Dead or alive?

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I knew something was wrong... there was a....

Fire... I looked to the left to see everyone fighting. Me and Masky ran to help. But I stopped when I saw it... zalgo was standing over slender's bleeding body.. I didn't know slender could bleed. Masky was starting to help someone. I looked at the house... it was on fire. I could help... that's when I noticed that chase wasn't fighting.. I heard a scream from inside. I couldn't leave someone in there! I heard another scream right after. It sounded like chase. The other one was a female... I ran in the burning house. Smoke was everywhere. I got low to the ground. And started to crawl around to find them. I found someone passed out on the floor. She looked familiar but I couldn't see her face in all the smoke. I used my power to teleport her out of the house. I kept crawling. I came to the hallway. When I heard a thud. I started to crawl fast. I saw my brother passed out. Gasping for air. I started having trouble breathing. I used my power one last time and teleported him away. I started to crawl towards the exit when I gasped for air one last time and passed out...

P.O.V of Masky...

I was help Jeff fight off the zalgo minions. I heard a loud gasp from behind me. I turned around once we killed it. It was bone passed out in the fire. I ran up to her and pulled her out. I checked her pulse and it was there but barely. Jeff looked at me and yelled.

"RETREAT!!!" Jeff made the right call. Someone grabbed slender and I picked up bone. I looked at the burning house for a second wondering if anyone was in there... I then ran with the others.

We made it to bones old place. It was a cave. It was well hidden. We noticed when we got there two people were laying down on the floor. They were badly burnt.. I laid bone down holding her hand.

"W-what are they doing here?!" Jeff looked terrified.. we all just looked at each other questioning how they got here. Were they in the fire? We didn't know. I looked around to see one person missing....

"Guys? Did anyone see Jane?" Once I asked that. They looked around. Jeff looked like he was about to cry..

Jeff ran out of the cave and cried.. we all knew that Jeff liked Jane.. but we didn't know if Jane liked him back... I sighed.. I looked back at bone.. I felt someone lay a hand on my shoulder.

"Here... I want to see if she's still alive..." I turned to see EJ... he knew the most about saving people.. no one thought it would be useful to learn it. But EJ learned it a while ago...

   I moved so he could try and save her. He cheeked her pulse. And the put his hand on her head.. he paused and then cheeked for burn marks. All of her back was burnt..

    Then he moved on the slender. He reached into his pocket and pulled out bandages. He wrapped his wound. And the went to chase...

     He was moving from the pain. I guess he wasn't used to the pain. I sighed. He cheeked the burn marks and everything else....

     He moved on to blood... she looked the worst.. she had a lot of burn marks. That's when I looked around the room and Toby wasn't here either.. I sighed... where could he be? He couldn't have been in the house... could he? I didn't see him attacking anything.. now that I think I didn't see him at all...

     I looked down as we all just sat in silence.. EJ did his best with helping them with the little supplies he had. I was sitting next to bone. I was now afraid of holding her hand. What if it hurt her..?

      We heard a painful groan. We all looked at chase. He was walking up... once he opened his eyes he jumped. He looked around the room not seeing slender, blood, and... bone...

     "W-where is Galaxy?" He asked. I sighed. I looked at bone. We all knew that he was talking about bone cause Galaxy was her name...

     "No... h-how did... we get out of there?!" He asked frantically. I looked at him. He locked eyes with me. Did he trust me?

    "Kid... I've been trying to piece that together every since we came here.. but I think bone saved you and blood from the fire..." the kid looked shocked.. like he didn't expect that. He laid back down and rested. I could tell he knew he felt the pain.

     There were two people missing.. Jane and Toby.. Jeff was outside crying.. i saw that bone was in a lot of pain. There was nothing we could do. I didn't want them to hear me but if they did I didn't care right now...

    I whispered. "Listen to me, bone. Listen to my voice.."

    "Merrily we fall out of line, out of line.." I sang to her to try and make her calm down. The others looked at me..

    "I'd fall any where with you I'm by your side!" I grabbed her hand.

     "Swinging in the rain, humming melodies! We're not going anywhere until we freeze!" I was still singing. Everyone looked at me. Jeff even came back to see this. I guess he calmed down.

      "I'm not afraid anymore.. I'm not afraid! Forever is a long time.." chase woke up. He looked at me and smiled.

     "But I wouldn't mind spending by your side....carefully we'll place for our destiny!" I began to cry. I hope she would wake up..

      "You came and you took this heart, and set it free! Every word you write or sing is so warm to me, so warm to me!" I felt like sobbing..

     "IM TORN! Im torn to be right where you are!" I almost screamed it all and the top of my lungs.

    The rest of the song he felt like sobbing.. here is the song!

Yes I added another song! We'll I have a question for you!

   Do you think that someone dies?

Yup I'm leaving on that note! Byeee!

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