Chapter 3 - The Drarry Plan

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Previously On the Forbidden
Love Story

"I don't really know, Draco. Let's hope it's not, now it's late and it's been a long day. Now let's get some shut eye." they both fall asleep, into a nightmare filled sleep.

Third Person POV

Hermione and pansy where talking in the Gryffindor common room about the next phase of their Drarry Plan.

"So, Parkinson now that they know that they both like each other, what's next?"

"Well, we only got two weeks left till Christmas break, so we have to move fast, sooo... we're running out of time and ideas. Do you have any ideas? oh granger, what about we set up a date for them?"

"Parkinson, that's perfect. but how are we going to get them to hogsmeade?"

"Well, granger we could send a fake letter to each of them, then tell them to meet at The Three Broomsticks at 9:00."

"Well, granger it looks like we have a date to plan, you write the letter, and Ill plan the date at hogsmeade. Let's go, granger."


"Hey, Parkinson?"

"Ya Granger?"

"How does this sound?" pansy handed the letter to Hermione, 10 minutes later.

"OMG, Parkinson this is perfect, now I can rewrite Harrys, and then we can send then."

"How's the reservation planning go?" pansy said

"Um, well they said that they are full, the next free reservation is in two weeks." Hermione said quietly

"Wait...what, two weeks? We don't have time to wait that long. Hold on gimme that the phone ill deal with this guy, hello this is pansy Parkinson, I'm just wondering about the reservation tonight at 9?"

"Um, I'm really sorry ma'am but, we are completely fully booked, like I've already told your friend ma'am." the men said with an angry tone pansy cleared her throat.


Pansy's voice was cold and deep, finally the men on the other side of the phone said, "Um...wait, ma'am we just happened to come a crossed an opening, so 9:00 was it ma'am?"

Pansy's voice went calm, "yes sir and make it the Romantic table, thank you sir, for cooperating. Good bye sir."

Pansy turned to face Hermione, who was in shocked, "wow Parkinson that was amazing, like wow I didn't think we would get the spot."

"Well thanks granger, now that's done, we need to finish the letters how far are you in finishing Harry's letter?"

"I'll be done in like five minutes." pansy came over to see how much Hermione had done and she was right.

"Wow good job granger, Ok I've got Draco's done. Now all you need to do is finish Harry's then we can send them. How about tonight, then they will spot them in the morning?"

"Sounds perfect, Parkinson". Both girls went upstairs quietly tying to not wake up the boys, pansy gave both letters to Hermione, and slid them under the door. Then, they quietly tiptoed back downstairs.

They both went and sit down on the couch, where Hermione fell asleep on pansy's stomach. They both fell asleep, both proud of what was to come in the morning.



Draco woke up in the night screaming, and sweating. He hadn't been sleeping, for the past month he looked over at harry, he's so cute when he's asleep Draco thought to himself. Then he notices something lying by the door.

"What is that?"

He got up and went over to the down to find out what it was.

"Is that a letter, who would be writing to harry and me?"

He picked the letters and turned them over and on the back in beautiful cursive writing the first one said, Draco and the other one said Harry.

He decided to open the letter that had his name on it and put Harry's letter on the dresser, he opened up his letter it said...

Dear, Draco

I have been meaning to contacted you, and tell you that I have something that your mother wanted you to know.
I think this is something you want to come and hear.
And your father has told me something that you cannot repeat to anyone.
You Draco Malfoy are to become a Death Eater.
Your missions...kill Albus Dumbledore.
If you try to worn Albus,
He will find out and well...he will kill her. Then he will kill you.

Meet me at The Three Broomsticks at 9:00 PM tomorrow,

~ Unknown

Draco didn't know what to do but cry till he ran out of tears, he grow weak.

Little did he know that harry was up and listening to Draco, when he read the letter and when he was crying and growing weak. Harry's eyes were filled with tears.

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Author's note

Hey, I hope you guys liked this one I really liked writing this chapter, if you did Vote & Comment. And don't worry DRARRY IS COMING; just hold on for one more chapter.
Two uploads in one day ;)

I didn't kinda ran out of ideas halfway in so...ha-ha hope you guys are enjoying

Love, Noah ❤️

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