- chapter 5 -

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chapter 5:

Around me the pitter patter of the rain created a relaxing sound, although in itself the rain was not relaxing. It fell in crazy chaotic drops because of the cold wind that sent it flying like a swarm of bees. As I stood outside Daniel's front door it ran down my face in a thin layer and soaked into my coat. My light blue wool hat was no longer protecting my long locks from the rain as my hair was slowly turning into rat's tails. It was cold, but not as cold as it had been in the previous months. Nevertheless, I stood outside in the rain like a mad woman waiting for Daniel to open the door.

Maybe I was a mad woman. I had walked out on him earlier but still, here I was. Standing in front of his door as if I was in a movie. As I waited I thought about what we had planned to do this evening. We planned it during the holidays. I had hesitated about coming, but since Daniel hadn't told me otherwise I came. Although part of me was now regretting that. I was furious at him for drinking and subsequently getting into a fight at school, but I was also in pain. I knew that I was the cause of this sudden change in attitude, because the boy I knew and loved wasn't like this. He didn't drink or fight or hurt me. He was loving and kind and the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ask for, so why do I have a bad feeling about our future?

Oh, that's right, I have a creepy stalker trying to ruin my life. 

Eventually he opened the door and I could tell that he was surprised to see me here. He opened his mouth to say something, but then most likely remembered that he was giving me the silent treatment. He stood there like a petrified fish, his mouth opened in a sort of 'o' shape. I looked up at his beaten face and waited for him to say something, to say anything.

"What are you doing here?" He eventually asked. I had expected his voice to be full of hate but instead he spoke like a hurt little boy.

"We had plans." I murmured.

"I didn't think you would show." Daniel stated.

"I didn't think I would either." I replied, shocked at how calm my voice sounded, the intense opposite of how I felt inside.

"You better come in then." He said, stepping aside so I could walk in. He familiar scent of his house filled my lungs and comforted my nerves. He had let me in and he was speaking to me. Maybe this evening would sort all our problems out. "Jesus Mila!" He said, rushing over to me. "You are soaking wet! How long were you standing outside?" He asked, pressing his hand against my wet cheek. "You're freezing too." He sighed. He took my hand and without warning lead me upstairs to his bedroom. He left me there and disappeared, only to return with a towel, which he handed to me. Then he pulled me out a pair of his sports bottoms and a jumper. "Here." He said, handing me the clothes and removing my drenched hat from my head, which he put on the radiator to dry. "I'll go make you some tea." He said, exiting the room.

I watched him leave, surprised at the intense amount of love he had just shown me. But why was I so surprised? He was an angel and he loved me. This was normal Daniel, but why did he contrast so differently to the Daniel I had seen last night and at lunchtime?

One by one I peeled off my wet clothes and rubbed my body down with a towel. Once I was dry I put on Daniel's clothes, which were soft on my skin and engulfed me in his cologne; Fierce by Abercrombie & Fitch that I had gotten him for his birthday.

After laying my clothes over the radiator to dry, I walked downstairs meekly being careful not to make a noise. I felt out of place in a house I knew so familiarly.

I hovered at the kitchen entrance, watching Daniel. He was facing away from me, staring at the kettle as it boiled some water. He was hunched over, hands on the counter, his back all tensed up. I coughed lightly to make my presence known. His head turned around and registered me. A small smile crept onto his swollen lips. Slowly, I made my way over to him. I placed my hand delicately on his cheek, cupping it. He flinched as I pressed too hard against the swelling, but I didn't remove my hand, and started into his eyes, mesmerised by his presence. He was beautiful, and I loved him... didn't I?

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