- chapter 3 -

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/!\ I am posing a new chapter every day of this week to start this book of with a bang, so don't forget to add this book to your library, vote and comment to share the love! 

   - chapter 3 -

I felt like everyone was watching me as I stepped into Bob's. Or at least everyone at the table. I made eye contact with Daniel and forced a smile onto my face as I walked over to join him, Louis following behind me.

It suddenly felt very tense and I noticed that Daniel was not happy. I slid into the booth next to him and placed my hand on his knee, gently stroking it to calm him down. I kissed his cheek and leant into his body. His attitude then changed out of the blue, and he kissed me back. Then he grabbed hold of my hat and pulled it off my head, causing me to squeal in protest at my now static hair.

Around the table the tense atmosphere had changed, and everyone was now chatting normally. There were six of us: blond haired Sam, beautiful Cloé who happened to be Louis' ex-girlfriend, my best friend Lillian, Daniel, Louis and me. We were the gang, although before it was just the four of us. Louis started to hang-out with us whilst he was dating Cloé. He was the one to introduced me to the quiet but super handsome swimmer, who now happens to be my boyfriend.

"We need to talk." Daniel murmured in my ear after a few minutes. I gulped but nodded. We got up from the table saying that were going to get some air and made our way outside.

The sun had gone down, and the sky was a dusky grey. We stood in the light of the building. I knew what conversation we were about to have, and I knew that I had nobody else but myself to blame.

"Mila why were you with Louis?" Daniel asked.

We were standing face to face, but he was taller than me, so I had to tilt my neck to look it his eyes.

"I missed the bus, so he offered to take me home." I explained, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear nervously.

"But I phoned you as soon as I left practice, an hour after school ends." Daniel pushed on. "Why were you still with him?"

"We went for coffee." I stated. I should have said no, I should have just gone straight home. But a part of me knew that I didn't wish that at all.


"At Mc Donald's." I said calmly.

"So, you just sat in Mc Donald's and drank coffee for an hour?" He frowned. I wanted to lie and say yes, but I knew that that was probably not a good idea. So, I decided to tell him the whole truth.


"No?!" He shouted.

"No, we drank it in his car and talked." I said undisturbed.


"Because he felt like shit and needed someone to talk to." I sighed, frustrated.

"Why does he need to talk to you? Why not somebody else." Daniel raised his voice slightly.

"Because I was the only one there for him when he needed someone!" I shouted, finally reaching my limit of cool composure.

"So, you are saying that it is my fault that my best friend and my girlfriend are secretly hanging out behind my back." He yelled.

"What? No! First of all, I never said it was your fault and secondly, we are not secretly hanging out! He needed a friend!" I defended myself.

"And since when have you two been friends?" Daniel spat.

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