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Tulip had just reached the Jonas Mansion when she met Veronica.
"Hey Tulip."
"Hey Veronica."
"You know, Alex is back."
" Really?" Tulip asked excitedly.
"Yeah, go meet him, he is the garden."
"Okay, thanks"
Tulip rushed towards the garden. When she reached, Alex was talking on phone.
"Yeah, it was great, simply amazing... Yeah... I enjoyed a lot... yeah... thanks a lot Mr. Mcguire, yeah... sure we will meet soon... yeah, good bye" Alex said hanging up. He turned back, Tulip was stood there waiting for him. He started walking slowly towards her, Tulip had a slight smile on her face, As she was about to say something, a voice came,
"Alex can you come here?"
"Sure brother Eric, I will be right there."
Saying this, Alex came closer to Tulip and passed by her, Tulip was surprised by the way he behaved. He didn't seem excited at all to talk to her and he didn't even say hi...
Tulip was really upset, she started walking in the opposite direction, A tear slipped from her cheek.

At night, Tulip was talking to Christine.
"Alex has returned" Tulip said.
"Really? Did you talk to him?"
"But why Tulip?"
"I tried my best but..."
"But what?"
"He passed by me."
"He didn't even look at me properly, he was not at all happy to see me."
"Really? I cannot believe it."
"Yeah... even I could not... But it happened... it really did... I told you... he hates me now, I knew this was going to happen... It's not a fairytale... It had to end... some day." Tulip said sobbing.
" it's not possible."
"But it happened"
"Uhh...Hello...Hello... Tulip... Are you there? I am not able to hear you. Hello..." 
"Hello... Christine..." The line suddenly got cut, it was some kind of network problem,
"Uhhh... I think it's a network issue." Tulip mumbled, She started unfolding her blanket and lied on the bed.
"I think I have to forget what happened... I'll have to forget everything....Alex... things related to him...and everything" she thought while she tried to sleep.

Two days passed, Tulip and Alex had not talked from three days, They didn't even share a single word.
Tulip was working on how the theme flowers would look on the swing on which the bride and the groom were to sit at the reception ceremony, She was trying on different colours of flowers to make the perfect combination.

Suddenly, Tulip heard someone approaching from behind, she turned back to see who it was, It was Veronica, Skipper, Venesa and Alex.
"Oh hey, Tulip. What are you doing?" asked Venesa.
"I was just checking the flower combinations on the swing"
"Hurray...swing!" said Veronica excitedly.
"I also love swings" said Skipper. They both sat together at the swing.
"What are you guys doing?... Tulip is working, can't you see?" Alex said scolding.
"No, its okay, I will do it afterwards" said Tulip.
"Oh... I just remembered I have to do some work" said Veronica.
"But which work?" asked Venesa.
"You also have to come with me, both of you" Veronica said pulling both of them.
"But what?" asked Venesa
"Just come!" Veronica ordered.

"What the hell?... why did you bring us in here?" Venessa asked angrily after they were inside the room.
"Do you have common sense Venesa? Don't you know Tulip and Alex bro are not talking, Let them have some private time so that they may solve whichever misunderstandings they have" Veronica said explaining.
"Oh I see... You are right..." Skipper said.
"Hmm...but is it okay?" asked Venesa.
"What is wrong about it?" asked Veronica.
"No...I don't think there is anything wrong, but..." said Venesa.
"No, there is nothing wrong!... You stop using your brain..." Veronica snapped.

In the garden, Tulip continued to do her work, Alex looked at her, She looked so beautiful... just like those flowers which were in her hands. He missed the days when he used to praise her, Now... they don't talk, so, he can't even... praise her, He missed her.
After about ten minutes of silence, Alex finally spoke, "Its nice to see you again", breaking the silence of three complete long days.
"Really?" she asked surprisingly but she did not turn back to face him, instead she continued to do the work she was doing.
"I am sorry... I didn't even say good bye before going, I thought that you were angry with me, and... I am once again sorry... for making you angry that day..."
There was a slight pause, Alex started to walk with a sad face... thinking that Tulip won't talk to him.

"If you really are sorry..." Tulip suddenly spoke, "Then... take your sorry back, and remember... I am not angry with you"
Alex looked surprisingly at her,
"What?" He asked.
"Yes, this is the truth... I am not angry with you, Alex. That day... that day it was the despair of my heart that....that was.... shown in the form of anger....the sadness of seeing you go" she said sobbing.
"Wh...why didn't you tell this thing to me, earlier?... I thought you were angry with me, that's why you were not talking to me" he said complaining.
A tear slipped from her cheek.
"I thought you would understand" she said. Alex took a deep breath.
"I am sorry" he said. "I was able to understand your anger... but not your despair... Please forgive me if you can" he continued.
Once again, silence stretched between them,
"Yes... I can" she finally said and started walking away,
"I will make all this better..." Alex said holding her arm, "I have a confession to make... Tulip"
Tulip looked at him in astonishment,
"I Love You!" he said. Her eyes widened as he said those words. "I Love You with all my heart..." he continued.
There was silence. Tulip did not say 'I love you too' and Alex was not at all upset about it,
"This was a confession I had to make... Tulip" he finally said.
He came closer to her, "I was not able to breathe since you had come... But now I can... since I have confessed my feelings" he said looking into her eyes.
Tulip also looked into his blue eyes, "You know, these brown eyes of yours make me feel like I am flying in the sky" he said.
Tulip finally smiled after so many days,
"Do brown eyes make you feel like you are flying in the sky?" she asked with tears still welled up into her eyes,
"It does not matter whether they are brown or blue, They are special... because they are yours" he said.

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