The silence...

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I woke up after screaming for someone to help me. I got up quickly and grabbed my head. I saw a hand on the side of my bed. I turned my head to see masky sitting down with his hands on the side of my bed. Toby was right next to the bookshelf. Slender was right behind masky. Also, clockwork was in the room. She looked uneasy. The others looked afraid.
"why did you scream, bone?" masky ask.
"I-I... It's not important..." I simply said.
"how is that not important?! You screamed 'help me' over and over again." slender stated.
"I... Um... Uh... It's not important. This is normal. Normally I can't scream in the night- a dream!" I stated.
"what was this 'dream' about?" slender asked.
"umm... I-I" I couldn't say it. Keeping my pain silent was something I promised myself. I got up and ran out the front door. I heard someone follow me out the door. My totems we're floating above my shoulders. I stopped running to catch my breath. I heard someone scream my name. But darkness was surrounding me. I saw masky right before it inclosed me. This happened one time before. And saki was with me. I wasn't seen for a week.

The memory...

Me and saki we're walking close to the dark woods when she had an idea.
"Hey, when we get older. Do you want to enter the dark woods?" she asked.
"Hmm... Why not?!" I said overjoyed.
"i-i feel weird. SAKI!" The darkness started to surround me.
"huh? GALAXY!" she screamed just as I was fully in the darkness. There was no light... No peace... It kept playing these memories of my past. The bad ones. The terrible ones. The ones I want to forget. Even memory that I never been through.

A week later...

I heard saki's voice. She was talking to someone.
"galaxy is here! She's in there! Please, you have to believe me!" she almost was yelling.
"she wouldn't be in there! There's no chance!" I heard my mothers voice.
"m-mom?" I said hoping they would hear me.
"g-galaxy? Are you in there?" mom asked me.
"y-yes mom..." I said.
"we're gonna get you out of there," she said.  I had hope. I heard a gunfire as I turned around I saw the light. I walked towards the light. I managed to go through the light and I saw the darkness of the night sky. There were beautiful stars glowing in the sky. Someone hugged me. It was my parents. I hugged them back. Tears in my eyes.
"what did you see in there?" my dad asked me.
"i-i rather not talk about it..." I simply said.
We got home and I laid down. Was it the hope that set me free? Or was it something else?


That memory was being played right in front of me. I blinked once to get my eyes adjusted to the dark. I heard only muffled voices.  I could hear multiple. I thought the only one following me was masky. I kept questioning why I was in there again. I looked around hoping to see some sort of light. There wasn't a glimmer of light in the void. I learned what happens in this room. I never understood how to get out. This room was to show you lost memories. But I remembered everything. It can also show you, other peoples memories. It never was good. 'cause I can never tell who the memories it is. Cause I never knew them. A memory appeared. It was one of my memories.

Random memory...

I was walking down the street and saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned my head to see what it was. There was nothing there but darkness. It was midnight after all. It didn't seem strange. I always have strange feelings when I'm outside alone at dark. I shrugged it off like it was nothing at all and kept walking around the street. I stopped when I thought I saw something move again. I looked and there was nothing there again. I just headed down a path in the woods that was the closest way home. I once again saw something in the corner of my eye. I didn't look at it this time cause I knew it was just an illusion. I then heard a twig break. I stopped and turned my head. I didn't freeze up like normal people would be. I looked at a guy with an orange hoodie. I just looked at him.
"run!" he said pulling out a knife. I ran. He didn't seem to chase me. I locked the door when I got home and went to my room to sleep.

In the void...

I was shocked I didn't remember this memory. I still could hear muttered talking. It wasn't as loud as before. I closed my eyes and felt a peace. I then felt the coldness of the wind against my skin. I opened my eyes to see masky, slender, and saki. They all looked a mix between happy and terrified. I just stared at them cause I never learned how to get out of there. It was feeling at peace. Most times I would never be at peace. Before I knew it someone had Tackled me to the ground. It was Saki. She helped me back up.
"i thought I wouldn't see you for another week!" she said excitedly.
"ya so did I..." I said. I still didn't want to tell them what the nightmare was about. I looked away from them feeling guilty about running away.
"you know masky was-" saki was interrupted by masky.
"DONT SAY A WORD!" he yelled.
"fine!" she sounded annoyed that she couldn't tell me. We started to head back when slender stopped me. Saki and masky went inside.
"i need to talk to you..." slender said. I followed him a few feet away from the house.
"so... Was that nightmare has something to do with zalgo?" he asked me.
"uhh, how did you know?" I asked. I was shocked. That it could have been anything yet he guessed it right the first time.
"well, I know how zalgo want his minions. He wants them to be scared of him," he stated.
"oh... Sorry... I'm not ready to talk about it... Please don't tell the others!" I said. I hoped I made myself clear.
"ok. You can tell them when you're ready." he walked back into the house. I followed him into the house. Masky was sitting on the couch talking to the other guys.
I had taken a step in the house before I felt pain. My vision went blurry and I fell to my knees in pain...

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