Patch~ First Date

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Tonight you were going on a date with your long time crush, Patch Crowe. It was your first date with him and you were extremely nervous. You changed your outfit multiple times because you wanted to make a good impression. "Looks shouldn't matter" you try to tell yourself. But still you wanted to look your best.

It was getting close to when Patch should be there, and you couldn't sit still. Pacing back and forth through your living room, you see his car pull up in your driveway. "Oh no. He's here. It's time. I can't do this. I can't do" you began to ramble as the doorbell rang. Your mom opens the door and invites him in. Walking into the doorway you hear Patch gasp. "wow you look beautiful McKenna" he says. You blush and mumble thanks as you walk over to him. He offers you his arm and leads you to his car. "Why was I so worried? Tonight will be perfect." you think as the two of you pull away from your house.

The two of you made small talk while Patch drove to the destination. He pulled into the parking lot of Olive Garden. "I hope this is okay" he asks you, linking his arm with yours. "Oh yes, it's perfect Patch." you reply, placing your hand on your linked arms and walked into the restaurant.

After dinner Patch had planned to talk you to a drive in movie. "Does that sound ok?" he asks. "I mean, I don't want our first date to be too cliche with a dinner and a movie." Patch says to you as he parks. "Of course not! I've always wanted to go to a drive in movie" you say sweetly, giving him a smile. 

The two of you settled in the back of a yellow truck that he had borrowed form a friend, piled in a bunch of blankets and pillows. You didn't know how close to sit by Patch that would be appropriate for a first date; but Patch decided that for you by putting his arm around you. "Is this okay?" he asks. "Of course Patch" you say leaning into him. You thought it was adorable that he kept checking with you to make sure things were okay. You snuggled closer to him, pulled a blanket over you guys and watched the movie.

I'm sorry I haven't posted a lot lately! I've been super busy:) but this one was written for my friend McKenna:) Enjoy!

Vote*Comment*Fan- Mrysa :)

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