Chapter 12 - Draco, Draco can you hear me?

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Previously on the Forbidden Love Story

"I Love You, Draco."

"Are you not coming, Lucius?"

He looked down to harry standing there, and then got eye level to the boy.

"Keep him save for me will ya do that for me, love him. Don't ever give up on him, ok."

Harry nodded with tears rolling down his cheek then Lucius got up.

"No Severus, I got to stay here, I'll buy ya guys time, now go."

Watching his only son disappear into the fog he shut the door, then walking away as if nothing happened.

Harry's POV

"Pro-professor, is Draco ok?"

For the first time I seen a tear escape from snaps eye's

"I don't know, potter. But rest here for the night. Draco will have to stay in your tent"

"Tent, professor?"

Snap pulled out his wand and waving it in the air, making 2 decent sized tents appeared.

"Impressive professor."

"I'll be in my tent if you need anything, good night potter." Snap put Draco into my arms then kissed Draco's forehead.

I go into my tent and this thing is huge it's like mansion inside of a tent I placed Draco on the king sized air mattress; I put some blankets on top of him. I kissed his forehead "good night, Draco I love you," Then I went outside to sit down by the fire

Draco's POV

I woke up to a warm bed and blankets and the sound of someone crying I got out of bed to go investigate I poked my head out the door frame, and see pot-harry.

"Harry, are you ok," harry nodded with tears rolling down his cheek

"No you're not, what's wrong?"

"I thought I'd lost you, when I saw what they did to you I didn't know what to do."

"They raped you, how can someone be so cruel?"

"That wasn't the first time I was rapped by them." harry imminently looked up at me

"Why do they do it?" I looked in Harry's Emerald eyes "for their own entertainment, I guess." I suddenly felt a chill run my spine, I looked down and almost screamed. I was still naked the only thing I had on was my father's jacket....Wait, What, my father's jacket?

"Um, ha-harry, can we go back into the tent now I'm cold." harry just chuckled "and your naked, sure, but only if we can cuddle."

"Yes-yes, harry, we can cuddle." we went inside the tent and we got into the bed I looked deep into his eyes.

"I missed you, like you have no idea." I seen the smile slowly disappear on the raven haired boy face

"Draco, when professor snap and I went to find you, I thought we would. But as the hours went by, I-I started to lose faith in the hopes of finding you, then snap told me that you where taking to the manor. My heart sunk, and then, told me what they would do to you. I couldn't stop thinking about how it was my fault, that you were taking, I should've stayed right beside you, and protected you. But I didn't. It's my fault you got Ra-raped, and were taking away from me, I'm sorry, babe."

I pulled the raven haired boy into my arms, and then I lifted his head with my hand on his chin

"Baby, listen carefully. I don't care what you think is or isn't your fault, Nothing and I repeat Nothing that happened was your fault, and I don't know my aunt found out about us, but it's not your fault. We both didn't know that it was gonna happen. Ya know what I was thinking about the whole time I was in the mansion?"

"No. W-what, were you thinking about?" I smiled and looked at harry

"How much I wanted to be in my Golden Boys arms, where I feel save. Where I'm home. Baby nothing that we go through will ever keep us apart. I Love You, Scarhead."

"I Love you too, my slytherin prince." I leaned over to kiss him, and well you guess what happened next.


"Morning, Scarhead."

"Morning, Draco."

Then I heard snap taking down his tent, then he pocked his head in our tent, to see if me and harry where up.

"Oh good. You boys are awake, you guys can help me. We need to tear down the tents and hurry, we need to hurry up and get to Hogwarts to get Draco to Dumbledore."

We got the tents down and continued our journey back to Hogwarts.

"Uncle Sev how much farther till we get there, I'm tired."

"Wh-what. Tired. You just woke up, not that long ago how can you be tired?"

I saw Harry roll his eyes at my complaining.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, harry."

"Ya, ya whatever, Draco."

I heard snap chuckle to himself.

"Oh Draco, I wish you wouldn't such a drama queen."

"Hey, I am not a drama queen."

"Ya, ok sure you're not, babe."


"Harry, when are we gonna get there?" I heard a chuckle

"We're almost there dray, just hold on." I throw myself on top of harry "oh, harry, my love can you carry me my legs are tired?"

Doing my best Shakespeare voice, then walked in the forest. The faster root to the castle.

"Alright, boys lets go and stay close to each other. I don't want to go looking for one of you."

Then we walked into the forbidden forest with Draco holding my hand, unknowingly what awaits us.

Author's note

Hey guys, this chapter took me a long time to write. You can tell where I ran out of ideas lol. But I think this story's getting pretty good, at least I think.
But I think next chapter is gonna be interesting, just wait, and also I'm going to camp next week, so there will not be any updates till Sunday by the latest.
If you liked this chapter....


Love, Noah =)

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