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It was the day of the annual get together. Everyone was busy preparing. Tulip and Alex were getting ready. Tulip was wearing the dress which Alex and she had bought together and was wearing a graceful hairstyle and hair accessories matching the dress. Once she was ready, she quickly wore the heels she had bought with the dress. She looked pretty.
"Umm...something is missing" she thought.
She looked at the necklace which Alex gave her. She smiled and quickly grabbed the necklace.
"Perfect..." she murmered and went outside.
Outside, she was greeted by her mom and sister. They were amazed to see her.
"You look amazing, Tulip..." Lavender said.
"Wow... you're looking very pretty, my doll..." Mrs. Fernandez said.
"Thank you..." Tulip blushed.
Suddenly, Alex came out of his room, He looked at her and his mouth slightly dropped,
"Close your mouth, dear brother-in-law..." Lavender said laughing.
Alex quickly came back to his sense and blinked his eyes a few times embarrassingly, "Wow....I am speechless... You look amazing my dear wife" he said.
"Thank dear husband" she blushed.
"You also look great, Alex" said Mrs. Fernandez, "Handsome and Charming..."
"Oh...thank you so much Mrs. Fernandez" he said smiling.
Alex offered Tulip his arm,
"Shall we go, my dear wife?" he asked charmingly.
"Sure." Tulip replied and smiled holding his arm.

They both reached the venue of the get together. As they entered the hall, everyone's eyes were on them. Behind them were Lavender and Mrs. Fernandez.
"Hello everyone..." said Mrs. Fernandez.
"I hope you all remember my dearest second daughter... my doll... Tulip. Its been long since she was here in India on the annual get together, But this time, she is here with all of us. And not only her, but a very special person is also here, with us today, everyone... please meet Alex, Tulip's fiancé, and my future son-in-law..."
Everyone looked at Alex and started discussions about them.
Alex and Tulip started moving forward.
"Can you see many girls who are jealous of me here?" she said proudly.
Alex giggled,
"Really? Is it so?" he asked.
"Yes... it is"
Mrs. Fernandes and Lavender looked at them,
"You know what Lavender, I have heard it many times. But today, I am seeing it from my own eyes and realizing its truthfulness" said Mrs. Fernandez.
"What are you talking about mom?" asked Lavender.
"... 'A Gentleman attracts the attention of many, but has eyes only for His own Lady'. Alex is the perfect example of this quotation. Don't you think so?" asked Mrs. Fernandez.
"Yes mom... you are right. Each and every girl in this hall is looking at him, But Alex is looking only at Tulip, Every time I look at him, I see him looking at her. It seems like...he wants to spend each and every second of his life...with her" said Lavender.
"I just wish that he stays like this forever. I just hope that this couple remains like this forever"
Alex and Tulip looked into each other's eyes and smiled, Lavender and Mrs. Fernandes also smiled.

The event went smoothly, some of them were surprised and some happy to see and meet Alex and Tulip.
After the event, Tulip and Alex spent a lot of time with Lavender and Mrs. Fernandez and days passed...
Soon it was time for Alex and Tulip to go back. They were standing at the airport, it was almost time to leave,
"So, what are your plans of getting married both of you?" asked Mrs. Fernandez.
Alex and Tulip nervously looked at each other,
"And... What does this silence signify?" continued Mrs. Fernandez.
"I will tell you Mrs. Fernandez... this silence signifies that I am ready to marry her... but she is the one who is not ready yet" said Alex.
"No...its not like I am not ready yet, but its that I just want to... wait for some more time" said Tulip.
"Why? Are you waiting for the day you get old?" asked Mrs. Fernandez.
"No, I think you have a doubt on Alex, that he might leave you, am I right Tulip?" asked Lavender.
"Is it so, my dear wife?" asked Alex surprisingly.
", its just that... I want to stay unmarried for some more time" said Tulip.
"Why? are you looking for someone better?" asked Lavender.
"Hey! what do you think you are, Lavender? You will make me and Alex quarrel, I am already engaged and I am very happy... with him... just the thing is I don't want to get married yet and even I am not sure of the reason... okay?" Tulip said angrily.
"Okay...don't get angry" said Lavender.
"Don't worry my dear wife, I wont quarrel with you" Alex smiled.
"Really? You wont, but why?" Tulip asked looking at him.
"That...I will tell you later" said Alex and smiled.
Tulip stared at Alex.
This time, they were going in the private jet. Soon, Alex got a call telling him that the jet was ready and they can leave now. So, Tulip hugged Lavender and her mom. They both got little emotional, They said goodbye and they both started moving and soon disappeared.

In the jet, Alex and Tulip were sitting. Alex saw that there were tears on Tulip's cheeks.
"So... my dear wife is now missing her mom and sister, Am I right?" he asked.
Tulip quickly wiped the tear and said,
"Sorry, I just got a little emotional."
"Okay, so if you will not stop crying, I will be bored and start flirting with the airhostess... do you want that?" he joked.
Tulip smiled, "No..."
"That's like my dear wife... Now quickly give me a kiss" he said.
Tulip stared at him.
"No...I mean hug, Is that okay?" he asked.
"Yeah..." she said and hugged Alex.
"Ah... a poor honest guy... cannot even kiss his own... wife" Alex murmured.
"Did you say something?"
"No! Not at all..."
"By the way, I am still your fiancé..."
" will not quarrel with me?"
He smiled, "Because we can solve any problem... any issue... without quarreling." He replied.
Tulip smiled and kissed Alex on cheek. Alex took her in his arms.
"By the way, I wanted to tell you that I have gone to many vacations, but this was the best one" he said.
"Really? Why so?"
" Because... it was with you" He smiled, "And... because I met my in-laws fir the first time..."
Tulip smiled and hugged him tightly.

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