8 months ago...

10 1 4

I was only a few feet away from the house when clockwork came out. Well, clockwork told all of us she was sick. It didn't help that it was midnight either. She seemed like she didn't see me. I started to follow her. She entered the clearing. A few minutes later. I saw zalgo come out of the woods. I was ready to get up and help clockwork attack.
"Hello, master..." clockwork sounded like a robot.
"Hello, child... Did anyone see you?" zalgo asked.
"no... I told them not to enter my room and then told them I was sick. So no one is gonna know I'm gone." I just wanted to listen. I wanted to tell them.
"cause someone is watching us..." he stared in my direction.
"oh no..." I just ran back to the house. They didn't see me. Cause they didn't chase after me. All I knew is that she was one of zalgos kids. I didn't know whether to tell slender or just keep her secret.

In the morning.

Clockwork came in when everyone was in the living room. Everyone looked over at her.
"thought you were sick?" I snapped.
"i-i couldn't sleep... I went on a walk." everyone was looking at me now. I was normally calm around everyone unless someone gets on my nerves. You could see it on my face the I was angrier by the second. Once I noticed that I was being looked at by everyone I tried to look calmer.
"clockwork can we talk in private?" I asked. I need to take to her. We walked outside and I started.
"listen if you hurt any of them! You're dead meat!" I said.
"what are you talking about?" she asked.
"i saw you were talking with zalgo! Your working with him!" I snapped.
"oh... You're the one who followed me."
"Ya! I was! If you hurt any of them I will kill all of you... And don't think it will be quick! So back off. If you even bug someone I will tell slender!" I snapped once more.
"ugh! What's stopping me from telling zalgo you're the one who saw us?"
"well... I can easily tell slender. Remember our notes?" I pulled out a piece of paper. That if you write someone's name and a message they will get it.
ehWww"... Ugh fine! Just don't tell them!!" she went back inside. Or tried to. I grabbed her arm.
"mess up... I won't hesitate..." we just looked at each other. We both walked back in. Clockwork went to her room. I would have to. But I promised blood I would go killing with her. So I stayed in the room. I walked up to blood.
"when are we gonna go killing?" I asked her.
"umm... We can go now? If your done telling people off." she said laughing. I didn't laugh.
"let's just go."

Outside the dark woods...

"so where's the cabin we're gonna go to?" I asked. We were walking.
"it's just up ahead... By the way... What did you talk to clockwork about?" she asked.
"look blood... I can't tell you. But tell me if she ever! And I mean ever! Picks on you again." I simply said.
"um ok? Is it something I should keep my eye on her?"
"um, you can... I can handle it." I then whispered.
"i think"
"what did you say?"
"nothing! Anyways isn't that the cabin?"
"huh? Yup! Come on! I got one door you have the other one!" I went to the back door when they were having when I blocked the back door she killed the people in the front room. When ever someone tried to run this way I killed them. Only one person came back here. It was a little girl about 5 years old. She was crying tears streaming down her face. It was an easy kill. Once we killed everyone we headed back.

Once back...

I saw clockwork have a slash on her stomach.
     "I don't know... last thing I remember was seeing zalgo and then... nothing!" Clockwork was making up a story. She probably got hurt from zalgo once he learned that we made a deal. He was probably angry. I clockwork noticed I was in the room to hear her. She just gloated at me as I walked to my room.


I finished telling the story and they all just looked at me. "What?" I asked.

     "You- you.... I'm kinda glad you broke your promise. Then again she's the one who said it." Saki states.

      "Ya I didn't really know back then what I was doing. Either way I'm gonna go outside for fresh air." I got up they nodded as they talked. Masky followed me.
       "Hey bone..." we were still walking but he paused with his speech.

        "What? Do you wanna ask me something?" I asked he nodded.

        " it's just.... it's been..." before he could finish a bright glow came in front of us. We both looked at each other. We both paused. I reached out to see if I can touch the light. I could. I was getting pulled in. Masky grabbed my hand to try to pull me away. He wasn't strong enough. Light fully surrounded us. He was still holding my hand. We ended up somewhere that looked like the 9th realm. There was lava everywhere. And it looked weird. I knew how to get in and out of every dimension. But this one was the most Difficult to get out of.

      "Where are we?" He was calm. We were in this dimension time doesn't pass in our world. Which was the first.

       "Were in the 9th realm or dimension. Which ever you prefer to call it."
        "How do you know?" He asked.

         "Well in the 6 months I was gone, I learned that I could go through dimensions. One of the them was the 9th. I was trapped in here for not even a second but it felt like 3 months. I couldn't believe it when I found out time doesn't pass here."

       "Oh god... so time doesn't pass here? But it feels like it is?"

        "Ya. It's the hardest one to get out of."

       "Ok, so how did we get out of here?"

        "Now that's hard to do... it's gonna be awhile. Unlike the others they have a portal.. but this world you have to find a moving glowing orb. It's hard to find.." I said. "But I may have an idea-" i then noticed that we were holding hands. I started to blush. I pulled my hand away and looked away so he couldn't see my face.

      "What? Why are you looking that way? Is there something wrong?" I couldn't tell him.

        "Alright. I'm gonna go look around. I'll scream if  I'm in trouble."

        "O-okey..." I was embarrassed. I was blushing so hard. Once he left I sighed.

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