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The next day... Tulip and Alex were going on a date. Tulip looked even prettier.
She came out of her room and was greeted by Alex,
"Good morning... Tulip" he said.
"Good morning..." Tulip smiled.
Alex looked at her... his eyes full of love... he kept on staring at her,
"Ahem..." Tulip interupted blushing.
"Oh!...oh... I....I am sorry actually, look gorgeous.... I...I was not able to stop looking at you" He stammerd.
"Thank you..." Tulip blushed scarlet.

After sometime, they were sitting in the car,
"Where is that place?" Tulip asked pointing towards a beautiful field which was visible from the car window.
"It's really far off from here" he replied.
"I can also see that... I meant what kind of place is that?"
"It's a field..."
"It's beautiful..."
"Yes... it is"
Suddenly, Alex turned the car in the opposite direction,
"What are you doing? Are we not going to have coffee?" asked Tulip.
"No... we are going to those fields, I want to show them to you" he replied.
"But you said its far off and plus you wanted to go to have coffee, right?"
"Yes, it is far but it's okay. And it does not matter wherever we go, what matters is that we are together" he smiled.

When they reached the fields, they sat on the grass together.
"This place is so peaceful" Tulip said looking at the sky,
"Yes... it is" Alex replied.
There was silence for some time. Cold wind blew,
"So, are you going to India?" Alex asked.
"Veronica told me that you are going to India to attend some festival... is it true?"
"Hmm... this time it's my turn to leave you alone" she replied.
Alex's face dropped, he looked towards the ground, "But, I am not going..." she continued.
"Really?...why?" He asked.
"It's because... I don't want to... stay away from you..."
"Really?" he was really surprised.
"Umm.....I... confessed my feelings, should I apologize?" she asked amusingly.
"How do you think I will answer?" he said and held her face pulling her forward to kiss her and this time, she also kissed him back.
Alex pulled away to look at her, afraid that she might be angry again, but this time... it  Tulip who went in for a second kiss. They both kissed passionately and endlessly...

After sometime... they were still sitting in the field talking, Alex was cracking jokes and Tulip was laughing, every time she laughed, he looked at her... she looked so extraordinary while laughing...
"Why do you crack so many jokes?" She asked laughing
"So that I can see you laugh like this again and again..."
Tulip stopped laughing and looked at him, "What?" She asked,
"I love the way you smile..."
Tulip blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Ah... I should have bought a rubber band for tying my hair" she said trying to change the topic,
"But you look good in free flowing hair" Alex complemented.
"Yeah but its sort of uncomfortable..." she said collecting her hair from her neck.
"Umm... let me see if there is something in my pocket" Alex said searching in his pocket and he found a beautiful pink ribbon.
"...this matches your dress" he said,
"How come you have a ribbon in your pocket?" she asked.
"I am a fashion designer, Tulip... generally you will find such things in my pocket" he said amusingly.
He leaned closer to her... grasped her hair in his hands and gently tied them.
"I can do this myself" she whispered.
He smiled, "Love compels us to do things for our lovers that they can do on their own" he said looking into her eyes, Tulip smiled...

At dinner time, They returned to the mansion.
"I will see you after the dinner in your room" Alex said to Tulip.
"Okay" she smiled.
They both went towards their rooms. Dry grass was stuck on the back of their heads. Veronica, Venesa and Skipper were also standing there and looking at them, The grass in their hair was clearly visible to all of them.
"Okay... so I can imagine a little... Veronica said smirking,
" must have been a kiss" Skipper guessed.
"Or... something else..." Veronica said biting her lip seductively.
"I don't think so" Venesa Said.
"...they must have enjoyed" Veronica smiled naughtily.
"Indeed..." Skipper smirked.
"She must have felt so awkward" Venesa Said making a hesitating face,
Veronica stared at Venesa,
"Why would she feel awkward?" Veronica asked scolding her, "She must have enjoyed..." she smiled at the thought.
"...I want to learn the talent of kissing" Skipper said.
"And...I... want a kiss from a very handsome guy" Veronica demanded.
"Yes.... a kiss from.... 'a loved one' " said Skipper.
"And I want to remove that grass from their head, It looks so awkward" Venesa Said making a bad face.
Suddenly, both Veronica and Skipper started staring at Venesa.
"Venesa..." they both screamed.
"What? it really is looking awkward" Venesa Said.
"We are talking about romantic things here, Don't spoil it!" Veronica snapped.
"Okay... I am sorry" said Venesa apologising.

After dinner, Alex and Tulip were sitting together in her room,
"So, how was your day? Did you enjoy the date... Oops! I am sorry, I didn't mean to say a date..." Alex said amusingly.
" was amazing... Today's date.. was amazing, I enjoyed a lot. Wait... I can consider it to be a date only if... you want it to be one" she said narrowing her eyes.
Alex smiled, "Of course...I am very happy to call it our... first date"
Tulip stood up and pulled Alex in her arms, hugging him...
"I don't know when it happened but i want to confess that I am totally in love with you... Mr. Alex Jonas" she said.
" you have any problem?" she asked looking at his face, "Even if you do... I don't mind because... I love him... and I am not afraid of anyone" she continued hugging him again.
"No... I don't have any problem..." Alex smiled and hugged her back.
"Good..." she whispered.

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