Chapter Four

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Sorry if this chapter is a little bit dead, it's not too exciting but I assure you it will be very soon!

Chapter Four: Aboard the Hogwarts Express

Living with Eowyn's family was most definitely interesting. They had two rooms rented at the Leaky Cauldron so I got to stay in the room with Eowyn and her younger sister Maeve. Those two never stopped. I don't even think they slept. If I didn't sleep a few feet away from Eowyn at Hogwarts I would have been convinced. I went to bed every night first and woke up to see that they were ready for the day. I did love their parents though. Niamh and Liam were great, they didn't ask any questions as why I was staying with them.


It was unbelievable the difference between the girls and their parents. I couldn't get over it, but then again I was nothing like my parents. Jake had written me and it arrived at the window this morning. Surprisingly Mia had delivered the letter. I began getting worried about her because she had travelled over with Jake and during the fire catastrophe I had totally forgotten about her. I was so relieved when I heard the pecking against the glass and saw her on the window sill. The letter was just Jake wondering where I was and if anything bad had happened to me. He also said that they looked for me but I was nowhere to be seen. I quickly wrote back that I was totally fine and I was with Eowyn, and that I would meet up with him on the train.


Mia was back quickly and I rushed her to the cage. It was finally the day I boarded the Hogwarts train. Thank Merlin. Eowyn and Maeve were already downstairs waiting for me as I gathered my last few items. I wasn't even late this time, they were just early and eager to go. My trunk was all set to go and Mia was a bit of a struggle to settle down in her cage, but I gave her a treat and the feathers stopped flapping. Grabbing the latest copy of the daily prophet I looked it over once more. The Dark Mark was lit in the sky on the front cover.


I read over the article and it was a scare from You-Know-Who's followers who were called Death Eaters. I wanted to hear the real story from that night and everything that happened. Finally I shoved everything in my bag and rushed down stairs that both were eating ice cream already. "Come on Carlie, car's waiting," Eowyn said. "We need to get there early so we can get the best seats."


It's not a long drive from the Leaky Cauldron to Kings Cross Station, when we arrived it was crowded with wizards who actually did blend in very well with the muggles. I was glad to get out of the car because Maeve wouldn't stop talking about how nervous yet excited she was for Hogwarts. She kept saying she better be in Slytherin or she'd be furious. I remember how nervous Eowyn was on the day of sorting. Yet I don't know why, there is no way their parents would ever get angry if they weren't in Slytherin. It was something they put upon themselves.


Going through the barrier was always interesting. It was so weird how I ran at a brick wall and then I was in a completely different room. There I stood in front of the Hogwart's Express once again. After thanking Liam and Niamh, I followed Eowyn onto the train leaving Maeve to say her goodbyes to her parents. "Hurry before she can follow us!" Eowyn called to me and picked up the pace. I laughed.


"Come on, Eowyn," I said to her with a small laugh, "She doesn't know anyone else, remember you had Dasha?" Eowyn turned to me and gave me a look.

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