Chapter 6 - The Ghost of Wiverlynn

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A ghost sulked in the shadows, watching the citizens of Wiverlynn pass by. No one knew he was there, he was merely a ghost; a forgotten soul. His fresh scars on his neck were masked by the darkness he loomed in. Every so slightly, he touched them, wincing as a pain struck at his throat. He saw Maelys' face and anger took hold of him. Why did she not save me? His blackened hand bashed at the wall beside him. Bang! No one turned their heads. I died to save her life, he thought, why did she not do the same? 

The ghost saw Maelys' pain as the guardsmen slit his throat, but she did not do anything. She would have if it was her Lord Commander. 

Solemnly, he lumbered in the shadows, down the creaks and crevices of Wiverlynn's alleyways, that only a few people were aware existed - mainly criminals. He spied a man threatening to kill a peasant woman with his dirk. The ghost grabbed the man, as the peasant scurried away, without looking back. The man looked around frantically, unable to see the ghost who stood before him. Despite the man's entertaining face, the ghost remained expressionless and allowed the man to run. 

The ghost continued to walk on, listening in on converations.  "Mayra's maid has been imprisoned," he heard one say and"A thief was caught a week ago," he heard another say. Lord Commander Crawford. He could help Crawford escape by silently killing the guardsmen. But will he? No. He was a vile man, always lingering near Maelys. Die, you bastard. 

The sunlight shined brightly ahead. He walked towards it and began to feel it's warm touch, as warm as a lover's kiss. The ghost slowly spread his hands out to the sun. However, the suns delicate touch scorched his arm and he jerked back into the darkness. His lifeless flesh began to sizzle as the hungry fire ate away at his flesh. After a moment, the burning stopped and he began to cry. I'll be forever hidden in this darkness. 

When he finished weeping, he looked up. Outside of the shadows, a woman came walking towards him. Her entire body was arrayed in white robes, trailing slowly behind. Her eyes, gleaming like a shard dug from a frozen river, watched the ghost. Her pale hair tossled wildly across her face, and danced with poise in the winter breeze. She stopped in front of the ghost, her pasty lips smiling.

"I am O'Deyanira." Her eyes stared at him, refusing to unyield. "You are Conleth, member of the The Ten Thieves. This is no more. You are now the Ghost of Wiverlynn."

The ghost was lost for words, her beauty had grasped at his throat. Finally, he said, "How are you able to see me?"

She laughed, it flowed like honey and caressed his pain. "I am the one who allowed you to linger in this vile world."

Her burning eyes had clasped themseleves onto his and he was unable to look away. They washed over his wounds like water and he could feel the pain lift off his body. Slowly, his misery began to cease and he managed to smile, without grimacing.


"I am the creator this this world - Asneth. I am allowed to do as I please." 


She immeditately interupted. "As I presevered your life, you are required to return the favour," her lips curled upwards.

 The ghost eagerly stepped forward, her fresh breath filling his nostrils. Lightly, she placed her hand on his shoulder and the warmth spread across his skin like the kiss of the early morning sun.

"You will go the dungeons. Find the maid. Be her ghost."


Her thin fingers touched his lips. "Why does not matter, Ghost. You will do as she says." Without saying a word, she sunk back into the light. "I will see you soon."

He remained in the shadows, still haunted by her warm presence. He could still feel the touch of her fingers on his lips. Who was she really? A ghost, alike Conleth himself? No, I am no longer Conleth. I am the Ghost. The Ghost of Wiverlynn.

Getting to the dungeons whilst remaining hidden in the shadows proved difficult. The alleyways stopped before the king's castle even emerged from the top of the buildings. The ghost was unable to walk in the light. What am I going to do? A woman concealed in a large cloak walked by him. Perhaps a cloak may help. Turning abruptly, he seized the woman's cloak. Squealing, she fell backwards into his arms. How am I able to touch her? The woman leapt up and screamed at the sight of him. Instantly, he covered her mouth and dragged her further into the alleyway. He placed her next to a wall and retreated, hands in mid air. 

"Please," she whispered, fear heavy in her voice, "I am the king's niece, please, do not harm me."

Carefully, he moved towards her. "The king's niece?" 

She nodded.

"Can you take me to the dungeons?"

She slowly stood up, body pressed hard against the wall. "I am not permitted to being outside, my uncle does not know I have escaped. I cannot go back." 

Without saying a word, she rushed off towards the light. The ghost began to run after her, but she was too fast. At the end of the alleyway, O'Deyanira appeared in front of the woman, smiling.

"Hello, Mayra." 

Screaming, Mayra turned and began to run towards the ghost. However, a force pulled her back and she stumbled to the flood, sobbing. 

"Possess her," O'Deyanira told the Ghost.

He looked down at the quivering woman lying on the floor. Her body was shaking and her sobs were violent. I can't.

"Yes you can." O'Deyanira grabbed his throat and squeezed his wounds. They burned. He swallowed back a scream. "If you disobey me, then you leave me no choice but for me to do it."

He looked again at the woman. Her Jade eyes caught his and glistened with tears. Bruises seemed to dot her face and she lightly pressed on them.

He did not reply.

Grunting, O'Deyanira pushed him against the wall and began to stare into his soul. A black blanket suddenly began to cloak around his eyes, until he was unable to see. Daggers began to sink into his every muscle and he slowly descended into darkness.

When he woke, he was leaning against the wall, light blinding his eyes. Grasping the broken bricks, he hauled himself up and saw himself. He was no longer Conleth or The Ghost. He was Mayra. He shrieked, stumbling to the side. At his feet, O'Deyanira stood, laughter bursting from her lips. She offered her pale hand, but he did not take it.

"What have you done to me?" he shouted.

At the end of the alleyway, citizen's head turned towards him. They stopped and stared.

"Hush, Ghost." O'Deyanira whispered, "they can see you."

He looked to the left and saw that the Wiverlynn's guards were approaching him. When he turned back, O'Deyanira was gone. You bitch!

Her laughter echoed in his ears like poison. Once you have done as the maid asks, you will be The Ghost of Wiverlynn again.

In the darkness, he allowed the guards to seize him and escort him back to the king's castle, where he will be able to seek out this maid and become her ghost.

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