Ammon~ 1 Year Spark

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In a few hours you were going to be picked up by your boyfriend Ammon. Today was your one year anniversary and you were going on a "romantic date" as Ammon put it. 6 o'clock came around and the doorbell rang. As you opened the door you were swept off your feet. Literally, Ammon came in and picked you up bridal style. "You look beautiful Alyssa" he says, Kissing you on the lips. "Ready to go?" He asks not waiting for an answer as he carries you out to his car.

"Where are we going tonight?" You ask Jim as you pull out of your driveway. "I've got a surprise date planned, don't you worry" he answers with a smirk and a touch on your nose. You were in love with him in every way possible. Every time he smiled it made you fall more. After driving for awhile, and not handling suspense very well you plead with him. " Please tell me where we are going! Just the place?" He just shook his head and smiled, not saying a word. "hmmph." You fold your arms pouting, pretending to be upset. Ammon reaches over and takes your hand in his. "Babe its ok" he says cooing you in a mocking way. "I just want tonight to be a special, magical surprise." "Ok.." You say "I'm sorry".  You never could stay mad at him even if you were only pretending.

You finally arrive at the park that was just a few blocks from your house. "Why did we go all around town to come here?" You ask him "just killing time" he says with a shrug. "Ok.." You thought to yourself. "Its fine. He obviously has something planned, don't ruin tonight." You say out loud to yourself following behind him.

This park was special to you guys because it was the place where you met. You went to this concert where the band Ammon is in was performing. When you met the band after it was love at first sight for the both of you, and you have been together ever since.

You ran over to him and kissed him. "Whatever was going to happen tonight would be perfect and unforgettable." You thought. That's when you realized that the place he lead you to was the exact place you had met Ammon at. He had set up a little picnic with all of your favorite foods.

Once you were done eating you noticed it was dark. "Right on time" Ammon says. "What is" you were cut off by a loud noise. Just then fireworks lit up the night sky. "Oh Ammon" you said. You had always wanted to go on a firework date, but you didn't think you'd ever told him that. But with Ammon you didn't have to. Somehow he always knew what you wanted and what would make you happy.

The next firework that went off was in the shape of a heart.  Ammon leaned over and gave you  passionate kiss. "I love you" he says "I requested that firework just for you- and only you. Forever" "you're absolutely amazing Ammon. Tonight was perfect. Thank you" you say, kissing him again. You lean into his shoulder with him wrapping both his arms around you, and you continue to watch the firework show in pure bliss.

Sorry I haven't posted here for a while I've been working on my other story Summer Breeze! take a look at that if you haven't already  I wrote this one for my friend Alyssa. Thank you for reading! Ilyasm!!!

Vote*Comment*Fan- Mrysa:)

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