- chapter 7 -

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chapter 7:

It was cold. 


The fresh early morning breeze sent a shiver down my spine as I stood outside of the big red front door.

It was 6.30 am, and no sane person was wake. Yet, here I was standing on the town's poshest street in front of Louis' house.

After Lillian left last night, I knew what I had to do. I had no other choice than to set things straight with Louis, and I needed to do it now. I couldn't go to school with the unknown. Plus, I needed my mum to drive me and she worked an early shift, so it was now or never.

All the lights in the house were off, so I guessed that nobody was awake yet. Instead of disturbing the whole house, I pulled out my phone and called Louis.

After a few rings, he picked up and with a voice that suggested I had just woken him up, he said: "Hello?"

"I'm outside your front door." I explained.

"What time is it?" He asked. "Jesus- ok I'll be right down." He groaned and hung up. Moment's later, the lights flicked on inside the house and then the door opened, revealing a drowsy Louis with messy hair and ruffled clothes.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." He frowned, rubbing his eyes. He was cute like this. "What are you doing here Mila?" He asked, his voice hoarse with tiredness.

"We need to talk." I said, not beating around the bush.

"We do." Louis nodded nervously. "Come in." He stepped aside for me. I walked in and smiled as we stood awkwardly in the entrance hall. At least the first part had gone well. 

"Do you want something to drink?" He offered, and I shrugged as I followed him into the kitchen. Silence dominated the room as he made coffee. "Where do you want to talk?" He asked, handing me my coffee.

"Here's fine." I attempted a smile.

"We can't tell anyone about yesterday." I suddenly blurted out, my eyes widening in shock at my brutal honesty.

"Let's forget it ever happened." Louis said, and I nodded. He had covered my second point.

"And we can't be friends anymore or hang out." I said, getting to my third point.

"Wait, no." He shook his head. "I disagree, I don't see why we can't be friends."

"Because we almost kissed." I hissed in a whisper. "Don't you see what that means?"

"That we didn't kiss." Louis pointed out, making me want to groan in frustration. Why didn't he see the gravity of what we almost did.

"No, no, no." I groaned. "You nearly kissed your best friend's girlfriend."

"Nearly being the key word." He said, taking my cup out of my hands and placing it down on the counter. He took my hands in his and looked at me with those beautiful eyes. "We didn't do anything. Nothing happened, ok? You didn't cheat on Daniel and I didn't kiss my best friend's girlfriend. Everything will be ok, ok?"

"Everything will not be ok! Why can't you see that?" I asked, pulling away from his touch.

"It's just a stupid almost kiss Mila! It doesn't mean anything!" Louis sighed in frustration.

"It means something to me, and it will mean something to Daniel if he finds out." I snapped, before bursting into tears. Only they weren't tears of sadness, but tears of infuriation. That was the hardest part: I wasn't upset about nearly kissing Louis, I was angry that I almost did.

"Hey, hey Mila." Louis said, wrapping his arms around me.

"No!" I sobbed, pushing him away from me. "Don't touch me." He put his arms up in a surrender position, backing away from me slightly. "How could this happen?" I said, furiously wiping away my tears. "How could you do this to me?" I blubbered, unable to stop myself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Louis said, forcing his voice to stay calm. It annoyed me that he took the blame for something that wasn't his fault. It was nobody's fault and it was both of our fault at the same time.

It shouldn't matter, the almost kiss. Because, really, that was all it was: a failed kiss. So why did it mean so much to me? Why did it destroy every conscience cell in my body and tear my feelings apart?

I shuddered as I felt something warm engulf me. He had disobeyed my wish and touched me anyway. I should be raging, but instead his embrace had the opposite effect: it calmed me down.

Eventually, after being held for what felt like hours, but what was probably only a minute or two, my eyes ran dry and I returned to my normal state. I slowly pulled away from Louis' touch, my body instantly begging to return to his embrace. I pushed those feelings to the deepest part of my brain.

"We can stay friends, we have too. Won't Daniel realise something happened if suddenly we give each other the cold shoulder? I can't lose my best friend Mila, not after I just lost my sister." Louis murmured, looking deep into my eyes.

"Don't play that card on me." I stated, wanting to be angry, but instead I was filled with an unknown emotion that was slowly eating me from within.

"I can't lose you Mila." He announced, ignoring my previous comment. "You are the only person who makes me forget."

I agreed, because I wanted to stop the row. Something about feeling Louis' breath so close to my face last night had unleashed something inside of me, and that scared me. I didn't know what it was, and I didn't want to find out. I had to suppress it and forget about it. The only thing I could do know was look to the future and forget.

"I supposed there is no harm in us being friends." I said slowly, trying to convince myself as I spoke. Somehow, that didn't persuade my heart.


What do you guys think of Louis and Mila's decision? Do you think it will work? Let me know in the comments!

A big thank you to everyone who is reading,

i love you forever and always,



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