Ammon~ Hot Date

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It was a hot july day and your boyfriend ammon had planned a day long date for the two of you. Being the cheeky boy he was, he wouldnt tell you anything about what he had planned. You woke up amd got ready in casual clothes, and grabbed the bag that he had packed for you (with your moms help of course). Ammon had even put a lock on the bag so you couldnt open it and see what was in it.

At exactly 9:30 like he said he was there to pick you up. Your mom waved goodbye from the door as you drove the opposite way you normally would, driving further into your neighborhood. "Ammon what are we doing today?" You ask. He just shook his head. " i told you i wanted it to be a complete surprise." He answered taking your hand his. Bringing it up to his mouth and kissing the back of your hand you knew you were in love with him.

After you realized he was just taking a detour through the neighbor hood you began to get even more curious. Playing with his hand in yours, you start to beg him again. Still he wouldn't give into you. Not even the puppy dog eyes you were throwing at him. You pretended to pout and he just laughed at you, making you break character. The two of you were perfect for each other, in every way possible. The next thing you know you were stopped in the parking lot of a water park and Ammon was kissing you.

He came around and opened the door for you. "He's the perfect gentleman" you thought. Adding that to the never ending list of 'why you love him'. Wrapping his one arm around you, he grabbed both of your bags. "I can take my bag" you try to convince him. "No." He said pecking you on the lips. You wrapped your arms around him tighter as you walked to the entrance.

You got a double tube and went on waterside after waterside because the park had just opened and there weren't too many people. Your favorite moment was when you went down one of the bigger slides, with steeper hills and Ammon held onto you the whole time. You were a little scared when the biggest down hill came and Ammon could sense it. Pulling you closer to him, he intertwined your fingers together on your stomach. This gave you the butterflies and You couldnt have asked for a sweeter person to call yours.

When non came around, Ammon pulled out a picnic from his bag, and some chocolate covered strawberries from your bag. A huge grin covered your face, because you knew he knew that was your favorite treat. Leaning over to him, you feed him a strawberry, then kiss him. "Thank you so much Ammon,today has been absolutley amazing". "Just wait for the rest of the afternoon" he smirks and pulls you in for a kiss.

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