- chapter 9 -

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Chapter 9:

This weekend, whilst we were hanging out I managed to convince Louis to help me out after school to plant some herbs in the school's greenhouse. Since freshman year I've been an active member and gardening is one of my great loves.

He had agreed because I bribed him with pizza.

Since spending more time together over the past few days I feel like Louis and I have come to a common understanding. We both know that we can never be more than friends, and both of us are fine with it. Since the almost kiss a true friendship has bloomed between us.

"So why the garden club?" He asked as he transferred the baby Basil plant over to it's new plot.

"Because it's fun and relaxing." I said, doing the same but with some Rosemary.

"Why not book club?" He continued.

"Because I have no time to read books that aren't for school." I replied.

"Nonsense, you are like one of the most intelligent people I know. Surely you read those boring books really fast and understand them!" Louis laughed, he was referring to the current book we are studying in English Literature, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

"I still need to study though." I frowned.

"You work really hard Mila, I admire you for that." He grinned, looking over at me.

"I have no choice..." I trailed off, trying to concentrate on the baby plants. "I need a scholarship to get into University." I admitted.

"Your parents can't afford it?" He frowned.

"My mum can't, and... well, I have no dad." I sighed. Not many people know about that, because it was something I have always kept very private. An awkward silence followed as it always did when I told people about not having a dad. They never knew what it meant, if he was dead, or gone, or whatnot. "My mum was only twenty when she had me. My dad and her stayed together until I was two years old. Then he left. He couldn't deal with the stress of having a daughter at twenty-two. I get a birthday card every year, but that's it. I don't think he would help pay for college... I don't even know what he does for a living." I shrugged, hoping to clear up the unexplained.

"I'm sorry." Louis said sadly.

"It's ok, I don't remember him, so I don't miss him." I dismissed the subject. I picked up the watering can to water my newly plotted plants, but it was empty. "I'm going to fill this up." I said, swinging the can.

"Let me do it." Louis offered, jogging after me. I rolled my eyes and handed him the can. As he did I felt like he tried to not look at my face too long. 

"Why won't it turn on?" Louis groaned, struggling to turn on the brass tap.

"Here, let me." I proposed, stepping closer to the tap. It was then that I noticed Louis was turning the tap in the wrong direction. "It's the other-" I stopped as water spurted out of the tap and all over me. Obviously, Louis had figured it out already.

I squealed in shock and jumped away from the tap, which Louis had already turned off.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry." He said before unleashing uncontrollable laughter.

"How is this funny?" I gasped in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry... your face." He chuckled, trying to force himself to stop laughing resulting in a large snort.

I stared at him in disbelief. Thank God my coat was inside, at least I wouldn't get hyperthermia. He was still bent down laughing, and before I understood what I was doing I picked up the half-filled watering can and poured it all over his head.

He yelled in shock, his blue eyes wide open.

"Oh, you are so dead." He grinned. He sprang to his feet and grabbed the hose pipe next to the brass tap. Luckly I still had the watering can, but it wasn't much use to me empty. As he struggled to turn on the tap I rushed to another tap and started to fill up my weapon.

Suddenly the hard force of water being sprayed hit my back making me shriek and turn around. Louis was standing a few yards away aiming the hose pipe directly at me.

Arming myself with the plastic green can, I ran towards him holding the can up to protect my face. I peaked over the top and saw that I was in throwing distance. Ignoring the freezing cold water drenching my body I tackled Louis, sending water up in the air and down over the both of us.

I quickly realised that my can was no defence against the hose. I noticed that Louis had dropped it during my tackled, so I rushed to pick it up. Adjusting the type of spray I wanted, I aimed it at Louis who was sliding in some mud and squirted it all over him.

He squealed as he stumbled to his feet. He then circled me and came at me from the side, grabbing hold of my waist with one hand and trying to pry the hose pipe out of my hand with the other.

The nose of the pipe fell off in the struggle stopping the heavy spray of water, which now only trickled down meagrely from the open end of the pipe.

I was dripping wet, with my clothes clinging to my body and water streaming down me. My hair was plastered to the side of my face and I started to shiver. A water fight at the end of February was not a good idea.

I hesitantly looked up at Louis now that we were no longer at war. His eyes were ready for mine and once they locked, I was overtaking by a feeling I had known only once before. A feeling I had only ever felt with Daniel.

I knew that what was about to happen shouldn't happen. I was Daniel's girlfriend and he was Daniel's best friend. But before I could ponder about it any further, Louis pulled me close to him and covered my mouth with his kiss. As our lips connected I felt liberated. Weeks of unknown passion had built up inside me. The way his lips connected with mine felt like magic. His mouth was so warm, a jarring contrast with the harsh air that blew around us. His lips caressed mine softly and I opened my mouth without a moment's hesitation. His tongue felt warm against my lips and even softer against my own. We kissed with so many feelings, feelings I can't describe because I've never felt them before. I let myself melt into his embrace, I wanted every nanometre of my skin to touch his body.

As he pulled away Louis pressed his forehead against mine, his wet hair dripping down his face. He stood frozen. We both closed our eyes. Our breaths were shaking in both fear and excitement.

"Thank you." He said is a low and husky voice.

"For what?" I whispered nervously, refusing to open my eyes. Refusing to face reality.

"For being you." His voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension that had emerged around us.

This time it was me who leaned in and kissed his warm, red lips. They pulled apart and he took a shaky breath. He cupped my cheek with his hand and pulled me into another fiery and passionate kiss. I clung to his body as if my life depended on it and let myself loose myself in our kiss.

And then it hit me. What I had just done was probably the worse mistake of my life.

With a painful gasp, I pulled away from him. Not only his lips, but his body.

As we stared into each other's eyes the slow realisation of what we had done crept up on us.

And it was bad. 


Oh shit, what just happened? 

Let me know what you think in the comments! 

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