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The next day, Tulip supposed to go to the theme designer to order some theme accessories. She thought that maybe Alex can accompany her and on their way back, they can spend some time together.
She went towards the Alex's room, As she was about to enter, she saw from the window that Alex was doing some work, He seemed busy, He was working on his laptop and also talking on phone. She didn't want to disturb him and  was sure that if she would ask him to go with her, he would never say no. So, she decided to go alone and went away.

She went into the garden, suddenly, Alex removed the curtain of the window which had the view of the garden, Alex saw her ran towards his garden, ignoring the work he was doing, Tulip was surprised to see him.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Umm... I need to go somewhere..."
"To the designer" she replied.
"Why didn't you tell me? I will take you there".
"No, I can go on my own"
"No, we can go together"
"But... I can go by myslef, you must be busy"
"Fine then, the driver will drop you"
"No, I can go on my own"
"No, that's not possible, Either I will take you or the driver will drop you there..."
"But I want to go alon"
"Fine, if you want to go alone, take a car"
"A car?!...Are you crazy?"
"Why... don't you have a license?"
"I do... have a license but..."
"What's the problem then?"
"The problem is that you have such expensive cars, I cannot take the risk of driving them"
"I will give you the least expensive one, Is it fine now?"
"No more excuses Tulip, Take this one" Alex said pointing towards a car parked in the garage which looked equally expensive.
"But this doesn't look cheap" she objected.
"It is the least expensive one here, Although, it looks good but it has very less features than others, now take this" said Alex.
Tulip sat in the car and started the engine, She took a deep breath.
"Oh...this car looks expensive... I'll have to drive it very...carefully" she whispered nervously.

After an hour, Tulip was on her way back to the mansion.
Suddenly, her phone rang, it was Alex's call, she picked it.
She was driving on a road which was built on a hill, the road was not properly built.
"Where are you?" Alex asked.
"I'm on my way back to mansion, I will be there in fifteen minutes" she replied.
While she was talking, she became distracted and she nearly collided with a truck, this caused her to swerve off the road, She careened down the hill, the car merely stopped just before it went off the cliff, with the front wheels dangling precariously over the ocean below, She became really frightened, her eyes started welling up with tears,
"Help...." she screamed.
Alex was still on the phone,
"What happened Tulip? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly,
"N...No, I am hanging on a cliff please come and save me... Alex"
Alex was not able to understand what she was saying...
"What? Where are you?" he asked again,
"I am hanging on a cliff" she said crying.
"Okay... wherever you are... just wait there, I'm coming, Don't worry... okay?... I will save you"

Alex ran out of his room, towards his car, Hequickly started the engine and speeded the car.
He went towards the nearest cliff hoping that he will find Tulip there.
In the meanwhile, Tulip was crying, she thought that she won't be able to make it and die.
She's unlocked her phone and recorded a message to her mother,
"Mom...I am sorry... I think... I won't be able to see you again. I am... really sorry mom... I wish... I could hug you and lavender for the last time... Mom, please take care of yourself and Lavender, I will miss you...alot!" She said sobbing, "I need to record a message for Alex also..." she said and stared recording the message.
Just as she completed recording, the car began to roll further off the cliff. Frightened, Tulip tried to kick the break even more forcefully.

Suddenly, the back door of the car opened, and Alex jumped into the car,
"Thank God I found you!" Alex exclaimed.
He climbed into the in the passenger seat, next to her,
" are here?" she asked sobbing.
"Open the windows... fast!" he ordered.
She quickly opened the windows. Alex presses the liver, and pushed her seat backwards.
"I am going to let this car fall into the lake..." he said.
"No! no.. we will die if you will do that!" she shouted.
"Don't worry, you know how to swim right?"
"No,... not much" she stammered.
"Don't worry, I will save you... okay? Now come on, release the break, let the car fall down"
"No...I won't!" she said crying.
"Look here Tulip!.. Look into my eyes!"he said.
"Trust me, I will save you..."
But Tulip refused saying, "I cannot...I don't want to die"
"Just trust me... please..." he begged.

