3 months

35 4 2

3 months had passed since I told them what made me a bone. I was on a kill when clockwork started to bother me again.

She always bothered me for not killing my younger brother. Yet she didn't know what I felt inside at all. It really made me angry at her more and more and more. I hated her more every day.

I was doing killing the campsite.
"what do you want clockwork?"
"Hmm. How did you know I was here?"
"did you forget what I am?"
"right. Say, what if one of them was your little ' precious' brother?" she laughed.
"you better stop talking clockwork unless you want me to tell the others your big secret."
"Ugh fine!" she left the campsite. I walked back to the house and I saw Lizzy.

Lizzy is one of slenders brothers daughter. She always wears a dress. She has pale white skin but she had a face. I can't remember the brother but she is the daughter of one of them.
"Hey, Lizzy. What are you doing?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"Hmm? Oh! Bone! I'm playing with my friend! Meet link!" there was no one there. She had an imaginary friend. I sighed. "hi link. I need to go, Lizzy."
"alright bone!" I had walked down the hall the see masky by toby's room.
"hey masky! What happened now?"
"Toby has been crying. He won't come out of his room. How did the kill go?"
"Oh, yea. It went well. I think it would be better if clockwork didn't show up."
"Hmm, that's nice. So clockwork still won't leave you alone?"
"Nope, sadly. Where's blood? Why don't she deal with Toby?"
"shes out on a mission. Why? I thought you knew?"
"Hmm, sadly she doesn't tell me these things."
"oh. Wanna you try to talk to Toby?"
"ya let me try."
Masky had moved from the door. I knocked on the door. No answer.
"TOBY!" I yelled.
"let me in. I want to talk."
"n-n-no! L-l-leave m-m-me alone!"
"ok, Toby." i stepped away from the door.
"leave him alone. He just needs time. Alright, masky?"
"ok. Say. I need to bring someone with me to scout out zalgos bass. Wanna come with me?"
"hm okie! Let's go!" i was hyper today i never knew why.

Now scouting out zalgos base...

We were almost in the open field zalgos base was in. There looked to be some of zalgos children. I saw rake in the training children. It looked like rake was training the kids. I wanted to help them so bad. I loved children! That one of the reasons why i didn't kill chase. I really didn't mean to kill my parents. I think it was zalgo making me kill. I never had those thoughts before. I looked at masky. He stared at the children. Then stared at me and whispered to me.
"zalgos taking kids. Making them his 'children'. His controlling them!"
"that's just sick!" i didn't whisper. We both pooled at the field. Rake was gone. The kids were still training. I then heard someone behind me.
"well... We'll... Look who we got here!"
We both turned around. Masky tried to run but Rake grabbed him. I got mad quickly... My vision went red...


I was grabbed by the Rake. I had the look at bone to see her eyes glow red. It was normally all purple. Her eyes went red though. She looked mad. Rake was shocked that he dropped me. I grabbed my knife that i had dropped when the Rake grabbed me.
"UGH!" She sounded like she was in pain. I was shocked. She scared the Rake away. We then glowed red as we made it back to the house. She then just fell. I picked her up. She was fast asleep. She did look like she didn't sleep at all for like 3 days. I walked to her room to see her totems eye we're floating and glowing res like hers. I laid her on her bed and kissed her forehead. I walked out of the room as i knew what i just did. I blushed like crazy.


I knew i had turned into the demon part of myself. It happens whenever i can't control myself or just when I'm mad. Like really mad. I was in the darkness. Normally i would see zalgo or someone from my past. Like a person, i knew that died from either me or zalgos hands. I always felt guilty when I killed someone I knew. I never wanted to kill the people i knew. I heard a cry. It was more a sob. I looked around to see my younger self. I walked up to her. Her sobs were too much for me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" i asked
"i-i don't know where i am!" she sobbed again. I didn't remember this memory. I sat down next to her.
"it's going to be ok. You'll wake up. And be back in your bed. With your parents waiting for you." I knew that she would stop sobbing if I told her this.
"you do have a heart?" she said. I didn't know what she was talking about.
"i can change that." she smiled. The fog came in front of me. Where the little girl was... There was now zalgo. I screamed and got up to run. He tried to grab me. I ran but it seemed like nothing would work. I got tired quickly. But I kept screaming.
"NOT AGAIN!NOT AGAIN!" I kept screaming over and over. I didn't want to feel that sort of pain again. I then tripped. I looked at him with wide eyes. I closed my eye knowing I would die. But a minute passed and he did nothing. I opened my eyes. He wasn't there. I looked around. I sighed deeply. I laid down to catch my breath. I heard a voice. But couldn't hear what they were saying. I looked around and zalgo wasn't around. Then I heard them more clearly.
"BONE! WAKE UP!" it was masky...

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