Patch~ Kid in a Candy Shop

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        You were going over to your boyfriend, Patch’s’ house for a movie night. It was 6:30 and you were supposed to arrive at 7 o’clock on the dot. You were already ready to go, having been anxious for tonight all day. Tonight was the first time in a while that you got to be with Patch, and only Patch. You wanted to make it special, so you decided to stop by the local candy shop and pick up some candy for the movie.

                Wandering the isles for a few minutes, you couldn’t decide what to pick. In one hand you had a bag of Skittles, which you knew would make Patch happy. But you also were craving chocolate covered strawberries, as the store makes them fresh daily. Finally, you settled on getting both items, along with a few other choice snacks. 

                While you were making your decision you had failed to notice the store becoming unusually crowded. Upon further inspection you realize that there are a ton of teenage girls squirming all over the store like little ants. “What…” you began as your words trail off upon hearing the cause of all the commotion.  “Patch is here??” you think as you quickly scramble following his voice. “Girls, girls, calm down. I’ve only got time to take a few pictures, I really better be going. I’ve got to be somewhere at 7 and I haven’t even got what I came for” You hear him say as he’s trying to please his fans the best he could. That’s when he looked up and noticed you.

                “Camry!” he shouts across the store. You quickly make your way towards him, weaving in and out of the teenage mess. The girls must have realized because they soon began to disperse, and you can see the disappointment in their eyes. “Camry I missed you so much” Patch says as he pulls you into a tight hug, something you hadn’t realized you missed so much until now. “What are you doing here?” he asks you. “I could say the same thing to you! I figured we would need some snacks for the movie” you quietly reply. Patch takes your items from your hand and smiles. “Ah just what I wanted. Skittles!”  Taking a strawberry from its package, he gives you a bite. After finishing the rest himself, he leans in and gives you a peck on the lips. “I love you, you know that right?” “I do Patch. And I love you too”. You take your items back from him and you both head to the register hand in hand, ready for the movie.

Thanks for reading!! This one was written for my friend Camry! I hope you enjoyed this "sweet" read hahaha. No? Okay. I think I'm funny. Keep reading!

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