Patch- Surprise Surprise

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You were supposed to meet your boyfriend Patch at High Point Park at 5 for some surprise dinner thing he had planned. It was currently quarter to six. You’ve tried calling him multiple times, you’ve texted him, and have even left a voice mail. “45 minutes late?” you think to yourself, “This is so unlike Patch! What if something had happened to him on the way here?” Only negative thought circled your mind at the moment. Patch was the kind of guy whose motto was “If you’re five minutes early you’re late”. So being this late was really a big deal. You tried calling the other boys in the band, but no one was picking up. Soon you began to get frustrated.

*Patches POV*          

“Dude, she keeps calling me!” Tanner whined. “I know! Don’t you think she is calling me just as much, if not more?” you reply. You were supposed to meet your girlfriend Tiff at the park almost an hour ago. You knew that she was going to be pissed at you, but you were hoping that your surprise would win her over.

What you had planned wasn’t your ordinary picnic in the park. You had your typical checkered blanket with sandwiches and some fruit on the side, but the events that surrounded eating. You had asked the boys to help you put on a private concert for Tiff. You had planned to sing all of her favorite songs acoustically and the boys agreed to help.

Finally getting everything and everyone ready you head to the park.

*Your POV*

As you saw Patch’s car round the corner, all frustration rushed away. You were madly in love with him, and have never been this happy before. And then you remembered he was an hour and fifteen minutes late. You forced yourself to be mad at him just this once. As he got out of the car, you notice that all of the Beyond 5 members were with him. “Oh, I didn’t realize it was a group date.” You said sternly to him as he approached you. “It’s not” he replied with a kiss on your lips. With that he washed away all frustration whatsoever. Forcing yourself to not get sucked in by him, you pull away. “What’s this then? You were supposed to meet me here at 5. You know how many times I called you? You could have at least told me you were going to be..” he kissed you again, cutting you off. “I’m sorry love, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” Folding your arms across your chest you stand your ground.

Patch walks away back to the boys, says something to them and leads them to the top of the little mound. Coming back to you he motions to follow him as he sets up your picnic dinner. Sitting you down, he goes up to the boys, and they start singing. “So this is the surprise? My own little concert?” you think to yourself. He is so adorable. There was no way you could ever be mad at him.

After singing a few songs, the other boys left and Patch came over to you. You run and jump into his arms and wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry Patch.” You whisper into his neck. “It’s okay baby. I love you”. He says back as he kisses you.

Thank you so much for 86 reads! It may not seem like a lot but it is for me!! I hope you like them still! Are there any improvements on my writing that I could make? Let me know!! :)

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