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Alex used to live in London, he was intelligent, hardworking and very dashing. He was standing in the garden of his mansion enjoying the nature in the morning as he usually did. It was was spring time, and he could see a lot of beautiful flowers. He being a nature lover, loved to look at colorful flowers.
Suddenly, Alex heard someone singing, he went on the backside of the garden from where the voice was coming, it was very soothing. As he reached there, he saw a girl standing there and singing. He was not able to see her face but he saw that the girl had black hair, she was like a fairy with beautiful long hair. He couldn't identify the girl, since no one had black hair in his family, everyone in his family were blondes.
He liked the girl's black hair. While he was staring at the girl and trying to figure out who she was, someone called him,
He turned around to see who was there, but in another second, he ignored the voice and looked towards the girl again, but she was not there, she had gone!
Alex was confused, he looked here and there but couldn't find her. Finally, after thinking for a few minutes, he concluded that he must have been daydreaming and no such beautiful girl ever came in front of his eyes. He thought that the girl was only his imagination.

Alex went inside and then his cousin Veronica said,
"Where were you Alex? I have been searching for" She pulled Alex in a room, "Come with me!" She ordered. Veronica's twin Venesa and Alex's elder brother Eric were already present in the room.
Eric was engaged and was going to get married soon.
"What happened?" Alex asked.
"I wanted to introduce you to someone" Veronica said.
"Tulip, come in please..." Veronica said.
A beautiful girl came inside the room. She was the same girl that Alex saw in the garden. Alex's mouth dropped, his eyes widened...
"It was not an imagination, she really exists..." Alex thought, "That fairy was not a dream... she really is here... in my house..." Alex looked at her with astonishment as he thought all this.
"Meet her, she is brother Eric and his fiancé Jenevive's new Wedding planner, Tulip." Venesa said introducing her.
"Good morning I am Tulip Fernandez, nice to meet you" Tulip said in a sweet voice greeting him.
"A very Good morning, I am Alex Jonas, Eric's younger brother and a fashion designer. Nice to meet you," said Alex with his charming smile.
"Okay, introduction done! Now it's time for some work," said Veronica.
"Yeah... have you brought the wedding themes, Tulip?" asked Venesa.
"Yes, I have brought some themes" said Tulip confidently. "Here are some pearl, diamond and flower themes. Which one do you like?" Tulip said displaying the pictures of the themes in front of them.
"I gotta go... I have some work to do, I'll catch you guys later..." said Alex and went out of the room.

While going out of the room, Alex through the room window, he looked at tulip, she had brown hair tucked in a bun with a pencil on the bun to keep it in place, he knew that she had long hair as he had seen before. She was tall and slim, wearing a jeans and a shirt with a scarf. She haf cat eye spectacles hanging on her nose, covering the alluring dark brown eyes of hers. He was pretty sure that she was not from England.
"My Goodness..." Alex thought, "She is so damn Beautiful!"
Alex was head over heels for her, but still he wanted to know... how beautiful was Tulip's heart...

In the evening, Alex was again standing in the garden waiting to look at the sunset and listening to the chirping of birds. Tulip came from another room, she didn't notice Alex. She stretched her arms a bit and then started singing a song, but in very low volume. Alex looked at her.
After some time, he said, "You can sing a little louder so that I can also hear"
Tulip was startled to see Alex,
"You were here! Why didn't you tell me?" She said surprisingly.
"If I would have told you, then how would I have listened to such beautiful voice of yours?... Tell me, is singing your side business?"
"No, it's not" Tulip said blushing.
"Oh!... you can earn a lot if you do so" he said.
"Uh..." she blushed, "Thank you"
"So, what are you doing here?" he asked.
"Nothing, I just took a break from work. I thought I can... see the sunset in the meanwhile..." she said.
"You're not from England, Are you?" he asked.
"No... I'm from India" she replied.
"So you are an Indian, right?"
"Yes" she smiled.
"Do you have long hair?"
Tulip looked at Alex and said, "Not that long..."
Alex didn't tell Tulip that he had already seen her free flowing hair in the morning.
"Can I see your hair?" he asked.
"Sure..." She smiled and pulled the pencil out of her hair, revealing them... long and beautiful.
Alex grinned as he looked,
"Beautiful..." he complemented.
"Really? Do you think so Mr. Alex?"
"Yeah," he replied.
"So, do you also like nature?" he asked.
"I love it,"she answered excitedly. "Have you ever noticed the sky?" she asked.
"Yes... I always do, Miss Tulip."
"Do you ever feel like the sky is an ocean and these clouds are white coral reefs in it?".
"Uh..No.." he answered. He had never thought like that.
Just then, the wind blew taking Tulip's scarf with it and throwing in on the other side of the garden. Alex ran after the scarf, he picked the scarf in his hand and walked towards her. He gave it to her, she gently held it from his hand, their fingers touched while doing so.
"Thank you," she said, Alex smiled
"Look! Sunset..." he said pointing towards the sinking sun. They both looked at the Sunset together.
A few minutes later, he came closer to her and asked, "Wedding Planners are so busy, Do you have a boyfriend?".
Tulip smiled, "Fashion Designers are so busy, do you have a Girlfriend?"
Alex sighed, "Who will answer first?" he asked.
Tulip smiled. Just then, a voice came,
Tulip turned towards the voice,
"I am coming right there Mrs. Jonas" she answered.
"Hey, wait... you can call me Alex instead of Mr. Alex" Alex suggested.
She stopped, "Sure, but you also have to call me Tulip, instead of Ms. Tulip."
"Alright, I will."
Tulip winked and said "Bye..."as she left.
Alex watched her going, she was flawless in her own way.

After tulip had gone, Eric came to the garden,
"So, what are you up to?" asked Eric.
"Nothing...what..what do mean?" Alex said stammering.
"Don't act innocent, I know you wanna impress Tulip, I heard your conversation."
"What conversation did you hear?"
"Really, you don't know?... Wedding planners are so busy, do you have a boyfriend?" Eric said, repeating the words of Alex.
"Oh! That?... Yeah, I said that, but does that mean that I like her?"
"Yes, you were flirting with her and that is usually done when a person likes the other. And... don't try to fool me, I know every inch of you!"
"Okay, fine... I lose.... Yes, I Like her... okay?"
"That's great...Tulip is very beautiful... So, should we start planning your wedding as well?"
"No...No! what are you talking about she is not even my girlfriend yet and you are talking about marriage." said Alex in a surprised voice. Eric bursted out laughing...

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