Before she could say anything else, Alex punched the steering wheel, hard enough to let off the airbag. Tulip got startled and released the break. The car, plummeted into the thin air.
As soon as the car hit the water, Alex pulled himself and Tukip out of the open windows, and got her safely to the land.
He administered CPR until she responded, she coughed while she got up.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked worriedly.
"Are you crazy?" Tulip asked furiously.
She started punching Alex's chest.
"We could have died..." she continued.
Alex smiled,
"Since you are hitting me, I think you're okay..." he said.
"Don't make me laugh.... I don't have strength to laugh"
"I sent you in a car and you ended up hanging on a cliff, What would have happened to you if you would have walked?" Alex asked amusingly.
"Nothing, I would have returned safely, I am not an expert in driving, but I am an expert in walking"
"I doubt that" Alex said laughing and tapping her shoulder.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing...nothing... Just calm down..." he said laughing.

After they reached back home, Alex removes his jacket and gave it to her.
"Take this and zip it up" he said to Tulip giving her the jacket.
"I don't think that it's cold out there, Why are you giving this to me?" She asked.
"I am not giving this to you because of the weather, Your wet clothes are all transparent and everything is visible from them"
Hearing this, Tulip suddenly kept both her arms in the front in an attempt to hide her wet shirt.
"You are telling this to me now?" she frowned.
Alex smiled,
"I have seen everything, but I don't want others to see" he said laughing and he walked away.
"What the heck... you are such a pervert" she screamed from behind.
Alex, walked away laughing without turning back or saying anything.

At night, Tulip was ready to go back home, suddenly Alex came in the room where she was working,
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Home..." she replied.
"It's raining outside, Can't you hear the sound of the rain?... Don't go home today, stay here" he suggested.
Tulip quickly removed the curtain from the window and looked out. It was actually raining,
"Oh my god!" She whispered.
"Why are you thinking so much?... Stay here tonight, It's my order!" he said.
"Your order?" she asked staring at him.
"Yes, I am your boss, I can order you... right?"
"Fine, I have no other choice.... I will stay" she said after thinking for a while.
"Good... I will tell the housekeeper to arrange a room for you, I'll be right back".

After five minutes, Alex came back in the room.
"You can go to the room, Tulip" he said.
"Umm... because I am staying here, I think I will do some more work" she said and sat back on her desk.
Suddenly, Tulip sneezed,
Alex quickly quickly got up and rested his hand on her forehead, "Do you have cold?"
"Umm... I don't think so..." she said unsurely.
"I was right, you have fever. Go in your room... right now!... I will bring some hot coffee" he ordered.
"But I..."
"Right now!" He said almost scolding.
"I won't listen anything..."
"Uh... okay..." she said in a 'now-what-can-I-do' way.

After sometime, Tulip was sitting on the bed and there was a knock at the door.
"Come in please..." Tulip said.
It was Alex, He had two cups of coffee in his hands, He came in and handed one of them to Tulip.
"Take this and have some rest" he said.
They sat silently, suddenly, Alex stared mumbling...
"Hmm... everything is exposed in wet clothes..." he teased her amusingly.
"You..." Tulip frowned and stared at him.

Suddenly, the power went off and an awkward silence was there,
"Hey!... I will scream if you will try to do anything with me..." Alex said warning in a joking manner.
"You are such a pervert... I bet you would have had a lot of girlfriends" she said in a taunting manner, when the lights were back on.
"Yeah, I had a lot of girlfriends right from the childhood" he replied.
"From childhood?" she asked surprisingly.
"But I was not in love with any of them"
"Yeah...I know... you must have said the same words to all of them, right?"
"Yes, I know the boys like you, they always try to make fool of innocent girls like me, by saying, 'You are my first love...' blah blah..." she said.
" It's not like that Tulip, trust me"
"Fine, at least you have dated them right, I know you must have..."
Before she could speak any further, Alex stood up from his chair, came closer to her and kissed her...

"What are you doing?" She asked surprisingly as he pulled away from her,
"Nothing... just shutting your mouth... in a sexy way, try speaking again"
Tulip stared at him, "Go away..." she said and Alex kissed her again... this time, the kiss was longer. 
There was an awkward silence between them,
"I think I am a bit tired, I will change my clothes and sleep" she said and started walking towards the bathroom.
Alex held her arm from behind and asked,
"Can we go tomorrow for our afternoon out, which is due?"
"Uh...Yes..." she said nervously.
Alex smiled and let her go.
"Good night" he said.
"...I... wanted to... thank you... for saving me... today" she said.
Alex smiled,
"I think I should thank God that you are still here... with me" he said and then turned around to leave.

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