I pulled away from Daniel and started to make my way over to Louis' retreating figure.

"Louis!" I said once I had caught up with him. As he turned around I noticed his slightly shaken attitude. I understood his pain. It was his first day back since the accident.

"Hey Mila." He said with a genuine smile of his face.

"I would ask you how you are, but I know that would be a stupid question." He just nodded. "Why didn't you come and see us? Everyone wants to see you." I added.

"I don't know. I'm just a bit stressed, you know with the whole back to school thing. Apparently, there is some sort of shrine in there?" He grimaced. I nodded. "I don't know how I'm suppose to react to this whole situation to be totally honest. I don't want a pity party" He added, and I was about to reply when I heard Daniel's voice from behind me.

"Hey man." He grinned, hugging Louis in their traditional way. The two had been best friends since, well since forever. "How you are holding up?"

"I'm ok. I just don't want people to make a fuss about today. I'd rather just pretend that everything is normal." Louis shrugged.

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