Chapter 5 - The Truth

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Previously on the Forbidden Love Story

"Well, harry it doesn't look like we have a choice do we?"

Harry glared at Draco hoping that this was a bad dream; yet again he couldn't stop looking at Draco's beautiful face.

Same went for Draco as it did for harry but Draco couldn't thinking what unknown was talking about Harry's uncle for and what he meant by 'no human should be treated like that.'

Draco's POV

"Harry what did Unknown mean by your uncle?" harry was blushing

"I-I don't know if I should tell you Draco, it's something that Hermione and Ron don't even know about."

I put my hand on top of Harry's and looked deep into Harry's Green Emerald eyes they were filled with fear, anger, and tears.

"It's ok harry, you can tell me."

"Well I...ok fine. Um well for starters my bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs for eleven years, I eventually got an upgrade, but only because my aunt and uncle were scared, sometimes they would stop feeding me. They call me a freak, physically and emotionally abused and I-"

Harry looked like he was going to have a melted down, so I comfort him he cried into my chest and then it hit me, I thought to myself.

"Aww harry its ok, come here."

The raven haired boy burred his face into my chest.

"Hey harry, I think I know what unknown meant by we are alike than different."

Harry looked at me in confusion.

"w-what, what do you mean you know what unknown meant by were more alike than different?"

Harry and I where both looking into each other's eyes in confusion.

"I think it's about time I'd tell you....about the relationship with my father, harry."

I looked deep into potters Emerald Green eyes.

"My father...well, um doesn't really like me. he thinks that I'm a disgrace to the Malfoy name, and well my father has high expectations for me and when I reached to those expectations, he always tells me what I did wrong, and I knew if I got the Dark Mark I'd have to kill Dumbledore. And I couldn't kill the one person you cared about."

Harry looked deep into my eyes.

"I think I know what he meant to."


"Um, harry, how about we go to the black house, and get our stuff already?"

Harry looked right up "um, sure, let's go."


We arrive at the house and go straight upstairs, and pick our bedrooms. Then harry was about to make my mother's room.

"Um, ha-ha. Harry can I actually do this?"

Harry looked at me and I smile came crossed his face

"Sure, Draco" he said in his calm romantic voice.

Then I heard a knock at the door

"I'll get it."

I yelled, I opened the door to find Dumbledore and my mother standing there.

"Hello Draco, dear." she said as she pulled me in for a hug

"Who is it, Draco?" harry yelled from the kitchen

"Come here and find out harry." harry came out to find out how was at the door

"Oh, hello Mrs. Malfoy, Dumbledore." they both nod and smile

"Please, harry call me Narcissa."

"Alright then Narcissa, Draco will show you your bedroom, while I talk to Dumbledore in the living room."

I took my mother up to her room.

"This is where you will be staying for a while, mother."

"Um, Draco dear can you go and get me a glass of water, thanks dear?"

"Sure, mother."

I walk downstairs when I overheard harry talking to Dumbledore.

"Harry, Voldemort isn't stupid, he will find out that Narcissa is no longer in the mansion. And he will send his Death Eaters out to find her and bring her back."

"Professor, how long do we have till Voldemort, does find out?"

"I'm not sure, but I will say this, harry you are stronger than you think you are if the death Eaters do find out where Narcissa is. Then you need to train."

"Yes professor, but what about Draco, is there a way we can stall him from getting the Dark Mark?"

"As for that I don't know, harry I don't know."

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Author's note

Hey, I hope you guys liked this one I really liked writing this chapter, if you did Vote & Comment. And don't worry DRARRY IS COMING.
I know this a sad chapter but I need Narcissa to be out of the Malfoy manor, for now. Ya'll see what I'm doing soon. Hoped you liked this chapter if you did.....


Love, Noah =)

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